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Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: I just finished school

Axl S wrote:

My only thought is wow. That's only seventeen years of my life gone and yet it feels huge. And I know this is just the start of a bunch of other stuff.

My reason for making this thread was if anyone else wanted to share their feelings about their final day in the school system.

 Rep: 485 

Re: I just finished school

Neemo wrote:


by 17 years i assume you graduated Highschool? you goin to college?

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: I just finished school

Axl S wrote:

Yeah. After the summer I will be studying Computer Science at the University of St Andrews.

 Rep: 485 

Re: I just finished school

Neemo wrote:

university is where the fun begins big_smile

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: I just finished school

Axl S wrote:

Well today we spent the afternoon getting high in the park right next to our school but yes I've heard Uni is like a whole other world.

 Rep: 13 

Re: I just finished school

strat0 wrote:

Haha that sounds like life at my school. I still have three more years to get where you are tho hmm  (Class of 2012)
And no I'm not one of the ones who goes and gets high in the park down the road from our school.

 Rep: 268 

Re: I just finished school

Olorin wrote:

Congratulations!! Get yourself a summer job and save all the money you can for Uni, then you can afford to party hard. First year is great fun!

I got kicked out of school at 15. I actually calmed right down behaviour wise when I was out of that environment and gained some common sense. I started college at 20 years old, kept at it and graduated uni at 25.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: I just finished school

Stupid rest of the country with their schools ending in May. I'm done with APs and allt he hard stuff but still have to show up for another month. But congrats!

 Rep: 661 

Re: I just finished school

monkeychow wrote:

Well...I think it was 14 years ago I finished school...but my memory of it is that it was a hell hole and it's awesome to be out of that dump!!! So congrats!

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: I just finished school

Congrats, I did the same thing four years ago. Uni's a blast compared to school, I'm about to graduate (hopefully) and if I could do uni all over again I would, in a heartbeat. So enjoy the summer, save some cash and count the days until September 22

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