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 Rep: 664 

Re: Will you ever give up?

James wrote:

Tommy hit the nail on the head with this sentence.

Tommie wrote:

But with ever day that goes by, the anticipation I once had diminishes.

I'm not sure I can say I even anticipate it anymore. While I like the few CD songs we've heard, Axl has drug this band through the mud into irrelevancy. I am here for the community, not the album itself. In 07, I was more interested in hearing M.I.A.'s album Kala than I was CD. In 2008, I am more interested in hearing her third album(which she is working on right now) than I am CD. Her third album will likely be released late 08/early 09, and the wait wont consist of her ignoring and shitting on her fanbase. She keeps people updated, and always leaks a few demos and even records videos just for the fans with no thought of releasing them. Now thats the kind of artist I fully respect and will support 100%  anything she does.

I am also more interested in U2's next album than I am CD. U2 is apparently going in another direction, and we could be on the verge of another Achtung Baby type of masterpiece.

One of these days Justine Frischmann will come out of hiding, and whatever she does(whether solo or Elastica reunion) will be more anticipated to me than CD.

There's just nothing magical to me anymore regarding CD. The emperor has no clothes, and if he happens to put some on, I don't really care. The only thing this album will do for me is provide closure. Will I download it if it leaks? Sure. Will I buy it if/when its released? Yeah, but only because people like Finck, BH, Huge, and Stinson deserve it for sticking with the project for so long and recording it even though Axl  was/is too scared to release it.

There's too many  interesting things going on in the music world for people to "wait" for this album.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Will you ever give up?

Scarlett wrote:

Let's just say this much- I've resigned myself to just enjoying the old hits from GNR. I honestly don't care if another album comes out anymore, as the hype has now become laughable and it's something I don't even pay attention to these days. Heck, I don't even visit HTGTH anymore, to which I used to on a daily basis, waiting to hear the official release date and other information about Axl and the band.

I have to question just how good this CD is- if it was such a great collection of songs, you can bet your ass Geffen wouldn't hold a gold mine back like this. They desperately need the money, and if something is that good, they aren't going to hesitate releasing it for fear of losing sales.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Will you ever give up?

Scarlett wrote:
Jameslofton wrote:

There's too many  interesting things going on in the music world for people to "wait" for this album.

Funny- I just posted basically the same thing in the Baz thread. 22 Seriously, Axl is digging his grave deeper and deeper by not getting on the ball and running with it.

julia (babydolls)
 Rep: 6 

Re: Will you ever give up?

I wont give up - am in it for the long haul. The silence is frustrating as, and I do live my life - but the intensity of the shows I saw in 2006 particularly and how I feel about the new songs I've heard so far still makes them the only band I'd pay to see as many times as poss on a tour or consider going abroad to see as well.
I like the people I've befriended through Gnr - here and on HTGTH - its a world away from being the only person i knew who loved this band back in 1990 and with no internet! There are plenty of other bands that I love and get excited about their new work and live shows - but GnR have been in my life for so long now, it would be like cutting off an old friend!  appreciate other peopls POVs though, the lack of news is quite gutting at this stage.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Will you ever give up?

PaSnow wrote:

Like others have said, I'll buy it the day it comes out (unless something happens in the meantime where I refuse to just out of principal). But as for giving up, I dunno, I really don't 'expect' it anytime soon or this year, so in that regard I have given up somewhat. More like 'relinquished' to the thought it might never come out. So I don't look forward to it very much. I'll buy it though, eventually. Yeah I have lost hope of it being some savoir album of Rock N Roll. That ship has sailed & isn't gonna happen.

 Rep: -3 

Re: Will you ever give up?

Bumble4tus wrote:

There is a Certain Motto....if I can remember correctly.....


words to live by...........w

 Rep: 423 

Re: Will you ever give up?

buzzsaw wrote:
Bumble4tus wrote:

There is a Certain Motto....if I can remember correctly.....


words to live by...........w

Axl's death is the only way I see CD coming out, so I agree with you in some sick, twisted way.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Will you ever give up?

Neemo wrote:

what would the victory part be? outliving all the original members? 16

 Rep: 664 

Re: Will you ever give up?

James wrote:
julia (babydolls) wrote:

I do live my life -

I hope my comment about not "waiting" on the album wasn't taken out of context. I never could stand the "live your life" thing people post at other sites. Its like speaking down to people. As long as you're not dead, you are living your life. My point(and statement) was directed at people who take this album and soap opera way too seriously, to the point of venting frustrations on other people, creating fake accounts, and other insane things. I like the various discussions here and at some other sites, and there's nothing wrong with posting your feelings. Its just a bit disturbing that  a lot of people have allowed an album to consume so much of their energy and the way it breeds hostility.

Its just an album, and I don't think it warrants people going off the deep end. I will admit that I also fell into this trap for several years where I allowed GNR/CD to become a huge factor in how I feel about things, even to the point of clouding other things going on in my life. I have moved on from that stage, and I now realize how absurd it is for people(specifically younger fans not yet so jaded) to let this project which may never get released to play a dominating role in their lives.

Nothing wrong with talking about CD(or other things), but people should also be diving into other artists music, watching some of these masterpieces coming out of the film industry, going to concerts, and basically enjoying other things in life as well.

I have seen people at other sites say new GNR is the best band in the world. Are they joking? They must live in a bubble. Its impossible for a band with zero releases to be the best band in the world. I love the CD songs as much as anyone else, but M.I.A. shits all over this band creativity wise, and I think its sad that GNR fans wont give her(or other artists) a chance because they are waiting on one particular album.

Someone loves the irony in some of Axl's lyrics on CD songs? Go listen to Kala where she is ranting against the West's abuses and neglect against third world countries, the third world's hatred of western ideals, and the superficial values the West lives by, yet embraces all these values on her quest for superstardom. Now thats irony that Axl could never even dream of in a million years.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Will you ever give up?

PaSnow wrote:
Gretchen Wieners wrote:

I have seen people at other sites say new GNR is the best band in the world. Are they joking? They must live in a bubble. Its impossible for a band with zero releases to be the best band in the world. I love the CD songs as much as anyone else, but M.I.A. shits all over this band creativity wise, and I think its sad that GNR fans wont give her(or other artists) a chance because they are waiting on one particular album.

I remember the 'Robin owns John Frusciante' arguements a few years ago. I never liked that. Robin may be a good guitarist, but as for bodies of work, how can you compare the two?!  Frusciante was on Blood Sugar Sex Magic, one of the best albums of all time, in addition to Californication, Stadium Arcadium & otehrs. People are going to compare that to 3 or 4 demo songs and a tour?? Please.....

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