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 Rep: 53 

Re: The Wrestling thread

slashsfro wrote:

Vince is a fucking moron.  He also wants to develop entertainment stuff on the new WWE network that is supposed to roll out early in the spring of next year.  Most of the people who will watch the network will watch because of the wrestling content not because of their interest in a reality show involving HHH.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Yeah that's it. Ratings are down because of CM Punk.

It could be Del Rio, Miz, Ziggler... roll

Ziggler's actually shown to gain ratings if you look at the past few weeks. Del Rio does kill though, as does Orton surprisingly. Punk usually does okay, as far as I understand the game that night started late and also, as much as I love the guys, Ryder and Bryan probably aren't the draws I wish they were.

Either way it would be stupid to jump the gun and hotshot the title back to one of the established star(s)... I mean Cena. Because that's the problem and why this is happening. When Cena and Orton were coming up they had:
Chris Jericho, Edge, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, later Edge (he had been over for years and just needed the push), Benoit, hell Hogan came back for a while in 05 and others. Now the two established stars that are actually active are Cena & Orton.

They've built no one and unless they're prepared to put people over Cena (they've shown they are almost willing to do it with Orton- put Henry over)
then the only other way to build new stars now is to just give them the ball, let them run with it and put the spotlight on them and since they aren't established ratings are going to drop until they do get more over.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Vince is a fucking moron.  He also wants to develop entertainment stuff on the new WWE network that is supposed to roll out early in the spring of next year.  Most of the people who will watch the network will watch because of the wrestling content not because of their interest in a reality show involving HHH.

I'd actually watch a reality show with Triple H as long as it wasn't like "Hogan Knows best" If it was about his life within the business sure, but not his funny comedy of errors that happen in his daily home life.  Triple H is the only guy on the current roster that I'd even give a shit about if he were in a reality show.

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

The show is awful, it's been the worst it's ever been over the past two years and it wasn't too great before that.

As far as Danielson goes, he's been completely buried and lost every almost every match this year, with the exception of that MITB. PPV buy rates are the worst they ever been, most of weren't headlined by Punk.

You have a TV show with 6 matches each week, including a divas match with 4 random women who never get a reaction competing for on average less than 1 fuckin min 45 secs. The rest of it is filled with twitter promtion every 4 mins. and opens with a freckin Nickleback song.

There's a new champion every 2 months max. Not one of the wrestlers outside Triple H, Randy Orton or Cena ever wins more than 3 matches in a row and they wonder why no one takes any of the other's seriously. Then they also have 5 different title holders (including 2 world champions) appearing on the same shows, in extremely short matches which no one takes seriously.

It's seriously fucked. If anyone seriously needs to know why Punk doesn't get a reaction from the casual fan like he does the "wrestling fan", it's because Triple H spent 2 months burying him after that MITB. He should have been this generations Austin, the "soap opera" people who write the show, just don't give a fuck or no any better.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Vince is a fucking moron.  He also wants to develop entertainment stuff on the new WWE network that is supposed to roll out early in the spring of next year.  Most of the people who will watch the network will watch because of the wrestling content not because of their interest in a reality show involving HHH.

I'd actually watch a reality show with Triple H as long as it wasn't like "Hogan Knows best" If it was about his life within the business sure, but not his funny comedy of errors that happen in his daily home life.  Triple H is the only guy on the current roster that I'd even give a shit about if he were in a reality show.

Wake up, find young up and comer in the ring. Head out to ring, pedigree, dig grave, bury him, leave. Tell the booking staff I'm going over in my match, win world championship, don't put over anyone when losing title. Rinse repeat until I have beaten Flair's record.

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:
Axl S wrote:
Bono wrote:
slashsfro wrote:

Vince is a fucking moron.  He also wants to develop entertainment stuff on the new WWE network that is supposed to roll out early in the spring of next year.  Most of the people who will watch the network will watch because of the wrestling content not because of their interest in a reality show involving HHH.

I'd actually watch a reality show with Triple H as long as it wasn't like "Hogan Knows best" If it was about his life within the business sure, but not his funny comedy of errors that happen in his daily home life.  Triple H is the only guy on the current roster that I'd even give a shit about if he were in a reality show.

Wake up, find young up and comer in the ring. Head out to ring, pedigree, dig grave, bury him, leave. Tell the booking staff I'm going over in my match, win world championship, don't put over anyone when losing title. Rinse repeat until I have beaten Flair's record.

So what. In my opinion he's one of if not the only guy who has been able to genuinely carry a storyline over the past decade.  He's not past it and he's a badass character.   He still gets a huge pop when his music hits, he shouldn't be jobbing to the new scrubs on the roster who can't hold a crowd. untill they find a guy who can legitimately comand the crowd let Triple H carry the ball. As it should be. I sure as fuck don't wanna see Triple H ever jobbing to a  douche like Ziggler.... CM Punk fine but there's so much shit on the roster these days. Triple H isa bright spot for sure.

the problem is the lack of prestige in the belts anymore. Ditch the WWE title(that's dumb as fuck) ditch the United States title if they even have that, and just go with the IC and heavyweight belts.  Then throw all the top level talent for the IC belt on Smackdown and make that show devoted to the IC belt. Do the same with RAW but with the HW talent of that belt.  When guys come to RAW they should be bonifide stars. the way it is now though they arent and the way the program is set up you can't build a star anymore without making him unbeatable.

Stars were created back in the day because they had guys like Brooklyn Brawler to job every week. You'd build your stars by having them beat up guys nobody cares about week after week while working on their character. That opportunity isn't there anymore. It's tough though because going back to that style would be near impossible but without it it's clear its become hard to build a guy. The whole "main event" every week on RAW would be tough to get rid of.

Also they really shoud do more things like Piper's Pit, Barber Shop, Brother Love Show etc etc again but obviously modernized. It's a platform for guys to work their character in front of the crowd without having to jaw back and forth with their rival and have it enevitably lead to Teddy long ro whoever setting up a "6 man tag match" with all rivals involved. Lame cause by the time the PPV rolsl aroudn who cares they'veall already fought anyways.

I do I think the guys booking it and writing it have fucked up big time but in their defense I haven't seen many interesting charcters come in the last 10 years. A guy like RVD, super atheletic guy fun to watch but his talent on the mic sucks and people bitch that he was booked wrong in WWE but the guy sucked at carrying and building a  storyline..... that's just one example of a talented guy just not having "IT" and it's an example that this has been going on for longer thana  few years.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:

I never said once that Triple H was poor in the ring, poor on the mic or couldn't carry a storyline. All I was saying he has possibly gone over TOO often in the past. And Ziggler out of the current crop is one of the best young guys on the roster and has improved a lot in the past few months on the mic.

The one thing I can see we all agree on and it is, imo, the reason for almost all grievances that have been mentioned in this disucssion: The Booking.

It's focused too much and put over the already established stars for so long now, that they are now struggling to get the new guys over, and because of this they aren't given a chance.

Example: guy like Ziggler, has been described as a complete douche, untalented and been brushed aside as a nothing. He's not been given much of a chance. He rarely gets to talk and he needs a big push with a good storyline in the midcard to become established- problem? THEY DON'T BOOK ANY ANY ANY MIDCARD feuds. A midcard title feud nowadays is

Wrestler A: Wrestler B, you have belt I want your belt.
Wrestler B: It's my belt, you can't beat me.

Whichever one is heel attacks the face a couple of times and then there's a PPV series.

That's it!

Now let's take a fairly recent example of a midcard title feud from a few years back: John Cena Vs Carlito

Cena fights for months trying to gain his first US title and finally does at WMXX. After Carlito beats him on his debut for the belt. Cena has a rematch inevitably, Cena gets stabbed in a club, they get given decent time to go back and forth on the mic. This helps to eventually push Cena through the midcard to Main Event, where he goes on to win a tournament and faces JBL for the WWE Title at WM21 where he wins. Carlito is also established immediately as serious threat in the midcard (although his lack of sustained push later would eventually ruin him).

This is what they need to do. They need to give their young stars proper pushes in the midcard, have them win their first world titles at big PPVs and go over some of the established stars- otherwise these guys will never be taken seriously.

Counter example: Daniel Bryan. I think he's great and is a phenomenal in-ring talent, BUT they job him out for months and now that they have him cash in a briefcase I'm supposed to take him seriously as a World Champion. Less than a month ago he lost clean to the Intercontinental Champion!

Re: The Wrestling thread

AtariLegend wrote:

I agree with Axl S.

As far as Triple H goes, his career and legacy is a long lne of burials, he isn't one of the most respected wrestlers of all time. He's the Anti Austin/Undertaker. Both of whom who had egos, but they didn't consistently put themselves before everyone else, good for business or not.

In all honestly too, take away 98-01 from HHH and his matches aren't that impressive.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Axl S wrote:
Bono wrote:

So what. In my opinion he's one of if not the only guy who has been able to genuinely carry a storyline over the past decade.  He's not past it and he's a badass character.   He still gets a huge pop when his music hits, he shouldn't be jobbing to the new scrubs on the roster who can't hold a crowd. untill they find a guy who can legitimately comand the crowd let Triple H carry the ball. As it should be. I sure as fuck don't wanna see Triple H ever jobbing to a  douche like Ziggler.... CM Punk fine but there's so much shit on the roster these days. Triple H isa bright spot for sure.

Forgot to write this earlier- THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH HHH. It's in fact a classic example of him not putting people over when he should. WHY THE HELL DID HE NOT JOB TO PUNK.

It made no sense and killed Punk's momentum, and having Nash didn't help.

*Ok rant about HHH over, Merry Christmas everyone! big_smile

 Rep: 386 

Re: The Wrestling thread

Bono wrote:

The difference between guys like Austin and Taker is they were(are in Takers case sorta) on a roster that was loaded with legit superstars. The WWE could afford to allow one of them to get beat by a  new guy and give the new guy a  chance to main event and "get over" In Triple H's case they don't have that luxery anymore cause he's in my opinion one of a very, very few who has the it factor, carry's some weight and comands a crowd. You start having Triple H job to new and up and comers who don't pan out then your'e devalueing Triple H who is the only real legit superstar at the moment. Him, Cena and Taker. That's it. Ortin sure as shit isn't and the rest are too new and don't seemt o ahve "IT" so why put them over. CM PUnk si the closets thing but again if puting him over Triple H doesn'tt work then what?

It's liek how HBK was puting guys overa  ton in his last few years. he was always losing to new talent and in the end it jsut devalued him while no new real talent stepped up to become a legit superstar.

It's so watered down these days and it's clear as day.  I'd be nervous to boo Triple H to be lossing to any of these guys because you don't want to devalue your best guy.... which he is in my opinion.

Also if anything I'd say a lot of this is loyalty to Triple H for what he did at the start of the 2000's. That guy literally carried the WWE on his back when Rock, Austin, HBK, were all out and guys like Taker were only making spot appearances.

the WWE is extremely dull when he's out cause they don't have anyoen else who makes  astory line interesting.  CM Punk kinda but not quit yet in my opinion.

I don't know. It' the booking mixed with a lack of talent and interesting personas.

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