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 Rep: 221 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

polluxlm wrote:

Japan is a US protectorate, where do you think they got their model? Don't worry, if it's that kind of thing you want it's coming to a town near you very soon. But I don't see why 20 years of zero growth is something to strive for.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

misterID wrote:

Show me one example of a free market health care system working, polluxlm. You or CC. Show me one nation where it's worked.

The prices in the Amercian food industry are regulated by the American Government so that the food producers can't gouge Americans, and charge anything they want. It's to keep prices affordable and so the food industry can't take advantage of the American people and send them to the poor house just to keep food on the table. And you know what? I haven't seen any libertarians or Paul people screaming to get the goverment out of it. Because not only is it for the good of the people, but it works. Why cant we do that with health care?

Another thing, insurance companies are "for profit" industries. They would not cover a large percentage of the population, especially the ones on medicaid or medicare, and we're not even talking about the people who would lose coverage, or suddenly wouldn't be able to afford it anymore. They're looking out for their profits. Anyone they consider high risk is out of luck. Without regulations and government intervention, they would write their own rules, not only on what they will or won't cover, but also what they determine as high risk. If you have more than one family member who had cancer, for example, they could claim you as high risk for heridtary reasons, and raise your rates. They could write the rules any way they want, to benefit them and increase their profits. That's on top of how they currently write their rules as to who is high risk, which is completely outrageous.

And absolutely nothing would stop them from imposing their own regulations on diet, smoking and drinking habits.

If you want to pay more for less, be my guest.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

polluxlm wrote:

Are there any nations that have really tried? Europe has always been socialist, and the American system has been for quite some time. The rest of the world is basically slave states so not much to look at there.

So no, I don't have any example of a free market health care system working, but as you see above, I have a ton of examples of government systems not working.

What I do know is that you get a ton of better care at a private clinic than you do at any state facility. Yeah, it costs money, but if we weren't putting 90%+ of our pay check in the governments pocket any working man would afford it. If you have money you are guaranteed good care. With the government they may put you on a waiting list for so long you don't even make it, or they refuse new methods because it's not been approved by the government for some usual bs political/religious reason. Or worse, they might just forget about it (tons of examples of that over here) because government people tend to not give a shit because it's not their profits or even jobs at stake. I've been to the system a few times. First time they operated on me without anesthetics because the doctor was short on time. In America I might sue and get a million dollars at a private clinic, over here they just shafted my complaint with no legal recourse. Deal with it basically.

Basically the only thing a socialist system has over a private one is that even the lowest bottom feeder will get taken care of. And for what? So they can continue bottom feeding? Actually, if you ask me, the real social thing to do would be to let nature go its course and spare the majority the burdens of our weakest. And if I have happen to be one of them I'll do the patriotic thing and accept my destiny. We're not gonna make it out alive anyway, so why not try and make it good while it lasts?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

misterID wrote:

That is such bullshit. That's one of the most ridiculous things I've read, but I'm glad you did it to shine a light on what extremism sounds like.

The reason why there isnt a free market health care system is because it wouldn't work.

Private sector along with government can co-exist very easily and effectively. We just have extremists on both sides who want all or nothing, which is stupid. I've shown how we can regulate prices, like we do other industries and it's for the betterment of the population. You can clean up the buerocracy, fix the holes and waste, but you guys don't want that. You would forego even the most perfect health care system in favor of YOUR own, flawed, ineffective ideological based health care system, where people die who can't afford it.

Of course you're ignoring the fact we do not have a socialist health care system; medicare does not constitute socialism. It can sustain itself. Sad but true. The private sector can still thrive along with medicare.

Bottom feeder? They're called the working class. The people you're refering to take up such a small percentage who use public assistance that's not even worth debating. The majority of people who use assistance are the WORKING poor in America. People who work even more than one job. And it's the fake, so-called free market capitalist who are rigging the system to protect wealth, not to create it, who are keeping them there by not raising wages and fighting every move to raise wages to match the inflation and the cost of living. This bottom feeder shit is just some wannabe libertarian, made up nonsense to justify being a heartless, greedy douchebag.

Basically, if you were born poor, fuck you. You don't matter. And why you're at it, please die. Fuck that elitist, cocksucking bullshit.

We take care of our own, and we don't leave anyone behind. Sorry, you don't have to weed anyone out.

Be a slave for the rich man and die, if that's what you want, as to not inconvience them, which it seems you're more than willing to do. Be a whore for a group of people you'll never reach the status of. That doesn't mean the rest of us have to.

While you're at it, go move to Somalia. That's your paradise and I'm sure you'll be very happy there.... Before you're ass raped and murdered by choking on your own genitals, after the warlords have their way with you.

But guess what. No Taxes! No socialist health care. No taking care of bottom feeders. No government interference, because there is no government. It's paradise. Yay!

 Rep: 221 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

polluxlm wrote:

Oh, how are you going to clean it up? You got some magic plan that nobody's thought of yet? I don't think it's a coincidence that every state run program in the west is running into depravity.

No, it's not socialism on paper, but it becomes so when the guys who own big pharma also owns your government. It's not even close to a free market system. A cartel would be the more appropriate description.

And I agree the big capitalists are rigging the game, but having a huge, all encompassing government there to do the job for them doesn't help it. Any government will be bought, that's why it needs to be constitutionally limited. The problem in your country and mine is that the government doesn't give a fuck about the law or the constitution. They break it every day. It happens because the voters either don't know or don't give a fuck as long as there's Ben & Jerry in the fridge.

Now that the milk and honey days are passing people want to give more power to the government, ie. the big corporations. Yeah, you somehow want to change that, but how are you going to do that when every candidate available to you is deep in the pocket of the establishment?

I'm not a slave to anybody. You on the other hand voluntarily invite the slavery of government and the banks. Ready to throw the constitution out the window and let government take care of you. Cause bureaucracy got such a great track record historically right? The freeing up of markets built all our countries. The reason it seemingly never work is because big money factions are always using their pull to manipulate the process and create chaos. It's the ignorance of this fact that has halted any effort to do something about it. To start jailing these bankers and politicians for corruption and criminal conspiracy.

Somalia doesn't have a government cause if they do some western coalition go and bomb the shit out of them. Those countries are slave colonies for the corporations, who make our governments use our tax money to kill and enslave people so they can snatch resources. You need to start paying attention to what's happening outside network tv.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

misterID wrote:

You need to start paying attention to reality. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I've never once said the government was the answer to all our problems, but if you don't think it should play a role then you're fooling yourself. There are many people who have many great ideas to fix things. You should look around more. The wonderful thing about the American government is that it was designed to evolve. You may hate your government, but it seems you have a bigger problem with your fellow citizens.

#1 is REAL campaign finance reform. Once you eliminate the money, you take away the influence. Along with the insider trading act, of politicians owning stock, or having any dealings with businesses while in office, like the president just introduced.

#2 we need to reinstate the regulations over the finacial system that Clinton stripped away in the late 90's; most notably Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed the banks and Wall Street to go hog wild and what drove us to the edge. That's deregulation at it's finest!

#3 we need a sound health care system, one that works and doesn't waste money. We can retool the entitlement programs so that the people who need it (and deserve it) get it first, by putting it on an income scale and raising the ages of aligibility of people in higher income brackets.

#4 invest in proper education, fix the university tuition problems.

#5 declare a national security emergency on energy and lower our dependence on fossile fuels. Put it in the hands of the military (they're actually doing that to an extent now)... You know, the same people who invented the internet, satellite and GPS systems... You know, the things that have totally revolutionized our economy (and our world) and created biggest boom in the private sector's history with the number of jobs and millionaire/billionaire entrepreneurs created? Yeah, that all came from government investment.

You're talking about the evils of corporations but you want to give them even more freedom and power and allow them to do whatever they want without any oversight. Corporations don't change, the government does. We actually have control over our goverment, not over corporations. And it doesn't matter how much money they use to rig the system, we can beat them.

But in no way am I ever going to allow 1% of the population to dictate my life.

It's not about giving more power to the government, it's getting back to what worked, back when people were saying EXACTLY what you're saying now 70 years ago, at the same time America soared. America has a history of showing how the private sector and government can work together succesfully, and empower the private sector. We've also seen what damage no regulations, big corporations and 1% of the population can do.

If you want to live in a cave, then be my guest.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

polluxlm wrote:
misterID wrote:

But in no way am I ever going to allow 1% of the population to dictate my life.

Well, you have, you are and you will.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

misterID wrote:

There's something very funny about this post 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

Axlin16 wrote:

But where are all of your sources for your opinions? YOUR OPINIONS DON'T MEAN ANYTHING WITHOUT SOURCES!!!

16 *sarcasm*

I'm actually somewhere in the middle between poll and ID. I don't trust government or the banks. Banks can only profit by stealing from the poor/middle class, and government's actual existance is to oppress the masses. Just it's very existance is "anti-citizen".

But as ID stated, in 2012... "i'd rather have wild west Socialism than wild west deregulation"

I didn't state 'captalism', because Socialism IS capitalism. It's just pro-state controlled capitalism.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Big Pharma lobbies against faster drug trials

polluxlm wrote:
misterID wrote:

You need to start paying attention to reality. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I've never once said the government was the answer to all our problems, but if you don't think it should play a role then you're fooling yourself. There are many people who have many great ideas to fix things. You should look around more. The wonderful thing about the American government is that it was designed to evolve. You may hate your government, but it seems you have a bigger problem with your fellow citizens.

I have no qualms about my feelings regarding fellow citizens who got the balls to even think they have the right to interfere in my personal affairs. Sadly that's the going norm these days.

Ideas do not equal solutions. I want world peace. Is that a great idea? Or just a fanciful delusion? I've looked around alright. I see a lot of idealistic people with no clear focus or real solutions wasting their energy on rigged dilemmas. 

#1 is REAL campaign finance reform. Once you eliminate the money, you take away the influence. Along with the insider trading act, of politicians owning stock, or having any dealings with businesses while in office, like the president just introduced.

Not going to happen, and if it did it would be a pointless and controlled limited hangout. Cash is king, always have, always will.

#2 we need to reinstate the regulations over the finacial system that Clinton stripped away in the late 90's; most notably Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed the banks and Wall Street to go hog wild and what drove us to the edge. That's deregulation at it's finest!

Glass Steagall Act was a hoax funded by the bankers. It was so they could run the smaller banks out of business. Now that they've done that the gloves are off and it's steal as much as we can before the inevitable: bank nationalization. Total control to the foreign run FED. They are no fools these bankers.

#3 we need a sound health care system, one that works and doesn't waste money. We can retool the entitlement programs so that the people who need it (and deserve it) get it first, by putting it on an income scale and raising the ages of aligibility of people in higher income brackets.

#4 invest in proper education, fix the university tuition problems.

You make it sound so easy. Have you ever considered health care and education are bad because they want it to be? So they got a constant excuse to "reform"? On top of a tapped out, sickly and ignorant population too dependent to become any threat at all, of course.

#5 declare a national security emergency on energy and lower our dependence on fossile fuels. Put it in the hands of the military (they're actually doing that to an extent now)... You know, the same people who invented the internet, satellite and GPS systems... You know, the things that have totally revolutionized our economy (and our world) and created biggest boom in the private sector's history with the number of jobs and millionaire/billionaire entrepreneurs created? Yeah, that all came from government investment.

Our economies are in the toilet. What are you talking about? And you miss the fact that all those wonderful inventions are primarily being used to spy on you and enslave you. That's the military for you, that's government. Why do you think they gave it to us? For charity? You also miss the fact that they all came 50 years late, because corrupt officials are controlling the flow of inventions to maximize profits and control.

You're talking about the evils of corporations but you want to give them even more freedom and power and allow them to do whatever they want without any oversight. Corporations don't change, the government does. We actually have control over our goverment, not over corporations. And it doesn't matter how much money they use to rig the system, we can beat them.

We're fucked either way, but I'll rather live in an unjust and free society than in a forced bubble of mediocrity. That's the end path for every social government. No progress, no middle class, no freedom, no individuality.

It's not about giving more power to the government, it's getting back to what worked, back when people were saying EXACTLY what you're saying now 70 years ago, at the same time America soared. America has a history of showing how the private sector and government can work together succesfully, and empower the private sector. We've also seen what damage no regulations, big corporations and 1% of the population can do.

If you want to live in a cave, then be my guest.

The .0001% engineered the crack, financed Roosevelt and pushed in socialism and world war. Now they're financing Obama and the occupy movement. Are they suicidal? Or perhaps there's more to this game than you think.

The .0001% support socialism. They fund it. They created it. That should be reason enough to go the other way.

You can cry fringe theory all you want. It's all documented. You just have to have the will to look it up.

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