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 Rep: 475 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

misterID wrote:

Howard would end up bringing Beta and Vanessa into any interview with Axl and talk to them. I Goddamn guarantee you that. And you'de probably learn a whole lot more.

I know for a fact if there are stipulations to an interview, Howard will go with them and work around them without doing anything that would make them uncomfortable.

Axl has a list of things interviewers are not allowed to ask him and he ends up talking about them anyway, so it doesn't matter.

I stand by the fact that the big issue is Stephanie and Erin.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

tejastech08 wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

If Axl writes a book, he'll need a shit hot editor who can reach into all of that dense prose and pull out the real story.
I struggle to get what the guy is saying sometimes.

Yeah, he seems incoherent half the time in his written statements. Plus he doesn't understand the concept of a run-on sentence. 16

 Rep: 149 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

slcpunk wrote:

Great conversation.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

Nice comments from Eddie.


I didn't know Mick Jones was quitting. That is fucking INSANE. So you literally have Foreigner running around, called 'Foreigner' and there is literally NO ONE in that band that was originally there. WOW.

I know Paul & Gene have talked about doing that with KISS when they retire.

Eddie Van Halen mentioned on Stern a few years back about Wolfie carrying the VH torch after he retires, and Wolfie's kids, and so on.  Keep it in the family, it'll technically always be VH.

I know Eddie takes a lot of crap sometimes, but I thought he explained the whole GNR situation quite well.

And I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Foreigner without any original members.  It was their first show as such, as Mick was ill.  I had no idea at the time until I read it in the paper the next day.  Funny thing is, they were quite possibly the best band of the night, over Journey and Night Ranger.

Yeah i've been a fan of Kelly Hansen (Foreigner's current lead singer) for years, since he was in Hurricane.

Really powerful, underrated vocalist, with good stage prescence. Hard to think Kelly actually tried out for Slash's Snakepit at one point, and I believe was deemed 'too glam'.

Either way, I agree the current Foreigner is solid, puts on good shows, and their last album was solid.

But I think it reaches that point where rock simply becomes brand names, and kinda loses musical credibility.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

faldor wrote:

A friend of mine just texted me that Piers Morgan ended his show tonight by defending Axl Rose.  Didn't get to hear it, but he said it was some interesting stuff.  The show replays on CNN at midnight eastern, about 1 hour and 40 minutes from now.

Another media member angling for the big elusive Axl Rose interview perhaps?

Apparently it's already on the website. … l-rose.cnn

 Rep: 231 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

-D- wrote:

WOW, nice pub for Axl

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

Smoking Guns wrote:

Anyone that defends the letter is blinded by what he says for they do not know the real reason he didn't show was Slash. Eddie doesn't get it either.

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

Sky Dog wrote:

that was f'n awesome...we all feel like that but ....but.....

 Rep: 70 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

That was pretty badass!!

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Howard Stern/Eddie Trunk on GNR

Smoking Guns wrote:

Was a badass clip, great clips, great speech. I wish current Axl was like the man described in that clip.

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