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 Rep: 2 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

Scarlett wrote:

One of my favorite subjects is Astrology. What's your Sun sign?

Aquarius here. 9

 Rep: 221 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

polluxlm wrote:


 Rep: 22 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

Cancerian, ascendant in sagitarius moon in aquarius..and i am very a lot like sage and aqua in some aspects.

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

I am a Gemini

I am on the cusp between Gemini and Taurus but more times then not, I have seen my birthdate listed for Gemini and I am totally a Gemini anyhow, I fit that whole profile.

 Rep: 205 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

PaSnow wrote:

Sagitarius.  Although, I have no idea what that means or what it makes me. I don't believe all people born within 30 days of each other are ALL alike. I do read my horoscope once in a while though. Do you know any good/accurate ones??

 Rep: 22 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?, create your profile and enjoy the free sections.

It needs your time and place of birth.

Then, you will have a full astrological profile.

You can also create up to 5 other profiles.

Then, you can compare affinities in love for example.

I tested and after comparing, it explains why i was not meant to stay with them, astrologically imcompatible, although astro said for one we were drawn to each toher like magnets that were not good for each other and that was so completely true.

It explains why and all.

You can also compare how you love ( generally and sexually) to another profile of yours.


I learnt a lot.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

Neemo wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?

BLS-Pride wrote:


A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: What's your Sun Sign?


Re: What's your Sun Sign?

AtariLegend wrote:


There is more than one side to me...    or so I've been told.

This is supposed to be about Geminis

Your most likeable trait: RESPONSIVENESS

People born under this sign are many sided, quick in thought and action, clever with words, skillful at handling others, brimful of new ideas.
Astrologers regard this third sign of the zodiac as the quintessentially human sign, for it seems to sum up qualities that are the distinguishing hallmarks of the human race'”intelligence (Gemini is an air sign), adaptability (Gemini is a mutable sign), and communicativeness (Gemini is ruled by Mercury).
Gemini people do not sit back and watch the scenery go by. As a Gemini, you are endlessly curious about everything and must be part of the busy passing scene. If all the world's a stage, Gemini must be the actor on that stage. Unlike Leo, who wants only to be the star, Gemini wants to play all the parts'”and be the director, the producer, and the stagehand!
Duality is your most famous trait. You usually want more than one of everything. That includes jobs, hobbies, careers, lovers. Basically your nature is restless, on the go, in quest of new ideas and fresh experiences. As a result, you often leave a trail of unfinished tasks. Your tendency is to fritter away energy on too many projects instead of concentrating your cleverness on one task.
Gemini is the sign of communication'”and its natives have an urgent and continual need to communicate. You enjoy writing notes, chatting with strangers, and the telephone is a major means of communication. People should learn not to give you their number if they aren't the kind who like to spend a lot of time on the phone!
Born with the gift of persuasion, you could sell ice in Greenland. Your quick mind can explain any action, defend any position, justify any course. A mental magpie, you pick up information here, gossip there, tidbits everywhere. This makes you an ideal conversationalist, for you know a little about everything. You also are inclined to have firm opinions on everything (subject to revision at a moment's notice).
A Gemini weakness is superficiality. Because you are so quick to grasp an idea or size up a situation, you tend to skim its surface, not bothering to explore it in any depth. The other side of the coin, however, is that with very little preparation you can make a marvelous initial impression.
Your facile gifts of writing, speaking, and self expression make you a success in dealing with the public. You have a quicksilver personality that can adapt to many kinds of people. You are often drawn to the stage and the dramatic arts. Among famous writers and performers born with the Sun in Gemini are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, and Judy Garland.
Amusing, versatile and witty, you are a wonderful friend who lifts people out of their doldrums. It's easy to see why you are usually surrounded by friends and admirers because you're such fun to be with. True, you can be impatient with persons who aren't as quick as you are, or who can't keep up with the rapid flow of your thought and speech. However, your natural exuberance sweeps even the most reluctant and surly along with you. In almost any situation you can be as charming as you want to be'”with a little extra thrown in.
Life is jest and all things show it; I thought so once and now I know it,
spells out the philosophy of Gemini. You don't waste time plumbing dark emotional depths. There is a brooding side to your Jekyll and Hyde disposition, but you don't let it dominate your lighthearted high spirits. You're too interested in fun and games.
Gemini's have a wide range of contacts and benefit from the advice and help of influential people. You will attract financial luck, but a tendency toward extravagance often more than offsets it. In your ledger, income always adds up to something a little short of outgo.
Routine and monotony are two things you dread and you will go to any lengths to avoid them. Change is your keyword, and what you value most is freedom. It's useless for anyone to try to pin you down. For you, the fun is in traveling, not in arriving at a destination. You love to explore new territory, see the way people live on the other side of the world. Inquisitive and imaginative, you are open to a different way of looking at things. Your trendy, up-to-date lifestyle has you constantly living off the fad of the land.
For the sheer fascination of it, people should have at least one Gemini in their lives (two might be exhausting).

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