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 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Aussie wrote: … ero-makers

Axl Rose is suing Activision Blizzard Inc, the owner of the hit video game Guitar Hero, has exclusively learned.

Axl is suing the company for over $20 million dollars for fraud, breach of contract and unjust enrichment, among others claims.

COURT DOCUMENTS: Axl Rose Suing Guitar Hero Makers

In the court filing, Rose sates that he is the majority owner of the trademarks and licensing associated with the band.

Axl has an issue with Guitar Hero III using "Welcome To The Jungle" without his permission.

In the legal documents, Rose states, that there was an agreement to use the song for Guitar Hero III, but "Activision breached the contract when it released GH III which prominently features Slash imagery in direct connection with the use of "Welcome to the Jungle," exploits the prior association between Slash and Guns N' Roses, promotes Slash's and VR's (Velvet Revolver) separate interests and includes VR tracks as available downloads, all of which was and is directly contrary to the contractual obligations of Defendants."

Rose is seeking at least $20 million dollars in damages, punitive damages and other associated costs.

Link to the actual court document: … %20doc.pdf

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Aussie wrote:

I didn't realise he actually agreed to have Welcome to the Jungle in the game.  When he first talked about this issue online I thought it must have been a situation where he didn't authorise the use of Jungle.

If that's the case it seems like he might really be clutching at straws.  As for "exploiting the prior association between Slash and GUns N' Roses", suing for that???  Slash has a writing credit on that song he is well within his rights to have his image associated with it.

Makes me think that Axl gave the green light for WTTJ thinking Guitar Hero would make about as big a impact as Grand Tourismo or whatever the fuck his voice was in.  GH sales then went ballistic, with Slash's involvement probably really helping kick it along too.  Axl having missed the boat now wants to try and profit from it after the horse has bolted.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

buzzsaw wrote:

What a tard.

 Rep: 84 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

jamester wrote:

"promotes Slash's and VR's (Velvet Revolver) separate interests "

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

What a tard.

Sums it up perfectly. 16:haha::haha:

 Rep: 386 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

What a tard.

Sums it up perfectly. 16:haha::haha:

Yup 14

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Aussie wrote:

It's actually classic reading that lawsuit.  Makes me wonder if part of it was written by a fan.  It had me laughing at times.

I thought these were funny statements in there:

Despit the fact that Slash has had nothing to do with Guns N' Roses' ongoing popularity and success since 1996...

Oh rly?

Rose and Guns N' Roses pursue a forward-looking outlook rather than one that dwells on the past


No other rock song could prefectly capture this transformative spirit and Faustian bargain theme of GH III than "Welcome to the Jungle".  The song itself is about the struggle to overcome in a figurative jungle where "you can taste the bright lights but you won't get them for free" and the ambition that "if you got a hunger for what you see you'll take it eventually"

Kudos for them on actually getting some WTTJ lyrics into the lawsuit.

On February 14th 2010 Guns N' Roses played a Valentines Show at The Rose Bar at the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York city.  Tim Riley from Activison was in attendance and approached Rose after the show.  In tears, he apologized for the way in which Rose and Guns N' Roses had been mistreated by Activision.  He said "I can't sleep at night" and asked Rose to forgive him.

He cried - WTF?

Riley sought to reassure Rose, through his representative Beta Lebeis, that in no uncertain terms, if given the authorisation to use Welcome to the Jungle in GH III, no VR related material would be included and no Slash imagery would be used at all, let alone in association with Guns N' Roses and Welcome to the Jungle.

In numerous conversations occuring in May of 2007, Riley reassured and represented that none of the rumours Rose was reading on the internet regarding the planned use of Slash and VR in GH III were true. For example, in one conversation Riley flatly denied the rumours stating "Come on Beta, you know you can't believe everything you read on the internet".

While the form and substance of these conversations may have occasionally varied the central message and operative language used did not.  Riley "guaranteed" that provided Rose agreed to approve Activision's use of "Welcome to the Jungle", there would be no use of Welcome to the Jungle and no VR in GH III.

Finally re the quote above, if what Axl claims is true and clearly this was a big issue for him why the fuck would you not get this shit in writing first.  Any dumb fuck with even half an ounce of business acumen would have got Activision to put in writing their assurances re. Slash's image, VR songs etc. 

Look I laugh at this lawsuit etc but if what Axl claims may actually be true then it's fucked up what they did to him.  BUT as I and others have said for years now, Axl really needs to start getting some professionals running the business side of things for him rather than family, friends and amateurs.  If these negotiations had been handled by professionals and all this was in writing not based on "conversations" between Beta and Acitivsion, the lawsuit would have been a slam dunk for him.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Bono wrote:

this is insanely embarassing for Axl Rose. It's pathetic and I think it clearly shows he has some serious mental issues. He is in essence trying to wipe all record of Slash off the face of this earth. Like he's trying to convince the world he didn't exist and that his new band is responsible for  Gn'R success. he needs help. Either he's just naturally mentally sick or the leaches that surround him have severly poisoned his mind.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Finally re the quote above, if what Axl claims is true and clearly this was a big issue for him why the fuck would you not get this shit in writing first.  Any dumb fuck with even half an ounce of business acumen would have got Activision to put in writing their assurances re. Slash's image, VR songs etc. 

Look I laugh at this lawsuit etc but if what Axl claims may actually be true then it's fucked up what they did to him.  BUT as I and others have said for years now, Axl really needs to start getting some professionals running the business side of things for him rather than family, friends and amateurs.  If these negotiations had been handled by professionals and all this was in writing not based on "conversations" between Beta and Acitivsion, the lawsuit would have been a slam dunk for him.

pretty much my feelings on the subject...I deal with binding contracts on a daily basis and first rule of thumb is to get it in writing, i am the type of person that likes to talk to someone on the phone or face to face, but when the conversation is over its a trip to the email machine and i put it in writing...and email is at a point now where an email is as good as a signature, if i send an email and nobody responds, the protocol is that what was in the email is binding

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Aussie wrote:

Exactly Neemo, it's not even difficult particularly as you say with email these days.

You are on the phone to Tim Riley from Activision and he gives you all the assurances about the GNR name, Slash avatars, VR songs etc.  You then say, "that's great Tim now if you can just send me an email summarising  what you have just told me, then once we get that Axl will sign the release forms for the song".

It's not hard!

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