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 Rep: 83 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

otto wrote:

... the leaks from 2006 were indeed intentional to force the hand on the band to release what was to be believed, at that point, a ready to be released, only lacking mastering version of the album. Who you think would've leaked it?

Who you think leaked the songs in 2006?

Jimmy Iovine 22%
Robin Finck and Tommy Stinson or any other members of the band behind Axl's back 0%
Billy Howerdel and the APC guys (all involved with GN'R and with connections with Skwerl) 0%
Irving Azzoff 0%
Both Jimmy Iovine and Irving Azzoff 78%
Beta and The Lebeis 0%
Slash and the Velvet Revolver camp/mngmnt 0%
Total votes: 9
 Rep: 77 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

smoke wrote:

Was Azoff already involved at that point? I def DON'T think it was the band, APC, or Slash/VC. If Azoff was in the picture, I'd lean towards him or someone associated with the Lebeis', but not them directly.

Also, I'd love to know FOR SURE whether the track listing was forced by the leaks or not. Were we going to get those tracks either way?

 Rep: 83 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

otto wrote:

I think Azzoff was already in talks after the Merck falldown and was obviously in touch with Universal and Interscope. Jimmy Iovine was rumoured to be the one that got Azzoff to manage Guns N' Roses.

I'd believe it was Iovine with the help/manipulation of mastermind Azzoff.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

smoke wrote:

Thanks for refreshing my memory of the timeline. Given that, I'd say Iovine/Azoff with Azoff being the puppeteer. So the next question becomes why, right?

If it were those two, I'd say it clears the deck: it rips the band aid off and forces everything forward. It removes the fear of public reaction, and ultimately, given what we know of Azoff, might even pave the way for a reunion by sabotaging CD.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

otto wrote:
smoke wrote:

If it were those two, I'd say it clears the deck: it rips the band aid off and forces everything forward. It removes the fear of public reaction, and ultimately, given what we know of Azoff, might even pave the way for a reunion by sabotaging CD.

I'd say it's something along those lines too. By sabotaging the release and speeding up things, Axl would have to hurry up finding a good management firm to release the album, therefore the Azzoff involvement. Also, it could lower sales and collaborate to the reunion plans Azzoff always had. It would literally pressure Axl to deliver the album as soon as possible (rumours have it that by January 2007 the album was handled to the record company and negotiations, headed by Azzoff begun, including the best buy deal).

Seems like the missing pieces of the puzzle are jumping in front of us...

 Rep: 661 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

monkeychow wrote:

Not sure what I think about these theories.

I mean the label invested countless years and dollars into the record, releasing a single track or something to help force Axl's hand would be one thing, but the final leak of basically the whole album in nearly finished form seems like shooting themselves in the foot pretty hard - unless they already knew they'd be paid back in full by the best buy deal.

I guess it could be argued that they figured the death of the chinese democracy project would help force a reunion - but I'm not sure that's a good bet!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

Aussie wrote:
smoke wrote:

Thanks for refreshing my memory of the timeline. Given that, I'd say Iovine/Azoff with Azoff being the puppeteer. So the next question becomes why, right?

If it were those two, I'd say it clears the deck: it rips the band aid off and forces everything forward. It removes the fear of public reaction, and ultimately, given what we know of Azoff, might even pave the way for a reunion by sabotaging CD.

Exactly this, get it out of the way, try and make it commercially fail, apply financial pressure too if possible and force Axl into a reunion.

I would suggest he pretty much achieved all of that but fell short with the final piece of the puzzle - Axl wouldn't budge on the reunion.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

otto wrote:

Are we sure that Axl wouldn't  budge on the reunion or when he did wanted a reunion his demands weren't met, therefore he backed off on it?

 Rep: 287 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

Aussie wrote:

There have been plenty of rumors about it through the years.

Obviously Weiland said the pens were ready to sign.  I also remember when things went shit with VR at one point and there were reports that Slash moved all his gear out of the studio etc.

I also recall murmurs that there was agreement on a reunion of sorts at one point but when the paperwork was finally done Axl had slipped in an additional clause where the they would have signed away all remaining rights to the back catalogue (or something to that effect).

Remember also when Madison (plus some others) had hinted that Slash could be at the Hammerstein shows in2006? I think this was also around the time of Slash supposedly moving his gear. She was hammered for that, but I always thought she wouldn't have said that if there wasn't some basis to it.  I mean hell she got hammered for the Slash t-shirt thing too and that turned out to be true, people were being told to take them off sometimes.

Nothing surprises me with this band anymore, including the possibility of Axl trying to construct some fucked up (for everyone else) reunion on crazy terms.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Volume 2 - What if...

otto wrote:

I have a feeling that the reunion efforts that surfaced in 2007/early 2008 were coming right from Axl's camp as it was known by them, at that time, that Finck was gone for good.

That, to me, was the final breath of air on Chinese Democracy and the Guns N' Roses reincarnation. If there's a moment in time where we can say that Axl lost his passion and then turned GNR into a cash machine / nostalgia act, to me that moment is 2007 with Finck quitting and 2008 leading up to the release of the album.

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