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 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:

When it comes to Hillary, there is no difference between the reporting of Fox News and The New York Times. Twilight zone.

 Rep: 341 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

bigbri wrote:

check this out. Trump lost delegates in Illinois because his voters wouldn't vote for his delegates with foreign names. even if he is not xenophobic or anti-immigrant, these voters sure were.

Trump voters pass over local delegates with 'foreign' name

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

To be fair it wasn't all the voters, just enough to edge a tight race. About 20%. 14

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
bigbri wrote:

check this out. Trump lost delegates in Illinois because his voters wouldn't vote for his delegates with foreign names. even if he is not xenophobic or anti-immigrant, these voters sure were.

Trump voters pass over local delegates with 'foreign' name

That. Is. Hilarious.

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

If you think Donald Trump is scary, get a load of Ted Cruz’s foreign policy team

The Texas senator has assembled one of the most terrifying collections of disgraced aficionados in existence

On Wednesday the Donald Trump Fan Club on “Morning Joe” asked the candidate who he is talking to for foreign policy advice. He replied: “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

Remarkably, this was only the second dumbest foreign policy-related news coming out of the Republican primary this week. Because even though Trump’s steroidal jingoism could easily overtake the Bush era for the worst foreign policy of the post-World War II era, Ted Cruz is always there in the background to remind us that it can always be worse.

To wit: Meet the Texas senator’s newly announced team of foreign policy advisors.

Let’s start with Elliott Abrams, a poster boy for failing upward in Republican circles. Aficionados of the Reagan administration’s Iran-Contra scandal remember that Abrams was buried up to his neck in that affair, to the point that Lawrence Walsh, the independent counsel who investigated it, was prepared to charge him with multiple felonies. Abrams slithered out of that with an agreement that had him plead guilty to two misdemeanors, was later pardoned by George H.W. Bush, and then censured by the D.C. Court of Appeals for giving false testimony to Congress on three separate occasions.

Then there is Andrew McCarthy. No, not that one. This is the bad Andrew McCarthy, the National Review writer and conservative activist who wrote one of the greatest “Yeah but” columns ever about Obama and birtherism. McCarthy’s argument was essentially that, while there is no doubt the president was born in Hawaii, the fact that there was any controversy over it at all was proof he couldn’t be trusted to be honest about anything. He has also used his perch at NR to excoriate the president for, among other things, wanting to close Gitmo, calling waterboarding “torture,” and having any association with “radical America-hating leftists” like Bill Ayers.

But the crown jewel of Cruz’s foreign policy team, the shining star of the firmament, has got to be Frank Gaffney. The Newsmax columnist and Pamela Geller running buddy is so far to the right that the Reagan administration shut him out of working on nuclear arms-control negotiations with the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, despite the fact that his job title then was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for — wait for it — Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy. He was eventually fired, but the right wing being what it is, there was apparently still plenty of work for a guy who the Southern Poverty Law Center has called one of our country’s “most notorious Islamophobes.” … licy_team/

 Rep: 341 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

bigbri wrote:

Cruz is by far the worst.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I hate Cruz

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

James wrote:

Let’s start with Elliott Abrams, a poster boy for failing upward in Republican circles. Aficionados of the Reagan administration’s Iran-Contra scandal remember that Abrams was buried up to his neck in that affair, to the point that Lawrence Walsh, the independent counsel who investigated it, was prepared to charge him with multiple felonies. Abrams slithered out of that with an agreement that had him plead guilty to two misdemeanors, was later pardoned by George H.W. Bush, and then censured by the D.C. Court of Appeals for giving false testimony to Congress on three separate occasions.

Frank Gaffney. The Newsmax columnist and Pamela Geller running buddy is so far to the right that the Reagan administration shut him out of working on nuclear arms-control negotiations with the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, despite the fact that his job title then was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for — wait for it — Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy

18  Wow.

I have read many books on Reagan and IMO anyone who would pick those two above as advisors is incompetent, a threat to national security, and a flat out lunatic.

People who think Trump is the dangerous one running in the repub primaries need to start paying closer attention to Cruz.

 Rep: 30 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Acquiesce wrote:

Ted Cruz strikes me as a psychopath. Only Trump's clown show could make him appear sane. It's a travesty these two are receiving the most votes in the GOP primaries.

 Rep: 30 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Acquiesce wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Other than the billionaire mention, that almost sounded like a description of Nixon.

He mocked a disabled reporter.

That was definitely the low point of the campaign. The fact that he even survived that shows how he is pretty much unstoppable....and that happened months ago. He's gained a lot of momentum since.

As far as killing innocent civilians goes, there isn't one single president immune from doing that. Whether its carpet bombing or drone strikes...innocent people are going to get killed.

As far as his name calling goes, I have no problem with him getting in the faces of these politicians and letting them know their time is almost up. He's simply letting the American people get a peak behind the curtain.....and I don't consider that a bad thing. I loved that debate when he looked into the camera and told the American people there that all those people in the audience there were paid shills for the other politicians onstage.....and none of them could deny it.

It's those types of things he does that are causing him to get more support as this election drags on. Name one other presidential candidate in our country's history that has stood on stage and not played the game but tells people what a scam the whole thing is.

If there's one major issue out of all of them where we need to see more of what Trump is really about, it's going to be his foreign policy. Now that debate will be interesting.

I agree with the first point. It seems like the worst he behaves the more support he receives. It's very interesting (and scary to me).

I think most presidents try to avoid killing innocent civilians while Trump advocates for it. I suppose Captain Canada does in a way as well, but I don't think he understood what carpet bombing meant when he started talking about it.

It's not so much Trump's name calling of other politicians that bothers me. It's his name calling of anyone that disagrees with him or he dislikes. He is a very insecure man hiding behind a false bravado and lashes out at anyone who calls him out.

Trump isn't the only one telling people what a scam the whole thing is. Bernie has been doing that even longer than Trump has. Bernie is a politician unlike Trump, but IMO he is more trustworthy to do the right thing. I don't trust Trump to do right by us when he hasn't done right by the American worker in his business dealings. He may not have SuperPACs either, but he is a billionaire with plenty of wealthy friends. I don't trust him to put the average American's interests above his own interests.  The billionaires don't have to buy Trump off because he already is one of them.

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