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 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose on India

Aussie wrote:

Axl Rose, the lead vocalist of Guns n' Roses, who are all set to perform in Delhi on December 12, talks about what's in store for their fans in India.

On performing in India
I've always wanted to play in India. We've tried to make that happen but for whatever reasons it just didn't work out. We're all looking forward to coming there and performing for everyone." When asked if he plans to travel to places apart from the cities he's performing in, he replies, "That would be great! I'm sure the rest of the guys and crew will visit some other places. If I'm lucky I'll be able to. Mostly I focus on the shows but if I have time I'm excited to explore India."

On Indian spirituality
I'm interested in having a personal, first- hand understanding of spirituality and religion as well as politics and government in India," he says. We pointed out that his Wikipedia page says that he had a keen interest in past life regression. Seeing as India is regarded as a spiritual haven by many, was that something he was keen to explore? "I'm not sure that what I personally believe or not is really out there publicly," he replied. "Lots of people say and twist things and have done so over the years for their own purposes based on gossip, hearsay, unsubstantiated media nonsense and even outright lies, especially when money may be involved and/or if they're trying to make problems for others. I do like to explore and consider lots of different concepts, ideologies, belief systems, religions etc, and have an understanding of what others feel, think or believe, but in my opinion, ultimately what one "believes" is their own business."

India as a music destination
It does seem like bands or the touring/concert industry is really trying to make an effort to include India in their tours, more so now than in the past which I think is a good thing," he says about the recent trend, adding that he would be open to collaborations while he's in town. "With regard to collaborations with Indian artistes, I think there's always the possibility of collaborations anywhere with nearly anyone." … 440527.cms

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose on India

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: Axl Rose on India

Glad you pointed that out. Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance my friend! 16

But overall, sounds like axl is pumped to play in the area and maybe check out the sites. I would love to go to India in the near future. smile

 Rep: 23 

Re: Axl Rose on India

Bro-mero wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Axl Rose...replied. "Lots of people say and twist things and have done so over the years for their own purposes based on gossip, hearsay, unsubstantiated media nonsense and even outright lies, especially when money may be involved and/or if they're trying to make problems for others...

Blah, blah, blah.

Then fucking correct it already.

Totally agree, but to play Devils Advocate here, he was referring to his religious views, which he said are personal to him

 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose on India

monkeychow wrote:
Axl wrote:

"With regard to collaborations with Indian artistes, I think there's always the possibility of collaborations anywhere with nearly anyone."

I'm guessing this is probably a diplomatic response, as if he said he doesn't have a collaboration in mind the headline would become "Racist Axl Rose tells Indians to Fuck Off" - but it's interesting this remark in the context of what he said when he guested on Sebastian Bach's Angel Down - pretty sure Axl said then something like he isn't offered projects very often - and he sounded pretty open to stuff.

I'd like to see more Axl as guest singer stuff out there - I could see that being easier to wrangle than GNR albums.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose on India

RussTCB wrote:


Re: Axl Rose on India

johndivney wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
Bro-mero wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

Blah, blah, blah.

Then fucking correct it already.

Totally agree, but to play Devils Advocate here, he was referring to his religious views, which he said are personal to him

Oh I know, but it just seems like he's got that automatic reply to EVERYTHING and has for a minimum of 10 years.

It's like you could go up to Axl and say "So I heard you like Cheddar Cheese Combos" and he would reply with the exact same thing.

i dunno i think you're being a bit harsh there. i tend to cut axl a bit of slack on how he answers these types of questions. he really did get the piss ripped out of him for his honesty in his interviews, & it did get blown out of all proportion & guys like mick wall etc. just wouldn't & still won't, let up. almost any article you read on Guns or Axls history they will focus on his perceived weakness - yoda, the abuse, being a hick & maybe they'll mention OIAM if they've space or actual knowledge of the music.

the result is he is media-shy & ultra-sensitive & has taken these precautions. he's learned a lesson in a way, tho it took him a long time. these are the generic answers you'd get from PR-trained pop stars like bon jovi or justin beiber or beyonce.
the benefit is there's no real room for the media to attack you on. the worst they can say is you're boring, at least they're not going to armchair - psycho-analyze you to the the point of hysteria. y'know?

in a way i think axl's right adopting this cautious approach. why would he trust the press/media? he can only lose by coming out & saying oh i'm an atheist/i'm a scientologist/i'm a jedi.

i used to think that maybe axl thought the old quote about "the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about" (oscar wilde again)/'there's no such thing as bad press". but i think now he was maybe naive in the interviews he gave back in the day. of course it's a moot point in many respects as those interviews helped connect him to a lot of people inspite of all the shit slung at him for them. so yea maybe you have a point some people would appreciate the honesty.
me tho? i'd prefer he did NO press EVER again like the good bad old days. unless he's gonna talk about the fuckin' music!

 Rep: 200 

Re: Axl Rose on India

apex-twin wrote:
Times of India wrote:

We pointed out that his Wikipedia page says that he had a keen interest in past life regression.

Bro-mero wrote:
RussTCB wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Axl Rose...replied. "Lots of people say and twist things and have done so over the years for their own purposes based on gossip, hearsay, unsubstantiated media nonsense and even outright lies, especially when money may be involved and/or if they're trying to make problems for others...

Blah, blah, blah.

Then fucking correct it already.

Totally agree, but to play Devils Advocate here, he was referring to his religious views, which he said are personal to him

He brought it up.

Axl wrote:

RS: Talking about being conscious of things that happened before you were born might throw a few people.

Axl: I don't really care, because that's regression therapy, and if they've got a problem with it, they can go fuck themselves. It's major, and it's legit, and it all fits together in my life. Everything is stored in your mind. And part of you is aware from very early on and is storing information and reacting. Every time I realize I have a problem with something, and I can finally admit it to myself, then we go, "Okay, now what were the earliest stages?" and we start going back through it.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Axl Rose on India

war wrote:

I'd like to see Axl collaborate with gnr before india's artists.

both at the same time would be cool too.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Axl Rose on India

RussTCB wrote:


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