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 Rep: 217 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Mikkamakka wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Axl saying fans weren't ready for GNR in 2002 is a lame cop out. The only person who wasn't ready was Axl, and like Elmir pointed out, he still isn't ready. There was a huge buzz at the time, and all this "freak" shit is just hindsight talking. It didn't happen so its safe for people to say why it didn't happen. If we're in 2010 and the album still isn't out, people will have a list of excuses as to why this version of the band didn't do it either.

We're in 2007, and the high point for this band is still Madagascar at Rio in 2001. Would the album have sold back then? Abso-fucking-lutely.

Axl missed his big chance in 2001. His Rio peformance (mostly Madagascar and The Blues) was great, he had his huge comeback with the 'almost secret' HOB and RIR show. He fucked up the whole thing because the album wasn't done or Axl wasn't ready. He's nuts to miss such an opportunity... Goldstein saw the potential, booked a European tour then Axl canceled it for bullshit reasons. 2002 still had potential, but except BH the whole band sounded shit. 2006 with the leaks was the last chance as I see it. Axl's only chance is a very-very strong first single and a great but not overproduces album. The later will be the problem. On the other hand it'll impossible for them to hypte the album without Axl speaking a lot, doing interviews etc., because nobody's interested in the other guys and I doubt they'll be free to talk about anything EVER.

BTW the fanbase is thining. The know nothing about the band. since they lost interest. Yesterday an old member popped up @ the Hungarian GN'R board. We haven't seen him since 2003. He asked what happened since then, because he didn't have Internet and when he logged in somewhere else, wasn't interested enough to search for news. Believe me, besides some internet freaks, nobody cares. Axl has to build up the whole thing again. If he didn't have the name, his album wouldn't sell much better than Baz's.

 Rep: 287 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Aussie wrote:

Unfortunately, as I think someone else said, those 300,000+ myspace friends are probably just going to illegally download CD when it comes out.

The music industry is struggling badly at the moment, and IMHO a lot of people nowadays (particularly younger people) seem to think it's their right to just illegally download stuff and never pay for it.  Throw into the mix the fact that GN'R/Axl has screwed the fans around royally for a number of years now - I'm sure many people will think "F you I'm just gonna illegally download this as payback".

 Rep: 53 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

elmir wrote:
Aussie wrote:

"F you I'm just gonna illegally download this as payback".

he should be lucky if people feel that way, becuase that means that those fans still feel something towards gnr....and eventually they may just buy a ticket for a show or two....

sadly, i think the reaction will be more like "hey did you get the new gnr album? can i copy it? i couldn't be bothered to download, but if you have it, i'll take it"

which is not good.

 Rep: 287 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Aussie wrote:
elmir wrote:
Aussie wrote:

"F you I'm just gonna illegally download this as payback".

he should be lucky if people feel that way, becuase that means that those fans still feel something towards gnr....and eventually they may just buy a ticket for a show or two....

sadly, i think the reaction will be more like "hey did you get the new gnr album? can i copy it? i couldn't be bothered to download, but if you have it, i'll take it"

which is not good.

Yeah true - some sort of emotion other than indifference is probably a good sign.  When people stop giving a shit either way what happens - then you're gorn!

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Sky Dog wrote:

Simply put, no one on this board is an industry expert (myself included obviously) and no one on this board has heard ALL of the material recorded during the Chinese Democracy sessions. We are really pretty clueless as to how the public will react to one of the most unique projects in rock and roll history. I still PERSONALLY think all he needs is a kickass rockin' first single and a nice ballad to follow, and they will do fine. At least good enough to put out a second record which is all I care about. If he completed four albums worth of material, I want to hear all of it at some point and don't care about how I get it!:mosh::mosh:

 Rep: 485 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Neemo wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

I'm pretty sure the album could still sell well if marketed right (and it sounds like Axl's pushing for that... according to some rumors..)

and the correct way to "market" these days is to set a purchasing price of $9.99 or even lower (in store not online)

a cheap CD will boost sales numbers drastically, people will be like holy fuck only $10....damn thats worth a listen, then blam even causal fans will be buying it

 Rep: 664 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

James wrote:

If Axl is sitting around trying to brainstorm ideas on how to make this a big seller, then its never coming out.  If Axl would wake up from his nostalgic dreams, he would understand the purpose of a cd's existence has changed since the last time he released an album. In his prime, a tour was the main thing(other than airplay) that promoted your album. Now, the main purpose of your album is to help promote your tour and sell merch. Big fucking difference. Even though albums don't sell like they used to, it lets people know you are back and mean business, and that they can go check the music out when you hit their area. Axl thinks you can tour behind an album released when I was in junior high. Hell, even the Stones release albums for their tours. Those albums don't sell alot, but it gives extra promo for their tours.

Even if this album is a hundred times better than Dark Side of the Moon, its not going to sell. That isn't the role of cds anymore. He needs to realize this is the 21st century. If he is so concerned about sales, he should have released this thing when he first mentioned the album instead of waiting 10 years for the industry to change.

If Axl wonders why he has trouble establishing GNR as a solidified touring band in the states, he needs to see what album he is touring behind.

 Rep: 9 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

Seven wrote:
elmir wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

Key moment to release it was fall 2002 weeks after the VMA's, and the last good chance it had was immediately after the 2006 leaks.

Nothing will ever bring interest in the album like it would've had in years past.

the same feeling can be achieved again with one simple thing.....another 4-5 year gap of absolute silence....

does keep him from being over saturated  BUT we are moving perilously close to Brian Wilson irrelevance not irreverence. There is a point when the people who remember just don't care anymore however that said I think that story plays out more int he US than anywhere else... You are talking a huge global draw.

 Rep: 633 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 30 

Re: How will the delays effect C.D.'s sales?

sandman wrote:

i think the delays will have minimal effect on sales. in fact, it's the delays themselves that have raised overall awareness of the CD. there hasn't been anything going on in months, yet there are still articles being written about it, and people asking about it. IF it's ever released, it will be big news and alot of buzz will be created.

some rock albums still sell very well. the critical factor isn't promotion, it's having good "pop" rock singles that get played frequently on the radio. songs that people of all demographics want to hear regularly. IF that happens, then the album will sell.

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