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 Rep: 475 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

misterID wrote:

I think it was "move on" as in, stop waiting for a reunon. You guys take this stuff wayyyyy to personal. You're turning into the old guys at the coffee shop, bitching about everything. I don't get how Axl can get under your crawl so much, or how you can let him get under your skin like he has.

And D, you're just starting to be a cunt now???? Huh.

16 j/k

 Rep: 475 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

misterID wrote:

FWIW, wanting to release another album doesn't seem to be the problem with Axl right now. It seems the label is the hold up. He keeps bringing it up that he's renegotiationg with them to release it, so until then, there's not much he can do. This definitely doesn't feel like a CD situation hmm

 Rep: 281 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:
faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

shows are becoming as choreographed as an old school N Sync concert.

And you would know this how?  Big N'Synch fan back in the day were you?

Says the Katy Perry fanboy 13

Yes, because liking a girl who I find attractive with big boobs is the equivalent to liking a boy band.  Perfect comparison there.  22

 Rep: 281 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

faldor wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
faldor wrote:

Well it was fun for one day at least to have people NOT bitch about the setlists.

What's the matter?

You don't like hearing the same exact thing over and over? You don't like the sense of repetition when night after night people say and do a copy of what they said and did only a few days prior?

You have more in common with the setlist complainers than you realise 16


I see what you did there.  Pretty clever.

Yeah it is boring to read the same complaints over and over. 

You don't see me coming on here and posting about how great the setlists are every show and how amazing Axl sounds and the band is on point and everything is fantastic.  Unless something different happens, I don't feel the need to point it out.

So why do people feel the need to point out the setlist is the same over and over?  We get it.  We notice it.  We can all read.  I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

Oh, and they played the same setlist again tonight.  So again, go nuts!

 Rep: 386 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

I think it was "move on" as in, stop waiting for a reunon. You guys take this stuff wayyyyy to personal. You're turning into the old guys at the coffee shop, bitching about everything. I don't get how Axl can get under your crawl so much, or how you can let him get under your skin like he has.

And D, you're just starting to be a cunt now???? Huh.

16 j/k

16 wow.  It's you who takes it way too personally because it's you who will never call a  spade a spade. It's hilarious to see you justify this shit. Running to Axl's defense at every turn.  Now you're spinning the whole "move on" thing to justify why Axl refuses to actually move on. I think it's you who's way too personally attached. There's something off about the person who has his head down ass up and continues to say "I'd like to have some more please".

 Rep: 386 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

FWIW, wanting to release another album doesn't seem to be the problem with Axl right now. It seems the label is the hold up. He keeps bringing it up that he's renegotiationg with them to release it, so until then, there's not much he can do. This definitely doesn't feel like a CD situation hmm

Actually Axl is  always the common denominator. he's ALWAYS renegotiating something and it's always somebody else's fault. Where have you been all this time?

 Rep: 107 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

Furbush wrote:

"The label holding him up" is a fucking chickenshit cop out...
He could release anything, at any time... On his own. Just don't call it "Guns N' Roses".

Realistically, it wouldn't be, anyway...
The more I listen to Apocalyptic Love, the more I am convinced that it doesn't matter what you call it...

Whether you call the cup Reese's or not, it's still delicious...

Axl and Slash is like peanut butter and chocolate.... Yeah.. they're pretty good on their own... Chocolate ain't bad with caramel... PB is pretty good with Fluff...
Together... That's magic.
And, yes... I let the little fucker get under my skin. Christ... I worshipped these guys for my entire adolescence... They were better than those other shitty bands... And, now the other shitty bands are making them look like a joke.

 Rep: 217 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

Mikkamakka wrote:

If it's boring to read the 'bitching' about the same setlist (in like 5 seconds) then imagine how boring it is to play the same setlist in 2 and a half hours for 2 years.

On the other hand posting @ a message board isn't supposed to be art. A live show should be.

 Rep: 231 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

-D- wrote:

Right on Mikkamakka. perfectly said!

 Rep: 661 

Re: May 19th Nottingham

monkeychow wrote:

Despite my joke faldor I do agree the negativity does get boring.

I just see them as chicken and the egg.

It's no surprise that the previous show where opinions were like a breath of fresh air was also the same show where the band injected There Was a Time into the setlist.

Next show the band goes back into routine, and so does the public reaction to that routine. That's all I'm saying.

Yes it would be nice if people were more positive, but they need something to be positive about.

As ever I believe the real problem underlying setlist complaints is people's failure to believe there's a real artistic future for GNR. People would have no issue with a classic hits set (actually they'd probably enjoy it) - if there was indication that the band was able to release music with it's current line up from time to time. But sadly it seems the business problems are systemic with this band.

Just look at any other artist...good or bad...they have movement...Metallica 5 albums since 1995, Megadeth 7 albums since 1995, u2 have 4 albums since 1995, Slash has 6 albums...these are the people that were in the same era...

Now I'll grant Axl that he's not done anything bad to my ears, and other bands  have their ups and downs...but the bottom line is....Chinese was a great album...but generally just not enough happens with the band to keep from people feeling a sense of frustration...

Dj has been in the band what 4 years or something now but if you looked at the official released material you wouldn't know he existed at all.

So it's not the setlists's just that it's frustrating when something is as good as GNR is, as talented, when someone has Axl's ability....even if he owes us nothing...and then you spend year after year watching it atrophy and go to waste.

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