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 Rep: 341 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

bigbri wrote: … m_joh.html

Ouch. This hurts, but not as bad as currently trailing in Ohio, Nevada and Florida.

Not much time to make up these Obama gains.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

McCain is gonna have to pull a 2004 Boston Red Sox with the upcoming debates.

I mean two full on home runs. He's fading, the first debate made him look bad, and the aftertaste has just made it taste worse, Palin salvaged it somewhat with her strong performance in the VP debate, but it's not enough.

McCain is gonna have to blow people away in the upcoming debates.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:

The whitey video needs to surface.

We will be getting an Obama "October Surprise". We just don't know what it is yet.

 Rep: 194 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

tejastech08 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

The whitey video needs to surface.

We will be getting an Obama "October Surprise". We just don't know what it is yet.

Even Michelle Malkin has said it's likely bullshit. She said the guy pushing it at first said "she said whitey" but then they changed their story to say "she said why'd he."

But you are right, McCain knows he can't win on the issues anymore. Time for character assassination.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

You guys really think this infamous whitey video will surface?

I've been convinced for months that was absolute bullcrap.

 Rep: 664 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You guys really think this infamous whitey video will surface?

I've been convinced for months that was absolute bullcrap.

I hope it does because something has to put a stop to this Obama worship. The worship will stop once he is president and we go down the tubes, but I'd rather the worship stop before then.

Liberals don't care anyways. They love him no matter what. We'll see if they love him when the money in their wallet/purse is worthless.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

Axlin16 wrote:

If there truely is a Michelle Obama whitey video, it'll be McCain's smoking gun.


The Obama campaign have intentionally played it very cool with the race card, because whites are very touchy and very sensative about blacks playing the race card, and a double-standard when it comes to racism. If there truely is a Michelle whitey video and it surfaces sometime in the next month... Obama is dead, dead, dead.

Even as an Obama supporter, I couldn't let that go. I let the Wright thing go... I let the crack about Cubs fans go... now his wife is a racist... that'd be a deal breaker.

 Rep: 194 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

tejastech08 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You guys really think this infamous whitey video will surface?

I've been convinced for months that was absolute bullcrap.

I hope it does because something has to put a stop to this Obama worship. The worship will stop once he is president and we go down the tubes, but I'd rather the worship stop before then.

Liberals don't care anyways. They love him no matter what. We'll see if they love him when the money in their wallet/purse is worthless.

McCain and that asshole Phil Gramm, McCain's economic adviser, would fuck things up even worse for us. Gramm is the douche bag who is largely responsible for the de-regulation that got us into this mess in the first place.

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I hope it does because something has to put a stop to this Obama worship. The worship will stop once he is president and we go down the tubes, but I'd rather the worship stop before then.

So let me get this straight, you "hope" there is a tape of Michelle Obama saying "Whitey" so that way Barack Obama will not become the next President. Boy that's just pathetic, no different than a Daily Kos poster "hoping" Palin's daughter is actually her daughters daughter, and the truth will eventually come out.

I guess when it comes to issues like lowering our taxes, listening to sound economic advisors or crafting good foreign policy relations you don't care about that in a President.

 Rep: 194 

Re: McCain gives up Michigan

tejastech08 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I hope it does because something has to put a stop to this Obama worship. The worship will stop once he is president and we go down the tubes, but I'd rather the worship stop before then.

So let me get this straight, you "hope" there is a tape of Michelle Obama saying "Whitey" so that way Barack Obama will not become the next President. Boy that's just pathetic, no different than a Daily Kos poster "hoping" Palin's daughter is actually her daughters daughter, and the truth will eventually come out.

I guess when it comes to issues like lowering our taxes, listening to sound economic advisors or crafting good foreign policy relations you don't care about that in a President.

Oh I'm pretty sure he does, but he thinks Obama will be the bigger disaster for our economy than McCain, even though he doesn't like McCain either. I'm pretty sure, judging by Phil Gramm's legislation and his status as McCain's economic adviser, that McCain would be the one leading us even further into the ground. Either way though, I don't think there's really much either can do at this point to turn the economic fate of this country around.

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