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 Rep: 485 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Neemo wrote:

congrats russ glad you had a good time!

 Rep: 475 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

misterID wrote:

Very cool Russ!!

Gagarin, glad you had an awesome time too, man.

 Rep: 661 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

monkeychow wrote:

Glad you guys had such fun!

Axl sounds much better than he did at rio. Def seems to be getting back some form. Sounds like a cool show overall.

 Rep: 12 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

rose22 wrote:

shit i thought you could be mine was great. thought he did a great job. was surprised.

 Rep: 633 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

misterID wrote:

That's awesome, dude. Especially seeing Frank is your favorite GN'R drummer smile

And it's way cool Del was nice to you, too. He does get a lot of shit from this board, me included, but everything I hear from his fan interaction he's a good guy.

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Sky Dog wrote:

great pics...Dizzy looks rough!

 Rep: 268 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Olorin wrote:

Great reviews!
Dizzy looks like he hasnt slept for a few nights lol, good on him lol 9

 Rep: 475 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

misterID wrote:

I was going to say that Dizzy looked like a corpse 16

And I think Russ's buddy should be hired by GN'R to take pictures.

 Rep: 287 

Re: November 15 - Chicago, IL - Allstate Arena

Aussie wrote:

Awesome pics.  Dizzy looks like he has been on a week long bender!

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