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Re: i'm back

Good for you.

 Rep: 664 

Re: i'm back

James wrote:
mygnrsucks wrote:

what is the point of being in a censored community?

There is no point to being in one, which is why you, me, and everyone else here posts here. If I wanted to be censored, I'd put a sock in my mouth and turn my computer off.

Some people like to rag on this site, but guess where they go when a leak or news getting censored happens?

Hell, when Shackler's Revenge leaked this site had about 450 members online at once and a bunch of guests. Let me put it this way, they weren't here to talk about Axl's hair.

 Rep: 28 

Re: i'm back

emcitymisfit wrote:

When Shackler's leaked, people were actually permitted to talk about it on the largest site. Then, when the record leaked a couple weeks before launch, no mention of the songs was permitted at all.

Not that the site was perfect, threads about Axl's hair and pirate dance moves were embarrassing to all GnR fans (which is often something you already don't want to mention in public), but the mods did a total 180 in mid-November.

 Rep: 268 

Re: i'm back

Olorin wrote:

I've never really had a problem with sites deleting threads about leaks, I could always see the sense in it. Now I'm in the camp that doesnt want to ruin the new album for myself I can see the point in it even more. My beef was having your point of view censored and deleted, I'm not the most hateful GNR fan in the world and I had fuck knows how many posts vanish into thin air at HTGTH, the blatent one sidedness of the place drove me mad.
But I think as the "big" GNR forums they have a responsibility not to be promoting leaks because they are generally the first site casual fans find.
At the same time I understand that if the stuff is out there people have a right to discuss it, and if a forum is ok with that, like GNREvo, then thats their prerogative and it doesnt bother me in the slightest either.

But I'll be hoping the new music discussions dont spill into other threads as I'll be avoiding those like the plague.

 Rep: 30 

Re: i'm back

jimmythegent wrote:

are we seriously thinking we may get more leaks?

Interesting - if it is of the quality of the antiquiet leaks, Axl might have to come good on his ""same bat time - same bat channel" remark

Trilogy anyone? tongue

 Rep: 96 

Re: i'm back

Yeah, I'm really hoping this is for real. Suddenly I'm excited again. smile

 Rep: 633 

Re: i'm back

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: i'm back

buzzsaw wrote:

Even if something comes of it, what are the odds of it being worth any excitement?  At best, we're likely to see demos of songs we already have.  At worst, we could find out that these mystery songs are as weak as most of CD is.  Either way, are you sure you really want to know?

 Rep: 13 

Re: i'm back

strat0 wrote:

I can tell you for a fact that Checkmate is in several of our very own forum member's possesion and will be heard "soon" by all, according to my source.

In addition, the Chinese D masters AND the often discussed, but never leaked, backstage 2002 VMA footage will FINALLY see the light of day.

We may not get a tour in 2009, but we will certainly have a few new goodies to enjoy and discuss.


 Rep: 28 

Re: i'm back

emcitymisfit wrote:

AWESOME. Which board was that from?

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