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 Rep: 217 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Mikkamakka wrote:
war wrote:

if i insulted you i am sorry.  and, though i don't think i did and didn't intend to, you are wrong when u say i insulted you first. you insulted bromero first. IMO

and then me, now three times.

1+1=3? Sorry, I lost it. Don't take it as an insult.

Oh, I'm really sorry. Twice as much as you. Twice as sincere as you. wink

Bromero is old enough to defend himself if he feels the need. He doesn't need guards. I'm really sorry if I made a harsh comment after the 743537787th 'Slash got it wrong' comment. No. Those got it wrong who are acting like primadonnas and trying to avoid the HOF ceremony.

 Rep: 108 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

war wrote:

bromero is my nephew and is a child. i'll defend him when appropriate. he's also pretty smart.

 Rep: 217 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Mikkamakka wrote:
war wrote:

bromero is my nephew and is a child. i'll defend him when appropriate. he's also pretty smart.

I'm sorry, but is this a joke? He's too young for any debate and everyday forum life, yet he's posting here? I have no problem with the guy, but next time his mother will come to defend him? Or Beta?

Please. I now know what Duff felt a few years back.

I really welcome newcomers. I really welcome the new generation. But that Slash's 'Axl hates my guts' comment would be the biggest roadblock is plain nonsense. Next time the man who says the world is round makes the world round?

Here is why the HOF reunion will not happen:

1. Axl hates Slash.
2. Axl hates Slash.
3. Axl hates Slash.
4. Axl hates Slash.
5. Axl hates Slash.
6. The Lebeis wouldn't let it happen.
7. Axl thinks it'd damage his current band.
8. Izzy still cannot handle drama. (Yet he causes further drama.)
9. Steven's talking nonsense
10. They are all too chicken to pick up the phone and call Axl, yet they've been waiting for him to call them. Although Axl is in the position of power, so he should do this, he will never.

So it won't happen.
I've never expected it though.

 Rep: 108 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

war wrote:

agreed, we all agree. we all have repeatedly.

as far as bromero, nobody should have to put up with your insults, regardless of age.

i'd stick up for you too if the roles were reversed.

 Rep: 217 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Mikkamakka wrote:
war wrote:

agreed, we all agree. we all have repeatedly.

as far as bromero, nobody should have to put up with your insults, regardless of age.

i'd stick up for you too if the roles were reversed.

Waiting for that to happen.

BTW (and it's really my last post on the subject) how should have I known that he's an infant? The hardcore Axlites are using the same logic. Alright, it was an automatism on my side, but I didn't expect anyone coming here who doesn't know that Axl hates Slash. I've seen plenty of people denying it, but they all knew it. On the other hand your nephew may need more research about the band before he posts.

 Rep: 207 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

DCK wrote:


 Rep: 633 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 207 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

DCK wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
war wrote:

agreed, we all agree. we all have repeatedly.

as far as bromero, nobody should have to put up with your insults, regardless of age.

i'd stick up for you too if the roles were reversed.

Waiting for that to happen.

BTW (and it's really my last post on the subject) how should have I known that he's an infant? The hardcore Axlites are using the same logic. Alright, it was an automatism on my side, but I didn't expect anyone coming here who doesn't know that Axl hates Slash. I've seen plenty of people denying it, but they all knew it. On the other hand your nephew may need more research about the band before he posts.

You got a lot out of this one didn't you, instead of taking my advice and letting it go, you got yourself into what might just be the best discussion I've seen on this forum.

It was THAT good.

 Rep: 108 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

war wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
war wrote:

agreed, we all agree. we all have repeatedly.

as far as bromero, nobody should have to put up with your insults, regardless of age.

i'd stick up for you too if the roles were reversed.

Waiting for that to happen.

BTW (and it's really my last post on the subject) how should have I known that he's an infant? The hardcore Axlites are using the same logic. Alright, it was an automatism on my side, but I didn't expect anyone coming here who doesn't know that Axl hates Slash. I've seen plenty of people denying it, but they all knew it. On the other hand your nephew may need more research about the band before he posts.

good question. you weren't supposed to know. i only brought up his age because you wrongly called him an adult. like i said, i could care less until the insults fly.

 Rep: 108 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

war wrote:

lol dck

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