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 Rep: 664 

Re: "Street Team"

James wrote:

We're gonna go ahead and launch this again. While newer members will eventually be included, at the moment we are wanting to kick this off with the members who were part of the original "street team" at the old site. I remember most, but since I don't want to forget anybody, make sure to post in this thread so you are not excluded.

If you are wondering exactly what a street team does here, they help promote the site on other lanes of the information superhighway. NOT spamming. That's not what the concept is about. A few examples would be having one of our banners on your myspace profile, a link in your signature at sites that allow it, an Evo themed avatar,etc. Any or all of those are not required, just giving a general idea.

The street team is also used to get feedback on various things that affect the site in general, whether its new designs, contests, etc.

After the original team is in place, we will start adding newer members that are interested.

 Rep: 67 

Re: "Street Team"

Tommie wrote:

Very cool.  I could use a new banner.

 Rep: 39 

Re: "Street Team"

-Jack- wrote:

Go street team go! smile.

 Rep: 633 

Re: "Street Team"

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 286 

Re: "Street Team"

Aussie wrote:

Yeah Im the same I try and promote the site where I can, even got links in my ebay auctions.

I would put up a myspace banner too if I knew how to add it to my page - unfortunately I am a bit of a muppet when it comes to those things.

 Rep: 77 

Re: "Street Team"

Von wrote:

Go Team Venture!

 Rep: 661 

Re: "Street Team"

monkeychow wrote:

I wasn't in the original street team but will be happy to do what I can if you need extra people...i'm always mentioning this site to folks around.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: "Street Team"

NY Giants82 wrote:

I used to have a banner on my myspace a year or two ago. We need to get an updated one made sometime. Unfortunatly, as Axl would say "its all Greek to me". Who made the one last time?

 Rep: 485 

Re: "Street Team"

Neemo wrote:

banners will be provided to those who request them 22

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: "Street Team"

NY Giants82 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

banners will be provided to those who request them 22

How 'bout hooking a brother up?!:D

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