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 Rep: 69 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

esoterica wrote:

The more artists age, the more they want to branch out on their own for better and worse.

The business end of the thing has four pain points. The album that GNR owes the record company and other legal hurdles, the fact that Universal owns the Chinese session recordings, the artist feared concept of commercial viability, and the market on a micro and macro scale (rock, music, tie-ins, general).

To the first, it's entirely possible GN'R is under no further obligation as of AFD Remastered.

To the second, Axl has no leverage whatsoever. If he wants CD2 out it's either play by our rules or fuck off.

To the third, we don't really know what is through the looking glass.

To the fourth, music isn't selling these days or valued as an art form.

We've subsisted on rumors and vagaries for years. "Electronica with aggressive guitars", "If you don't like this, you won't like that", etc. The only sliver of hope is a 16 second section of a song that is equally hyped as Chinese Democracy itself.

I think you make a salient point about a blockbuster album but that's easier said than done and hardly artistic or in all probability a palatable concept to Axl. I can show you the grosses on Avengers or Star Wars but if you put that in the same breath as art, anyone with a modicum of taste will laugh in your face.

The sum total is GN'R is in an unenviable spot with no leverage and everything to lose (i.e. money) by releasing new music.

Our only hope, in my estimation, are (a) Leaks or (b) Universal trying to milk GNR while the economy is acceptable in the form of a CD box set (which would be barebones in the form of 14 older mixes and maybe 1 bonus track).

It doesn't look good.

 Rep: 3 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

Voodoochild wrote:

Would Universal be ok if Axl were willing to release everything he has as a solo project? Of course I know he is stubborn and that's very unlikely.

 Rep: 20 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

dalethirsty wrote:
Voodoochild wrote:

Would Universal be ok if Axl were willing to release everything he has as a solo project? Of course I know he is stubborn and that's very unlikely.

it would be hilarious and perfectly gn'r if after this massive reunion tour, they finally dropped a song and it was a dj ashba creation with bumblefoot overdubs.

the axl/dc thing being over really breaks my heart. i was actually excited for and anticipating new music with axl rose to be released.

again, i committed the biggest cardinal sin of being a guns n' roses fan: i got my hopes up.

if gn'r tours north america again in 2020 without a new single and i buy tickets, someone find me and put me out of my misery.

 Rep: 69 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

esoterica wrote:
Voodoochild wrote:

Would Universal be ok if Axl were willing to release everything he has as a solo project? Of course I know he is stubborn and that's very unlikely.

Interesting question but anything that resembles classic GNR would likely be off limits for said endeavor.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

otto wrote:
Voodoochild wrote:

Would Universal be ok if Axl were willing to release everything he has as a solo project? Of course I know he is stubborn and that's very unlikely.

As far as I've heard, Axl = GNR to the record company.

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

johndivney wrote:

Guns is Axls solo project.

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

johndivney wrote:

They should do a cover of Hickory Wind.

 Rep: 3 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

Voodoochild wrote:

Well, the GNR = Axl is irrelevant. Because what matters most is how he would release it now. I don't think the record company would be against the release as a solo project, they probably never had any faith on it anyways.

Wagszilla wrote:

Interesting question but anything that resembles classic GNR would likely be off limits for said endeavor.

Good point. Then we would never get any ballads, which was half the CD.

But why not? Slash will release some hard rock stuff he worked on before rejoining the band. Axl could just save the tracks he thinks would work with current GNR members for a future proper release.

 Rep: 69 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

esoterica wrote:
Voodoochild wrote:

Good point. Then we would never get any ballads, which was half the CD.

But why not?

The label will reserve (and promote) what they think will sell.

Slash and Guns are completely different entities. One is a large corporation and one is a glorified version of Buckethead's pikes.

It all comes down to money.

 Rep: 96 

Re: Guns N' Roses tour to continue through 2017(and beyond)

More Slash quotes on the possibility of a new album: … oses-album

“I think everybody thinks it’s a good idea, and everybody would like to do it. There’s no shortage of ideas from everybody involved, but we’ve been so busy on the road there hasn’t really been time to go in and sit down and go, ‘Okay, we’re going to make a record.’”

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