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 Rep: 768 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

Axlin16 wrote:


I read every bit of that post and that doesn't explain at all to me how corporations are supporting socialist candidates. Why? Because Bush was a Republican that had a massive governement expansion under his watch, despite being a Republican.

I guess now that I think about it, I can see your point, but what a fuckin' STRETCH to correlate the two.

You put entirely WAY too much emphasis on leaders being the problem. Obama isn't the problem, and neither was Bush. It's all of those dumbass lightweights that are poorly educated, power hungry, warmongering for peace capitalists that sit in Congress playing fast & loose with this country that would rather hurt America, then give Obama a feather in his hat this close to an election.

That attitude has BURIED this country. And frankly most of those guys are guess what? BUSINESS MEN. Elitist businessmen.

The leaders and a dictatorship government is not to be feared... a dictatorship government ran by the J.R. Ewing's of the world, under the disguise of a "Democracy" is what should be feared.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

polluxlm wrote:

Yeah, I took the liberty to share some education.

Power will always be corrupted, so what are you going to do..pray it works out the next time?

Leaders are not the problem, giving them too much power is, cause you can't trust them. That's basically the jist of the small government line. We're fucked either way so at least let it be a small cock.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

Axlin16 wrote:

I'd rather be fucked by big government officials, than big business leaders I guess.

'Cause trickle down economics never falls into the pocket of the middle class. Never. It just makes the spread between rich and poor alot bigger. Always.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

slcpunk wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Removing some government regulation and freeing up tax pressure will create jobs.

If that were true then where are all the jobs? DEMAND creates jobs not tax cuts. You're advocating repeating the same thing with a different result while ignoring fundamental aspects of economics.

Furthermore government regulation was MIA when rating companies gave out AAA scores to these bundled jack shit securities and how did that turn out? It was instrumental in taking our country to it's knees. The last thing we need it less government regulation at this point, it's what got America into this mess to begin with.

polluxlm wrote:

They have enough money to ensure they're not the ones being "socialized".

If anybody sucks on the government teet, more than any welfare momma you could ever dream of, it's corporations. Their socialism is from the bottom up, not the top down.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

slcpunk wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

The very nature of the FED is what made the housing bubble possible.

Did the Fed also lower the lending standards? Did the Fed also set up "home lending" companies produced by Wall Street to provide loans that were immediately sold off into bundled securities? Did the Fed also cause housing prices around the world to puff up?

polluxlm wrote:

They did it because they knew the inevitable crisis would free up the political capital for them to utilize in their game of thrones.

What in the world is this based on?

polluxlm wrote:

All they had to do was give government unlimited funding through a fiat system and the government would end up growing so big that tyranny would take care of it self.

What tyranny? What in the world are you talking about?

polluxlm wrote:

In fact I strongly suspect an inordinate amount of them are crooks and child molesters.


 Rep: 768 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

Axlin16 wrote:

Funny, all i've seen is Obama busting his ass to try and get stuff done. I haven't seen ANY slack ass.

What I have seen is the GOP refusing to listen to ANYTHING that he has said or presented, because corporations aren't getting their taxes cut.

Does anybody understand the severity of that and how much power the corporations have run amok with, especially in the Republican party? That they can actually can BLACKMAIL the country with the threat of NOT creating any new jobs, because their profit margin has been cut into.

And they don't find anything wrong with it.

I called for nationalization three fuckin' years ago, and frankly I had a huge laugh when 9 out of 10 Occupy Wall St. supporters said the same thing.

I practically created that movement years ago when this whole bullshit started. I never thought little 'ole me, just a dumb redneck from the swamp would ever be smart enough to prophecize a worldwide movement years before it happened.

I am totally pro-capitalist (so is Socialism), but these fuckin' lightweights put us here in the first place, and now they're begging us to give them back the same power they had that fucked us to begin with?

If we do that, mark my words... it'll finish us for good. FOR GOOD. I hope all of us enjoy becoming a part of history with the Romans.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

misterID wrote:

Wow, you guys read the same thing I did and I can't top your responses smile

 Rep: 39 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

-Jack- wrote:

Government madly fueled the housing bubble Cramer...

And the FED is helping to bail out foreign banks which is affecting inflation and housing prices/economies around the world.. … c-economy-

"What tyranny? What in the world are you talking about?"

The ability to control the flow of money to create false bubbles and control wealth.. to provide a security net for these banks and businesses that are being bailed out.

If Ron Paul was elected and his plan enacted the first few years might be hard but it would be a future where the US could actually pay off it's debt and start moving in a fiscally wise direction.

Skip to 42 seconds in for the meat of the video.
Say what you will about Ron Paul but he believes in what he feels like the Constitution tells us about what government is supposed to be. He has been consistent in his views since first entering politics in the 70's and is a hugely different kind of politician. An honest one.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

-Jack- wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

ID is right. Paul sucks the corporate tit even harder than his opponents. His age plays a big role in him not being pushed as the mainstream candidate.

Is a revolution still a revolution when sponsored by a corporation?

A recent independent analysis of candidates’ campaign contributions reveals an interesting disparity between the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign and frontrunner Mitt Romney’s campaign. Romney’s top supporters appear to be made up of big banks while, unsurprisingly, Paul’s top contributors were men and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

“This fundraising analysis confirms Americans’ beliefs about Ron Paul and their suspicions about Mitt Romney.  It is that Dr. Paul is extraordinarily popular and accepted by the everyman and by everyday heroes, while Romney relies almost exclusively on his big-business ties,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

According to the analysis, the top three organizations that employ Romney’s supporters are Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse Group, and Morgan Stanley.  Reflecting his popularity with the everyman and our uniformed service men and women, the top three organizations that employ Dr. Paul’s supporters are the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Navy.

The study notes that the organizations themselves did not contribute.  Rather, “the money came from the organization’s PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families.”  The analysis suggests, then, that the use of PACs, bundling, subsidiaries and the like was not a feature of Dr. Paul’s grassroots fundraising. … cycle=2012
Mitt Romney biggest contributors...
Goldman Sachs     $354,700
Credit Suisse Group     $195,250
Morgan Stanley     $185,800
HIG Capital     $176,500
Barclays     $155,250

Ron Paul biggest contributors...
US Air Force     $23,437
US Army     $23,053
US Navy     $16,973
Mason Capital Management     $14,000
Microsoft Corp     $13,398

Ron Paul outraises GOP candidates, Obama among active military … -military/
Ron Paul Out-raises all candidates from both parties in military donations … -military/

Using opensecrets we can see that in 2008 99% of Ron Paul's 34 million dollars donated was from individuals. … =N00005906

<strong>Online donations brought Ron Pa … n</strong>
"The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today that it raised more than $8 million in the third quarter from more than 100,000 unique donors."

“The amount and nature of donations to Ron Paul proves his fundraising prowess and also demonstrates in real numbers the grassroots support Dr. Paul receives from average Americans,” National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton said in a press release.


Rep. Ron Paul raised more than $8 million for his presidential campaign in the last three months, the Texas congressman announced Wednesday.

Paul touted the grass-roots nature of his haul, noting that more than 100,000 individual donors contributed to his campaign. By comparison, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he raised more than $17 million from 22,000 donors.

“If you get $8 million, half as much, and you get it from small individual donors who are fervently engaged in campaigning for you, that’s a lot different than getting money that more than likely might have come, for the other candidates, from special interests,” Paul said at a luncheon at the National Press Club. “All donors are not equal. I will take my small donations, with the enthusiasm of the people who send me the money.”

So far, Paul is the only presidential candidate to report raising more in the summer quarter than in the spring.  Paul's second-quarter haul was $4.5 million.  (Mitt Romney is expected to report raising considerably less than he brought in last spring. President Obama's numbers are also expected to be much lower.)

Paul said his campaign faced an “uphill battle,” and complained that he had not received the level of media attention that has been paid to others in the GOP presidential field.

“Does anybody know who won the straw vote in California?” Paul asked, referring to a September straw poll in Los Angeles where he took 45% of the vote. “It was a nonevent.”

Still, he said, “I think that if we’re worth our salt and we can raise the money and we can communicate, I would say, you know, for the most part, I really get a pretty fair shake.

Presidential candidates must file reports to the Federal Election Commission detailing where they received their money and how they spent it. Those reports are due Oct. 15. … --20111005

 Rep: 39 

Re: Ron Paul proposes saving $1T by scrapping five federal departments

-Jack- wrote:

Ron Paul Visits University of Iowa with Anti-War Message

Texas Congressman says he would cut a trillion dollars off the budget in the first year.
Texas Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate, Ron Paul, told a 1000-plus person crowd at the University of Iowa that he won’t hesitate to cut a trillion dollars out of the budget by getting rid of five government departments and slashing the military budget down to $500,000 billion.

On his most recent swing through Iowa, Paul said he has been accused of being unpatriotic for his anti-war stance, but the recent movement of “American Exceptionalism,” he said, in which American ideals are “force(d) down the throats of everybody and if they don’t accept us we’re going to bomb them to oblivion” is both not right and expensive.

“This whole notion that people go into the military just to fight wars, useless wars that aren’t even declared, is complete nonsense,” he said. “They’re willing to defend our country, but they don’t want to just go to war for the sake of war.”

It was Paul’s unique stance against war that brought out Bo Zhou, a post-doc medical student with the University of Iowa, to hear more.

“I don’t know that much about him but I did know he’s anti-war,” she said.

“Being a doctor, he might have a different view on government and how to take care of people.”

Paul downplayed the anti-military label, noting his top three individual campaign contributors are people from the Air Force, Army and Navy. He added that his opponent “in the top of the polls right now,” Mitt Romney’s top three campaign contributors were from three big banking institutions.

Brian Hallstead, a Linn County co-chairman of the Ron Paul 2012 campaign for president, also attended the event with his family. He said Paul has a 35-year track record and the experience to be able to create real change.

“The hope and change the country was promised four years ago hasn’t really come to fruition in the way it was put forth to us,” he said. “Our troops are still in multiple countries, we still have 900 bases on 150 different countries so we’re basically subsidizing the local economies.

“Getting the right person in the Whitehouse, like Dr. Ron Paul, is essential - he can bring an end to what is causing us such grief now and financial hardship in this country.”

Paul touted state and the constitutional rights of Americans, such as the 2nd Amendment. He told the cheering crowd the older notion of a government taking care of its people is outdated, and a newer confidence is needed in creating a free society.

“We have to have a new understanding and a new conviction that what we want to have is to be able to live in a free society and have the right to our lives, the right to our bodies and the right to the fruits of our labor,” he said.

Paul said many of the freedoms that Americans enjoy - many countries don’t have - are being frittered away.

“Most of history has been dominated by tyranny and today Americans are annoyed, upset, confused at times, but I don’t know if they clearly understand that we’re having less and less freedom and more and more tyranny and it’s going in the opposite direction and we need to change that direction,” he said. “That is my goal and my intent, to fight for the cause of liberty to make sure we have the maximum amount of freedom and the maximum amount of prosperity in this country.” … ar-message

Also... the previously mentioned Ron Paul blackout clip covered on The Daily Show. Fantastic funny segment. … share_copy


Well versed in Iran's history and the US's coup/intervention in 1953...

Anyways, that's all I got for right now, I'm enjoying what everybody has to say in this thread and I'm happy people are talking about it. It's all really interesting. Thanks guys.

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