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 Rep: 1 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

cdgnfr wrote:

He couldn't top the earlier CD stuff he wrote

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

James wrote:
Backslash wrote:

Where's James's name in the thank yous?

If only I had deleted a few negative posts, including my own, I would have made it.


Paul Huge should have thanked me though. lol

Thats a joke obviously. Regardless of how people feel about the direction of HTGTH and/or mygnr, those sites have existed since before this saga started. I can see why the admins of both sites were mentioned.

 Rep: 0 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

McCoyGNR wrote:

I hate to piss on the parade and even ask the question... but did anyone else notice the mistakes in the lyrics? Take street of dreams for example... Last 'verse' - What this means to me is more than I know you believe, What I thought of you now, has I thought was true before" - -

looks like someone messed up and instead of saying 'what i thought was true before, has cost more than it should for me, what i thought of you now' combined two of the lines. I can't believe this sort of thing slips through the cracks, given the perfectionist attitude that this album was created with.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

strat0 wrote:


 Rep: 13 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

strat0 wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

James wrote:

Its pretty obvious this was just thrown together.  Hell, there's not even a band photo. In a decade they couldn't sit down and take a picture?

The whole thing is just bizarre.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin16 wrote:
Backslash wrote:

The credits are insane.  I was looking forward to this more than the album.  Now we finally know who does what.  And Jarmo gets thanked.  Where's James's name in the thank yous?

Yeah, I kind of did a double take on that. Apparently licking Axl's ass, and being a fuckin' nazi to regular true GN'R fans on the internet, gets you thanked in the liner notes.


Good job Axl. You should've just not thanked ANYONE from the fuckin' internet.

Plus, does anyone else have a problem that ONLY RON (props to Ron) thanked the fans? You know the ones that kept the fuckin' band alive since 1995?

Cool to see Izzy gets thanked.

And in closing (of my opinions), with the several lack of 'info' in these liner notes, other than credits & lyrics (which is cool, don't get me wrong), does anyone else think that a "reunion" is still that far from a possibility?

It's starting to look more and more like this is a new-GN'R "best of", and that this band is dead. With no talking, no interviews, nothing, nothing to annouce support for this record, half the band is gone... what else should I think?

James said it best, this seems "thrown together". Certaintly not something that smacks as the "first album of four".

After reading the liner notes, hearing the leaks... all of this saga feels like it's coming to a CLOSE. To a FINALE. CLOSURE. Nothing about any of this feels like 'the beginning of the beginning'.


Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin08 wrote:

And in closing (of my opinions), with the several lack of 'info' in these liner notes, other than credits & lyrics (which is cool, don't get me wrong), does anyone else think that a "reunion" is still that far from a possibility?

It's starting to look more and more like this is a new-GN'R "best of", and that this band is dead. With no talking, no interviews, nothing, nothing to annouce support for this record, half the band is gone... what else should I think

That's what I have been thinking as well,the credits read like a "best of" album,and it is very weird. hmm

 Rep: 2 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

highend88 wrote:

Can someone please PM me? Please

 Rep: 13 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

strat0 wrote:

Yah. a good few mistakes in that. Also like yall said does seem thrown together

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