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 Rep: 664 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

James wrote:

It should be considered by all parties involved. I realize the price tag this record has, but I think its reached the point where that isn't the primary focus anymore. Its not making that money back. I wouldn't be surprised if this is on the table in the negotiations. It can be done. Uni would probably want a cut in merchandising, and probably some of the tour profits(if they tour). Maybe even adding a new GH or box set of some sort to the deal to help offset those costs.

Its also a brilliant way for Axl to save face. No one in the world will ever be able to bitch about low album sales. He gave it to the world for free, so who's gonna bitch about possible low sales? Most certainly not the media.

This way Axl can make his statement and it not be compared as much to the old legacy.There's gonna be an asterisk next to this record anyways, so might as well let the project have some dignity.

I also realize this would basically be copying what Trent did with The Slip, but we're probably gonna see quite a few acts doing these types of releases in the future.

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

Sky Dog wrote:

Now were the cost of the album in to a 360 deal to include touring,merchandising, etc. However, anybody signing Axl will want a planned firm reunion of the ORIGINAL/AFD band- no hybrid players like Gilby or Matt or any new members. Ax can still tour through Chinese with the new guys then set a reunion for late 2009. The reunion guarantees they get their 13 million back in VERY short order. Good idea James and I am sure all these options are being discussed as we speak. Like I said in another thread. I am actually kind of excited to see what comes out of all this.....beacuase something will.:beer:

ps other options include releasing the more experimental tracks as an Axl Rose/Chinese Democracy solo album....taking the most classic Gnr sounding songs and have them redone by the original band-I think TWAT and The Blues would be much better with the old guys (outside of Bucket's solo on TWAT).

or releasing two albums for the price of one.....there are alot of ways they can go.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

James wrote:

Yeah, the next few months will be interesting. I wish Azoff would comment at some point. Its hard to get a feel for this without even knowing how management is responding to it.

While a guaranteed reunion would obviously make Uni pretty much give Axl carte blanche(he pretty much had it anyways) in this situation. A reunion has always been his ace in the hole, and its not surprising he has never commented publicly about it.

Plus or minus a few songs, we already have Chinese Democracy(a version of it anyways). THere's no point in delaying this process any further. This major leak will most definitely cause a loss of interest in people casually interested. You want Chinese Democracy? Its a torrent search away. Twelve songs. Thats an album.

Azoff, Axl, and all parties involved need to get this out and wipe the slate clean. They can decide the next step later.

I think this project has went way past the point of even thinking long term strategies.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

elmir wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

They can decide the next step later.

reunite with the old guys, and then release this behemoth as an Axl Rose solo record....or first release it as a solo, then reunite.....that should wipe the slate....

 Rep: 664 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

James wrote:

Its amazing how he cant come to terms for whatever reasons with this record. He has so many other options, but none of them are really feasible until he unloads CD. Sure he can do a reunion tomorrow, but he will have been the only person in the reunion to not be able to release a record. Thats pretty embarrassing. Another option is a reissued AFD with the once mythical AFD remake as a bonus disc. This would push AFD sales even higher. Not an option at this point though because he'd be considered a joke doing that first after all these years.

He cant even join a supergroup if he wanted to and take a break from Guns. He would be harassed about this record everywhere he went and the monkey on his back could destroy that project.

He's approaching fifty. If he wants to have a viable career for the next decade or so, he's gotta make a move.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

elmir wrote:

the only way i see himself saving his to release all 50-60 hours of it....load it up on as many discs as it would fit onto....and send it out onto the market like that....

he will outnumber any major release at the time, and simply in terms of basic math, he should sell decent numbers.....then he can start from scratch, or even do a reunion....

but its time to get rid of this now....good or bad....just chuck it out and let it do what it can....

 Rep: 14 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

ereeper wrote:

Another good money maker is to officially release live shows.  The cheapest way would be as a download on a web site.  If every show has been recorded, then make MP3's available for all old shows and future shows. 
It's not going to generate 13 million, but will add to the cost owed from recording CD.

I for one, would buy all six shows I've been too and probably more.  At ten bucks a pop, they will sell.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

PaSnow wrote:
elmir wrote:

the only way i see himself saving his to release all 50-60 hours of it....load it up on as many discs as it would fit onto....and send it out onto the market like that....

Close, but here's how I feel it should be done. Release an album with mostly 'the hits'. The 10 or so best songs. Then, release a compilation album with 2-3 discs a few months after, of all the B-sides, demo outtakes, whatever other crap he's got ready to release. That way, album A will sell to the masses, and album B will sell to the fans curious for more at a higher cost ($25-$30 or so, like a cheap box set).

Releasing it online I don't think iwll work because the label wouldn't support it or help to market it, therefore it would receive little attention, few downloads (relatively speaking), and little radio play. NIN & Radiohead have both done this to these results.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

James wrote:

Little attention? The leaks were headline news. Trent also made the headlines with The Slip. CD will get noticed no matter how it drops. In fact, a free release would give it an even bigger buzz. Not having to factor in actual sales would help this tremendously.

What's better: CD being released and potentially not getting the number one spot on Billboard thus being deemed an immediate failure, or a free release where the only thing anyone can concentrate on is the music?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Should Chinese Democracy be released for free??

James wrote:

One other thing....

A free release would drastically reduce the amount of money Axl has to give current and former CD members.

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