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 Rep: 664 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

James wrote:

Even though not many have voted yet.....this is the exact result I was expecting. Here and on Twitter, Izzy support was over 90%. Interest in Adler being involved is mixed....practically a coin toss.

Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

Yes 68%
No 32%
Total votes: 31
 Rep: 55 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

FlashFlood wrote:

What's the point of Adler if there is no Izzy?

Only way I would want Adler is if this were indeed a full blown original 5 AFD reunion and it's clearly not that.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

James wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

What's the point of Adler if there is no Izzy?

That's my point. You can have Izzy perform with any lineup and the crowd goes nuts.

Only way I would want Adler is if this were indeed a full blown original 5 AFD reunion

Yep. No Izzy means zero chance of AFD 5 appearance which makes the need for Adler to show up irrelevant.

All Adler brings to the table is the AFD 5 aspect to this reunion. No Izzy=no Adler IMO yet you can have Izzy and still not need Adler.

That doesn't mean I don't want to see it at some point.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

monkeychow wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

...But yes that Adler stuff throughout the years is much, much worse and happened multiple times. I've seen very few people ever even mention the Adler incidents down the year.

I agree the Adler incidents are not well known, in fact, that's the first I'd seen in print about them.

That said i'm not sure they are much much worse. In terms of it happening multiple times Erin alleges Axl used to 'regularly' beat her, as does Stephanie. It's not an isolated dispute over money but a pattern of psychological (denying her house keys, money, removing doors in the home so she can have no privacy, forcing her to sleep outside) and physical (smashing her possessions, smashing up the house mirrors etc, sending her to hospital from beatings, tying her up in a cupboard and leaving her there for hours, brutally anally raping her) abuse.

There's an apologist argument that can be made for both guys: Steven was probably under the influence of drugs and might not be like that if he was sober. Axl suffers from some undiagnosed metal issue (perhaps biploar/borderline personality disorder) and was sexually assaulted as a child himself and so his response to love/sexuality might be affected by his own trauma.

I choose to focus on their art and enjoy the music despite their personal issues and hundreds of great artists over the centuries have done horrible things too. In fact I think it's rare for historically important people to have ethically clean lives - there's often some horrible side issue amongst otherwise great men and women in terms of their achievements.

However if you are going to call them out for it, I don't think it's fair to say Adler shouldn't get to play a show because he is an asshole behind closed doors when it seems there are similar stories about Axl's love life.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

James wrote:

There's an apologist argument

The one that instantly comes to mind in these Axl examples is this....

She chose to stay...both women had easy outs yet stayed. These aren't women who would be out on the street if they left or are staying so their children aren't split up from their father. In the case of Steph, she had a two year old child in this supposed environment and she's got millions of dollars and could flee the nanosecond there's trouble.

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

AtariLegend wrote:

Not that I in anyway want to victim blame, but there's another thing in the Stephanie case. He accused her of being unfaithful prior to the court cases which she denied. Within a year she was pregnant having got together with a billionaire who was married at the time to another woman.

Not sure it was really brought up here, but Stephanie was in the audience at Guns shows on the last tour fueling speculation despite people assuming he's still with Sasha. I'd guess he didn't know she was there until afterwards. She was doing an auction of alot of her/his personal things not long back that I'd assume he wouldn't be too happy about.

Anyway not that it's any of our business tongue.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

Axl Rose was never proven guilty of beating any women. Those are allegations and have never been proven.

Steven Adler is a fuck up.

Don't bring him back.

Not even for old times sake.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

monkeychow wrote:
TheSundanceKid wrote:

Axl Rose was never proven guilty of beating any women. Those are allegations and have never been proven.

Yeah but it's allegations made by BOTH his ex-wives. It also sits very nicely with what we've seen of Axl publicly - that he's normally a very nice person but seems to occasionally fly into a rage - such as the riot incidents, confirmation from ex-managers that he pushed a piano out a window in a temper, biting security guards and so on.

In this instance I suspect where there's smoke there's fire. As others have said there's some mitigating factors - he obviously suffered a violent upbringing himself, and there's no doubt that people around him pushed his buttons at times and that he was under incredible stress...but me....I accept that along with his musical greatness there's been some questionable moments too....he's human....same with Adler.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

metallex78 wrote:

I'm curious, what does whether Izzy being there or not have anything to do with how Steven is received, or whether he should make an appearance?
Did you guys forget that Steven is Slash's childhood friend and probably has the closest ties with him.

I honestly don't get this board these days.

To many of you Axl + Slash + Duff = meh, where's Izzy.

And now a lot of you don't seem to give two shits about the original AFD drummer making an appearance, even hypothetically.

It makes me wonder what any of you actually liked about Guns N' Roses to begin with...?

A lot of it seems like a justification of the 2001 lineup, which as great as it may have been in it's difference to the original band, still didn't really make a dent on the overall history of GN'R, nor the impact that the band lineups from 1987-1993 had.

I think these polls are weird in general (for both Izzy and Steven), in that if you're a fan of Guns N' Roses, of course you would want to see the original 5 guys up there. I think thats a no brainer.

I didn't think these polls were taking into account on whether Steven would fuck up, or that Izzy would forget the words, or chords.
I thought it was purely fan speculation, do you want to see the AFD 5 up there, and the answer should be a resounding YES!!! 9

 Rep: 664 

Re: Do you want Adler to be with GNR in Vegas, Coachella, Mexico City.....

James wrote:

The Izzy polls showed support in the 90% range. Adler is getting some attention now so I decided to take the pulse on interest in him making an appearance and decided to do an identical poll.  The Twitter poll has an almost identical percentage(on both) and its NOT the same people voting.

So basically most want Izzy and we're flipping coins on Adler.

Of course most want the AFD 5 at some point. It would bring it full circle for old school fans and of course be massive news if/when it occurs. The polls aren't asking for an AFD 5 reunion....its about interest in an appearance from one or the other.

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