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 Rep: 16 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

dave-gnfnr wrote:

Ali just proved my point no matter the proof, he will claim its fake.
And the reason there are multiple emails is probably because its a email chain. You do use email right  Ali? You write to someone, they write back, that is TWO emails, you write back to them that is THREE.

That is most likely why there are parts 1 2 3 etc because its a back and forth email.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

There's actually a good reason to think it could be faked because IT COULD BE FAKED when its just screenshots of the emails. And every GNR fan who's been around has seen people fake stuff before. I understand where Ali's coming from.

 Rep: 16 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

dave-gnfnr wrote:

You and Ali just prove what I have been saying, it does not matter how much proof you get, some of you jarmoites will claim its not real proof or that its fake.

I just find it amusing  you are mired in denile

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

Jesus Christ....


And if you knew anything about us, you'd know I am far from a "jarmoite."

Mired in denail... Jesus roll

Try that we've been around for years and have seen people pull this kind of shit before. Even making fake scanned magazine articles/interviews and very elaboratly placing them in real magazines. That's just one among several attempts of pretty elaborate fakes.

And I have seen people who believe anything negative just because its negative, no matter how ridiculous and obvious the fake evidence is.

 Rep: 41 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Ali wrote:
misterID wrote:

There's actually a good reason to think it could be faked because IT COULD BE FAKED when its just screenshots of the emails. And every GNR fan who's been around has seen people fake stuff before. I understand where Ali's coming from.

I think he has some legit files or correspondence. But I also he think he is either embellishing some things or taking them out of context or outright lying about them. If someone is unethical enough to try to profit off of stolen correspondence and documents, they're unethical enough to embellish or lie.

Thanks misterID. Glad someone understands my point. Just giving food for thought and playing devil's advocate.



Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

ppp wrote:

I question any information that's given as rumor. It has nothing to do with love for Axl or Jarmo or whatever. People lie.

I used to believe most things written about Axl, until the one time I was actually lucky enough to speak to Slash. I asked him about the Classic Rock article back in 06 concerning Axl trying to reunite the band in exchange for their control of the catalog (I story I thought for sure was real). He told me it was absolute bs, never happened.

So I'm more of a skeptic now.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slcpunk wrote:

I missed what happened with Ron, can anybody give me the low down?

 Rep: 149 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slcpunk wrote:
johndivney wrote:

van halen fans aren't as smart, good looking or young as gnr fans tho..

haha, when was the last GnR concert you went to? 14

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:
Cramer wrote:
johndivney wrote:

van halen fans aren't as smart, good looking or young as gnr fans tho..

haha, when was the last GnR concert you went to? 14

BBF quotes are page 19-23ish  hopefully somone feels like makin that its own thread....if not ill do it and ask fer a stiky & a cookie when i get back & have time

 Rep: 149 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slcpunk wrote:

Got it thanks.

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