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 Rep: 70 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Naltav wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Besides if you want to see a 24/7 cheer squad for GNR there is already a site that caters for that market.

I'm there as well! Imagine that! Wanting to visit a site were people are positive and happy about a band I love...

A lot of things can be said about the way Jarmo runs is his site.
But it is usually up to date with the latest happenings...

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I'd be interested to see the band follow more of the NIN or Radiohead style model of doing their own thing - since Axl seems to prefer that way in general.

What indication is there that he prefers it that way? I would say its the exact opposite...the less material he has to release, the better.

I should rephrase. What I mean is Axl's shown dissatisifaction with doing things the traditional way, being creating according to an album cycle, working on their timeframes, doing promo and the whole bit. In fact to me, all of GNR, from the chinese democracy album right down to converting the original band members to employees, to the late starts to anything else says Axl likes to do things his own way.

I'm pretty sure from varioud interviews he also didn't get on too well with the label during the CD saga, and various producers and A+R guys and whatever.

He seems happy touring his own way - like the asian shows. So i'd be interested to see if he was free from the machine so to speak - how he'd act on some of the other business models. Like a crowd funded dvd or something - like take pre orders for a live dvd to pay for production - then film the shows and put it out. Stuff like that. Maybe it's not his way but he's always struck me as a guy who didnt like to be told what to do, from fans, labels, cops or anyone - so in a way the new internet models should be right up his alley.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Mikkamakka wrote:

If he was 'free', he would never release new stuff in his remaining life time. It still can be the case under a contract though.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

CD, despite ending up a good album, is the clusterfuck of all rock albums. When you listen to it, it almost comes across as a man who doesn't want to work or can't phoning it in, because he got a bug up his ass in 1999 or a pile of bills, and decided to take another run at it.

I disagree with that, the last thing it comes across as to me as is an album from a person who doesn't care. To me it's almost the opposite, it's almost like it's over thought, there's so many layers, and many of the songs have an almost inability to choose between ideas.

Take IRS. It had the robin solo over the scream. Then bucket did a cooler solo over the scream. Was the first solo discarded? No. Now there's two solos. For the record I think that was a good call as I like how the song works with both and it would be a shame to loose one, so i'm not knocking it, but it does speak volumes about how lots of the process went down. There's tons of parts, and usually something is added not removed.

Likewise several of the songs have kind of confusion about what style they are in, although i'm sure it was done intentionally. But say better - the song launches in one way - then a minute or two in it's nothing like the rest.

Anyway, I don't think it's phoned in, but I think Axl clearly alternated from confidence in the project to doubts and back again many times over the years, and I wouldn't be surprised if his muse came and left from time to time causing additional delays.

Axlin08 wrote:

It saddens me, but I wonder if Axl blew his creative load on UYI and that's it.

I'm not sure, I think it's clearly Axl who writes the awesome ballads, like breakdown, november rain and so on. Then his other gift is adding amazing parts and vocals to others songs. The stuff izzy brought in, or Slash bought in....and I think maybe what's happened is there's just less amazing stuff comming in for him to work with.

If you think about chinese, it's some obvious Axl ballads - TIL and TWAT and then some frameworks from guys like huge that axl has axilified just as he used to do izzy's stuff - and i think it turned out great - I really love the album.

But i think maybe rather than Axl being done creatively, he's just not getting the calaber of good input that he used to get to work with. But who knows. We cant know with out being part of his personal life and seeing what he does musically alone or at home or whatever.

But to me in a way CD axl is doing more creatively, cos he runs every part through his filter, and he's doing synths and whatever else and overseeing everything more than he would have been able to in the original band.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

monkeychow wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

If he was 'free', he would never release new stuff in his remaining life time. It still can be the case under a contract though.

You could be 100% right I don't know, but I just wonder if part of the delays and stuff come from him not liking to take orders from people. Take the vanish after CD came out. Was that because the label droped the ball, or was that because Axl went AWOL, or some combination? We can't know. I feel the label did handle the release poorly (eg my local store didn't even know it was due) - but at the same time I suspect Axl punished them for something that upset him by going awol as well.

I'm just saying, he seems content touring when it's his people that sort it out. It would be interesting to see if he would ever release other products the same way.

I could see it going either way. On one hand - if he could micromanage the whole process and  thus had eveything his own way some of the dispiutes and impediments to product would surely be removed, but then again conversly, I guess there would be no one hastling him to work either. So i think you'd either see no GNR stuff at all, or a huge increase in content. Given they're under contract we may never know!
I just wonder if the pressure from the business side of things, to reunite, to release or whatever, hasn't just made him more stuborn to do the opposite.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Aussie wrote:
Naltav wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Besides if you want to see a 24/7 cheer squad for GNR there is already a site that caters for that market.

I'm there as well! Imagine that! Wanting to visit a site were people are positive and happy about a band I love...

A lot of things can be said about the way Jarmo runs is his site.
But it is usually up to date with the latest happenings...

Yeah there is usually up to date stuff on tours and stuff like that.  But in my experience there is often whole topics or happenings that never existed according to that site as well.

Things like leaked tracks never offically existed for ages according to them, Merck's letter etc etc.  So we need other sites like this one to fill in the gaps if you want a more rounded view of what's going on in GNR land.

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Sky Dog wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

If he was 'free', he would never release new stuff in his remaining life time. It still can be the case under a contract though.

You could be 100% right I don't know, but I just wonder if part of the delays and stuff come from him not liking to take orders from people. Take the vanish after CD came out. Was that because the label droped the ball, or was that because Axl went AWOL, or some combination? We can't know. I feel the label did handle the release poorly (eg my local store didn't even know it was due) - but at the same time I suspect Axl punished them for something that upset him by going awol as well.

I'm just saying, he seems content touring when it's his people that sort it out. It would be interesting to see if he would ever release other products the same way.

I could see it going either way. On one hand - if he could micromanage the whole process and  thus had eveything his own way some of the dispiutes and impediments to product would surely be removed, but then again conversly, I guess there would be no one hastling him to work either. So i think you'd either see no GNR stuff at all, or a huge increase in content. Given they're under contract we may never know!
I just wonder if the pressure from the business side of things, to reunite, to release or whatever, hasn't just made him more stuborn to do the opposite.

My world is simple, since 1994, the Gnr brand has officially released 15 original recordings/songs. 16 years-15 songs....with that track record, I don't expect things to change much. He is still under contract with Geffen/Uni just like he has been in the past...why would anything change now?

 Rep: 70 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Naltav wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Naltav wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Besides if you want to see a 24/7 cheer squad for GNR there is already a site that caters for that market.

I'm there as well! Imagine that! Wanting to visit a site were people are positive and happy about a band I love...

A lot of things can be said about the way Jarmo runs is his site.
But it is usually up to date with the latest happenings...

Yeah there is usually up to date stuff on tours and stuff like that.  But in my experience there is often whole topics or happenings that never existed according to that site as well.

Things like leaked tracks never offically existed for ages according to them, Merck's letter etc etc.  So we need other sites like this one to fill in the gaps if you want a more rounded view of what's going on in GNR land.

Very true!

But I doubt even the most frequent posters over there were clueless about the existence of leaked material.

But I'm cool with Jarmo not wanting promote it on his site. Regardless of his motives for doing so...

In hindsight, I wish I never downloaded the leaks I did! And will try my best to ignore it if it happens again...

But yeah, we do need good alternatives like this one!

 Rep: 386 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Bono wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Personally, I've been checking out updates, pics, videos etc etc on HTGTH or mygnr lately.

There are limits to how interesting discussing if DJ is ripping of or imitating Slash can be...

The relaxed moderators in here have all kinds of positive sides to it. But it do seem to attract some people who thrive on confrontations and negative things happening to Axl/GNR... Ergo the current silent downtime.

Olorin wrote:

When an incident happens, its something different and worth voicing an opinion on.
If you think the diehard fans your rolling your eyes at wouldnt be in here like fly's on shite, if GNR played a new song, released a video, uploaded live footage or live audio, gave proper interview, released the approved artwork, launched a website or mentioned the elusive 2nd album in a direct manner, instead of throwing a smokescreen around the subject when its mentioned - then yer aff yer heid!

Of course they would be here like flies on shit!

If gnr played or released a new song they would complain about how great Slash would sound on it or that DJ is OBVIOUSLY cut and pasted in on an OBVIOUSLY 10 yrs old tune!

If they released a video they would complain about how FUCKED UP it is that after all these years we only get a live-shots-only-video!

If they uploaded/released live video footage they would complain about what a rip of it is cause we've seen the setlist hundreds of times on boots!

If they mentioned the elusive 2nd album they would prolly complain about...ehhh...let me see.. NO WAIT! That would prolly work!

This is such fucking bullshit Naltav. The only one complaining here is you complaining about what you think others will complain about.  So fucking what if they played a new song and somebody said how great Slash would sound on it. At least they´re discussing it. Like it or not Slash and Gn´R are joined at the hip so get over it. Also it´s not about certain diehards thriving off the negative shit. It´s like others have said, yourself included there´s only so many times you can discuss incident free stuff. That´s just a fact of life. When things go off without a hitch it gets less attention. It´s like the really good kid in school who goes about his business, is never late, gets good grades, never gets into trouble,  nobody remebers that kid but we all remember the shit disturbers and there´s more to discuss when reminiscing about them. Same goes for Gn´R or any band. Controversial subject matter will ALWAYS garner more attention and not just form thsoe who "thrive" off it as you put it.  It´s just staright up common sense dude and not some ploy by certain members to pounce only when shit hits the fan

 Rep: 70 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Naltav wrote:
Bono wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Personally, I've been checking out updates, pics, videos etc etc on HTGTH or mygnr lately.

There are limits to how interesting discussing if DJ is ripping of or imitating Slash can be...

The relaxed moderators in here have all kinds of positive sides to it. But it do seem to attract some people who thrive on confrontations and negative things happening to Axl/GNR... Ergo the current silent downtime.

Olorin wrote:

When an incident happens, its something different and worth voicing an opinion on.
If you think the diehard fans your rolling your eyes at wouldnt be in here like fly's on shite, if GNR played a new song, released a video, uploaded live footage or live audio, gave proper interview, released the approved artwork, launched a website or mentioned the elusive 2nd album in a direct manner, instead of throwing a smokescreen around the subject when its mentioned - then yer aff yer heid!

Of course they would be here like flies on shit!

If gnr played or released a new song they would complain about how great Slash would sound on it or that DJ is OBVIOUSLY cut and pasted in on an OBVIOUSLY 10 yrs old tune!

If they released a video they would complain about how FUCKED UP it is that after all these years we only get a live-shots-only-video!

If they uploaded/released live video footage they would complain about what a rip of it is cause we've seen the setlist hundreds of times on boots!

If they mentioned the elusive 2nd album they would prolly complain about...ehhh...let me see.. NO WAIT! That would prolly work!

This is such fucking bullshit Naltav. The only one complaining here is you complaining about what you think others will complain about.  So fucking what if they played a new song and somebody said how great Slash would sound on it. At least they´re discussing it. Like it or not Slash and Gn´R are joined at the hip so get over it. Also it´s not about certain diehards thriving off the negative shit. It´s like others have said, yourself included there´s only so many times you can discuss incident free stuff. That´s just a fact of life. When things go off without a hitch it gets less attention. It´s like the really good kid in school who goes about his business, is never late, gets good grades, never gets into trouble,  nobody remebers that kid but we all remember the shit disturbers and there´s more to discuss when reminiscing about them. Same goes for Gn´R or any band. Controversial subject matter will ALWAYS garner more attention and not just form thsoe who "thrive" off it as you put it.  It´s just staright up common sense dude and not some ploy by certain members to pounce only when shit hits the fan

No, it's not bullshit.

People who thrive on negative things happening to Axl/GNR don't have much to say when things are good. When bad shit happens they come out guns blazing. Mostly to justify their resentment for their favourite ex-member quiting the band over a decade ago or because Axl continued on with the GNR banner.
Other sites are full of posts about the shows and current events.

You "complained":

Bono wrote:

Ummmm..... it´s been almost 2 full days since anyone posted in the main GnR section..... WTF?

So a little a while ago, you were all like WTF? about the silence and now you got it all figured out? Maybe you should think shit through next time before posting?

But hey! Someone suggested this site should merge the tour section with the main section and some of us agreed with it! And now it is!
So something positive came out of your less than thought through post!

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