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Re: anyone who has unheard leaks should share them for xmas

Sky Dog wrote:

and Richard answers with "heard"-hear and "label has album" in the same sentence.......I think he answered the first question. It doesn't matter, cause we still don't have a release date.:flame:

 Rep: 286 

Re: anyone who has unheard leaks should share them for xmas

Aussie wrote:

Unfortunately it's a pretty sad state of affairs when this is how we get some sort of news on where the album may be at.

I mean good on Richard for answering the question (if indeed that's what he did and it sounds like it to me), but unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if the guy gets his ass kicked again for saying this because his comment is going/has already spread like wild fire in what is normally an information vacuum from the GN'R camp.

I remember a similar situation I think it was last year where I think it was at a function when Fortus was talking to a fan and he was asked about the album and said something about a date then this was subsequently splashed all over the message boards and Fortus had to make a statement a few days later saying it's wasn't correct etc etc.

 Rep: 664 

Re: anyone who has unheard leaks should share them for xmas

James wrote:

I'll believe it when I see it. Fortus has a habit of saying things are happening when they aren't.

 Rep: 11 

Re: anyone who has unheard leaks should share them for xmas

dave-gnfnr2k wrote:

I still dont get the logic behind the people that claim leaks will just push the  album back. Leaks HELP an album not HURT it. Just look at the buzz on the boards and radio when the songs leaked.

Also the leaks out there are a few years old and are nothing like the final versions according to Bach and others. So where is the logic that more leaks will push the album back. Its just an excuse.

 Rep: 6 

Re: anyone who has unheard leaks should share them for xmas

starsko wrote:
dave-gnfnr2k wrote:

I still dont get the logic behind the people that claim leaks will just push the  album back.

I don't understand them either.

Also the leaks out there are a few years old and are nothing like the final versions according to Bach and others.

All the leaks (except for CITR) have been played live in 2006. The live 2006 versions were very similar to these "old" leaks...

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