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 Rep: 0 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

smeagol2124 wrote:

Am I glad I got to hear the leaks? -Yes

Is the guy who hosted them a stupid fuck for doing so? -yes

He deserves whatever comes his way.  We all break laws daily from stealing to speeding to whatever.  We also all understand that there are consequences.
GNR become corperate property in 1986 when they signed that contract.

This whole notion of "man they are sellouts with walmart, etc." is just a really naive way of looking at things.  The beauty of GNR, NWA, RATM is that they got the young kids to think that they were "fighting the power" when in reality it was just feeding the machine and helping everyone involved make some coin.  I hope the hammer falls hard on this assclown.  He was too stupid/brash for his own good.  MSL better be looking over his shoulder as well as Incognito.  I'm pretty sure it is a felony to offer to pay for stolen property, and Incognito is on the fast track to learning that

 Rep: 768 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Axlin16 wrote:

1) This is BAD publicity all around. Whether it's Universal or GN'R, EVERYONE downloads music, some more 'illegal' than others. This is gonna make everyone look BAD. Metallica regetted making this move, too bad because it's Universal it's out of Axl's hands. He'd probably listened to Lars.

2) This might be good news for fans. How many years have there been leaks? Universal would only be springing to action like this to protect their INVESTMENT. They'd only be doing that if they KNEW that the album's release was imminent. It might actually, FINALLY, be coming! Fuck yeah!

3) Mr. Cogill should get a good lawyer. Any lawyer, with any mind of copyright laws, would probably be able to argue his case right out of court. You can illegally upload copyrighted material, but seeing how this material is not available to the masses, most are not going to look at it as any sort of infringement. He posted music that ISN'T RELEASED.

Like CC said, this is going to disgust most Guns fans, especially the old ones, even if Guns aren't responsible. Hopefully it won't be too bad,

 Rep: 59 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

jorge76 wrote:
Acquiesce wrote:

He was stupid for cooperating with the FBI in the first place.

The FBI shows up at my house, I'm doing what they say.  I think most people are in that same boat.

Now if we want to get into how ridiculous it is that my tax dollars are helping fund the FBI to do things like this....  That's a whole other story.

 Rep: 12 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

rose22 wrote:

yeah, by not cooperating with the fbi, you are asking for even more trouble. i think we all know what they are capable of doing. didn't quite expect this to happen. i'm waiting to see what james has to say about this. should be interesting. i'm not happy about this at all and it can't be good pub for the most hated man in rock.

 Rep: 30 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Acquiesce wrote:

No, he just aided in his own prosecution. He should have exercised his right to remain silent. The worst they could have done for exercising his constitutional right was to go and get a warrant. Of course he probably was screwed anyway since he leaked it on his site, but what did he expect to gain by telling them he did it? That they were going to thank him for being honest  and let him go?

 Rep: 108 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

war wrote:

no press is bad press

axl needs to give the go ahead for the release and give a statement regarding this and the album sooner than later and while the kettle is hot.

cogill will beat this charge in court

 Rep: 221 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

polluxlm wrote:

No, but you'll probably get a lower sentence than if you had "resisted the supreme authority". Discount for cooperation. Of course it all depends on the judge and his mood/agenda for the day.

Not that I think that was what he had in mind when he burst it out. Weakling.

 Rep: 57 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

supaplex wrote:

this is fucked up. i don't care if it's axl, universal or the housekeeper.

nobody cares that 9 gnr songs leaked online. 10.000 on forums will not make or break an album. maybe for bach they would but not gnr.

arresting a guy for leaking some demos is sad. greedy people stuck in the 90s before the internet came around don't know how to keep the money coming so they do this.

i hope cd leaks entirely. i don't care anymore. i'll buy it if it gets released but, like every fucking album this day, it will leak. they can't stop it.

 Rep: 227 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Will wrote:

From (Skwerls website)


Skwerl got himself hauled in by the FBI today over this whole GNR/Chinese Democracy leak fiasco, which seems to mean that people take this whole copyright thing pretty seriously. We weren't going to make a big spectacle of this, since it's obviously a pretty serious situation, but the plankton hacks over at the Los Angeles Times managed to pick up on the story and run it a highly (suspicious) impressive two hours after the incident went down. So here we are.

In all likelihood, he'll be back fighting the good fight from his couch by this evening. But anyone who feels like getting as equally theatrical as the feds (who were anything but quiet and graceful during their ass-crack-of-dawn descent on Skwerl's sleepy house this morning) can come show their support with Britney and I today at the LA District Court on 255 E. Temple. 2pm. Bring your mp3 players.

In the meantime, well-wishes in the comments, lawyer-fund donations in the p.o. box, and on we rock.

 Rep: 30 

Re: **Kevin Cogill Who Leaked 9 GnR Songs Arrested Today**

Acquiesce wrote:

No, that's absolutely incorrect. Like I said it is his constitutional right to remain silent. It would be unconstitutional for a judge to determine the sentencing based on whether he exercised that right when they went to question him. If he had an attorney at that time the attorney would have instructed him to remain silent.

Now that he is charged they can offer him incentives in terms of sentencing to talk/cooperate but they can't penalize him for exercising his right to talk when they questioned him.

In one way it is hard to feel sorry for him for being so stupid and not protecting himself, but I just can't get behind this prosection since we the fans have benefitted from his actions. I know what he did was wrong , but I don't think he should be punished for helping out a desperate fan base.

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