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 Rep: 485 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Neemo wrote:

so yeah...locked out

i'm of the opinion of shut up and play

wah the owners make too much...well guess what they are owners thats what they do

the league minimum is $400,000 to play hockey, suck it up for fuck sakes

this lockout is not going to be good for anyone....imo they are still suffering from last time

preseason is cancelled...we'll see how long it goes i guess

 Rep: 633 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

buzzsaw wrote:

I don't even understand how people are blaming the players in this one.  They gave up a lot last time (way more than they wanted to).  The way I see it is the owners are the problem now.  They can't stop signing players to huge, long-term contracts.  They can't agree to share revenues to help the smaller market teams.  All the things they are trying to legislate in are their own fault...why should the players have to bite the bullet again?

If you can't make a profit, get out of the business.  Sell.  Get rid of a couple franchises.  Blaming the players for taking the money offered to them is ridiculous.

 Rep: 23 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Bro-mero wrote:

Just when the Wild start to get good, this happens. Minnesota sports are forever cursed

 Rep: 23 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Bro-mero wrote:

I've heard the lockout will end sometime in between Halloween and Christmas. Thanksgiving being the most likely date

 Rep: 485 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Neemo wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I don't even understand how people are blaming the players in this one.  They gave up a lot last time (way more than they wanted to).  The way I see it is the owners are the problem now.  They can't stop signing players to huge, long-term contracts.  They can't agree to share revenues to help the smaller market teams.  All the things they are trying to legislate in are their own fault...why should the players have to bite the bullet again?

If you can't make a profit, get out of the business.  Sell.  Get rid of a couple franchises.  Blaming the players for taking the money offered to them is ridiculous.

I'm not blaming the players for takin the $$$...but the issue is that they want more profit from the earnings....the league has been raising the cap every players are getting more...and the owners are owners, they became owner's to make $$$, players need to shut up and play hockey

 Rep: 386 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I don't even understand how people are blaming the players in this one.  They gave up a lot last time (way more than they wanted to).  The way I see it is the owners are the problem now.  They can't stop signing players to huge, long-term contracts.  They can't agree to share revenues to help the smaller market teams.  All the things they are trying to legislate in are their own fault...why should the players have to bite the bullet again?

If you can't make a profit, get out of the business.  Sell.  Get rid of a couple franchises.  Blaming the players for taking the money offered to them is ridiculous.

Boo fucking hoo the players gave up a lot. Since the last lockout league revenue has gone up just over 30% while the average player salary has gone up 67%. The players want revenue sharing to avoid a salary cap. it's fucking insane. This idea that the player are being noble is horseshit. The owners are  morons for offering these huge contracts and the players are acting like greedy little cunts because the league is proposing "unfair and unreasonable" conditions.  FUCK OFF to all of them. Owners and players. All a bunch of dellusional twats but if you ask me the players need to shut their mouths and play hockey and if the working conditions are unfair then fuck off and get a real job. Bunch of idiots.

Oh and this video the NHLPA made pandering to fans is pathetic and a huge insult to fans. Oh poor little babies play your violins and maybe have some cheese with your wine. Maybe if these losers put as much effort into negotiating as they did into their bullshit "campaign ad" there would'nt be a lock out.

The NHL should adopt the NFL's policy of NO guaranteed contracts.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

buzzsaw wrote:

Who said the players were noble?

 Rep: 386 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Bono wrote:

The players try to present the image they are with videos like this and with the answers they give in interviews and acting ike they care so much about teh good of the league with their desire for more revenue sharing  when really all that is is about them not having a  salary cap.  Plus you've got fans backing the players this time for being the good guys because they "had to give up so much last time"

 Rep: 485 

Re: 2012-2013 NHL Season - The Lockout

Neemo wrote:

yeah maybe if it didnt cost $400 or more for the day i could take my kids to see the leafs once in a while

the league needs a salary cap...since it was installed the competitiveness in the league has increased

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