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 Rep: 69 

Re: Only Big Guns left

esoterica wrote:

I say we ban both of these guys.

Re: Only Big Guns left

Those trolls are like cancer

 Rep: 0 

Re: Only Big Guns left

benny wrote:
zombux wrote:
LocoComa wrote:
15239123111 wrote:

I understand. The real problem is..... he is not the only source. That's why I am here.

Let me take a wild stab... the other source starts with an M and ends with an L.

no. the other source starts with HIS, continues with OWN, and ends with ASS.

I've talked to you Zombux on various message forums since 2005/2006 and you've been nothing but cool so this person spewing this crap has the term wanker written all over themselves.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Only Big Guns left

misterID wrote:
15239123111 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Why the interest in Madagascar?  Wouldn't that just be another version of the song, albeit myb not better or worse?  I think I read it's a 99/00 version but still, any high expectations?

Because is the first of the 24 completed songs to be recorded in full back in 1998.

The first Chinese Democracy song.

Doesn't everyone have this version of Madagascar, or am I confusing things? Josh is on drums and there's extra Robin guitar with different orchestrations?

 Rep: 36 

Re: Only Big Guns left

zombux wrote:
benny wrote:

I've talked to you Zombux on various message forums since 2005/2006 and you've been nothing but cool so this person spewing this crap has the term wanker written all over themselves.

this person is probably lucky because they now seem to have some internet connection in his mental asylum in Argentina.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Only Big Guns left

otto wrote:

I hate to say this but MYGNR has been a friendlier and crazy-less place than this forum lately.
EVERY time there's a new leak all fakes, impersonators and batshit crazy posters come here.
We either need to close new registrations and ban multiple fake/duplicated accounts or make a more validated registration process.
This forum was the best GNR forum on the net, now it's just a venue for crazies.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Only Big Guns left

Neemo wrote:

The crazies have always popped up during leaks...for as long as i have been here (i.e. since the beginning)

When the current batch of songs is all out there then they will go away again

Re: Only Big Guns left

imsorry wrote:


 Rep: 0 

Re: Only Big Guns left

GNRVahland wrote:
esoterica wrote:

I say we ban both of these guys.

Banning me ???

 Rep: 2 

Re: Only Big Guns left

Bluefish18 wrote:

I drift in and out of these forums as things happen, and this place has always been solid.  WAY less fanboys and fakes.  Don't change a thing!

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