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 Rep: 21 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

madagas wrote: know what, I am resigning myself to lurking in the Gnr section until this RRHOF thing or some type of new music is played/stolen/released whatever. I am at a boiling point with this shit. Like Killingvector said, we are treading water. I am happy that Axl is having fun and is actually out kicking up dust. But, the same old tired arguments are wearing thin.

hang in there, dude. We are all at the same boiling point.

Just let out the steam.

Imagine if the 3rd NY show belts out the same setlist as the first two....christ, I mean, what WAS the point? Has to be money. Has to be.

 Rep: 231 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

-D- wrote:

Gun$ N Ro$e$   hhaha sorry just had to.

 Rep: 475 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

misterID wrote:

It would be real cool if they play together.

But some of this is just silly. Every tour, for any band, is a cash grab.

And I don't knw what it means that I'm not bent out of shape over a setlist.

 Rep: 287 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

Aussie wrote:
Bono wrote:
Dizzy wrote:

"Honestly, we haven't spoken about it. I don't know when or why or how to bring it up. It's not an every day sort of thing. So we haven't really talked about it — but I'm sure we'll have to at some point."

16 That is such fucking bullshit. It's not an everyday thing? You've never spoke to Axl about it? You don't know how to bring it up?  Whtaa  joke. If this is true it really shows how this band, even a guy that's been with Axl for this long, walks around on egg shells when it comes to Axl.  I can't for the life of me thik this topic has never been discussed. Whata  load of bullshit.

That's exactly what I thought.  You have been friends with this dude and in his band for umpteen years but you are too scared to ask him about the details of the RNRHOF.  Grow some fucking balls.

 Rep: 281 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

faldor wrote:
misterID wrote:

It would be real cool if they play together.

But some of this is just silly. Every tour, for any band, is a cash grab.

And I don't knw what it means that I'm not bent out of shape over a setlist.

It's a tough situation.  The band TRIES to do something cool for the fans, by playing these intimate shows in small clubs, yet they still get SLAMMED by some for playing the "same old tired setlist".  There's no joy in Mudville.

As for the topic at hand.  As much as I'd love for this to be true, I wouldn't take this as any sort of confirmation of what is going to happen.  I think it might, and actually think it's likely that ALL inducted members will show up for the ceremony.  But anything can happen over the next 2 months to derail that train.  And something tells me too, that we won't know for certain what exactly is going to happen, or who is going to show up until it's over and done with.

 Rep: 475 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

misterID wrote:

Yeah, like in the other thread, we all wanted these intimate shows. Now it's like, "but they're not playing anything new" from people who wanted the intimate shows.

It's a great sign that people want to hear new music, but I'm not sure that will be enough at the end of the day.

If we get a awesome one off reunion performance, it'll probably not be enough because it doesn't become a tour... Or a full on reunion.

I think there's a very good chance there could be some kind of performance. It would be enough for me to see Axl and Slash bury the hatchet with a hug. And have Slash do a few GN'R shows down the road. That would be awesome in itself. But I can see threads just minutes after the HOF, even after a full on set of the original guys, threads popping up that "there HAS to be a reunion or Axl's career is over," "it's what the world wants," "fuck the new line up," etc.

Fun times. And I'm sure the prospect of that is a real incentive for Axl to do something with the original guys. 16

 Rep: 281 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

faldor wrote:

It'll never be enough for all parties involved.  You can't possibly please everyone.  Fact is, this band is so far behind the 8 ball, and have so much to make up for that there's no way they can win some people back.  Even if they start playing new songs and release a new album, there'll be people complaining that we were supposed to have THREE albums by 2012. 

I get the frustration, things have operated at a snails pace with this band, so it's understandable.  I don't fully understand why people seem so upset with the way things are going, yet they keep following the saga.  I guess their hearts are in the right place and they're hopeful, but the disappointments continue to pile up for them in the meantime.

 Rep: 475 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

misterID wrote:
faldor wrote:

It'll never be enough for all parties involved.  You can't possibly please everyone.  Fact is, this band is so far behind the 8 ball, and have so much to make up for that there's no way they can win some people back.  Even if they start playing new songs and release a new album, there'll be people complaining that we were supposed to have THREE albums by 2012. 

I get the frustration, things have operated at a snails pace with this band, so it's understandable.  I don't fully understand why people seem so upset with the way things are going, yet they keep following the saga.  I guess their hearts are in the right place and they're hopeful, but the disappointments continue to pile up for them in the meantime.

Such a good post. Perfectly said. smile

 Rep: 21 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

faldor wrote:

It'll never be enough for all parties involved.  You can't possibly please everyone.  Fact is, this band is so far behind the 8 ball, and have so much to make up for that there's no way they can win some people back.  Even if they start playing new songs and release a new album, there'll be people complaining that we were supposed to have THREE albums by 2012. 

I get the frustration, things have operated at a snails pace with this band, so it's understandable.  I don't fully understand why people seem so upset with the way things are going, yet they keep following the saga.  I guess their hearts are in the right place and they're hopeful, but the disappointments continue to pile up for them in the meantime.

I don't buy this, if you don't like it, get off the boat argument.

Yes, smaller intimate shows are better for this unit. Not b/c of fan clamoring, but b/c of the 6500 people showing up to these arena shows.

Second, just showing up and replaying the same show over and over and over is boring. They have been working this setlist since South America. Is it really so hard to change it around a little bit? Too hard to play a different cover? Too hard to play a new song? I just don't get the need to continue playing the same setlist three nights in a row in NYC. U2 never does that.

 Rep: 475 

Re: All Original GUNS Members Will Be At ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME

misterID wrote:

You're not going to every show, so why does it matter so much?

People have been wanting smaller venues for years, because people like them. They still make more money off arena shows than theaters.

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