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 Rep: 423 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Obama's idea of spreading the wealth is going to be the worst plan ever for helping the American economy,

Do you believe every 5 second soundbite you hear?? HE IS GOING TO ELIMINATE THE BUSH TAX CUTS & PUT TAXES BACK TO WHERE THEY WERE UNDER CLINTON!!!  We just had it 8 years ago, it's nothing revolutionary.

I don't have a problem with that part.  It's giving people that aren't paying income taxes some of the tax money I had to pay.  Not reducing the amount they had to pay, but GIVING them money for not paying anything.  That is the most obsurd idea I've ever heard. 

Do you know why this country is filled with lazy asses?  Because if they know anything about the system, they don't have to do anything and we will take care of them.  Screw that.  Get up off your lazy ass and get a job or go to school.  Make yourself a contributing member of society instead of leeching off of those that actually work hard for a living.  If you still fail after all of that AND keep trying to improve your situation, we'll help you out.  Otherwise, good luck and let us know when you're ready to contribute again and in return you can go back to a better lifestyle.  No more welfare for those that haven't earned it.  No more baby factories so they don't have to do anything...we're nothing but a country of enablers.  17

 Rep: 205 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

PaSnow wrote:

I understand your point, and agree with you on the fact of giving rather than crediting. I'd rather everything was tax credits.. However the current system & administration isn't working right now, & McCain certainly doesn't bring any economic value on his ticket. I just feel that Obama brings more on other areas (new energies, potential for economy to expand, better foreign relations in world). I also think he is going to make decisions based more on their life repurcussions rather than political repurcussions & be less influenced by lobbyists & coporations needs.

If the Tax Giving or whatever turns out to be such a terrible idea, either the Senate can reject it knowing they have consequences to face during reelection (ie Republicans & their Iraq War idea), or Obama would face possibly getting voted out in 2012.

On the other hand, think of it this way. These people are working people who make something like less than $25,000. Currently, they don't pay taxes due to the earned income tax credit. They're not unemployed or on welfare, they just make less than the current minum. Now, if they get an additional $500 return, what do you think they will do with this money? Save it? Invest it?? No. They're going to buy stuff. Shop at Best buy, or Target, buy some clothes etc... therefore spending more money, companies & corporations make more. Hire more staff to fulfill it's needs. More retail & marketing jobs open up.. more advertising is made. More people employed now, even more people spending money, buying cars.. It's a continuous cycle. And with companies doing better, making more sales, if you invest in those companies, their stocks improves, and the market rate rises as a result of increased demand. Hence people's 401k's go up.

 Rep: 423 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

buzzsaw wrote:

Neither party had a viable candidate in 2008...I'm not sure how either party let that happen.  The door is wide open for 2012 for whichever party loses the election.  Somebody new is going to have to step up and not just make a name for himself/herself, but actually get something done instead of just coming up with good ideas. 

Pa, if Obama wins, the democratic congress is not going to go against him.  That is more politically suicidal than passing the Lazy-Ass Relief law.  Again, I'm ok with giving people that pay income tax money back - I don't like it, but I'm ok with it.  It's this whole concept of giving to those that don't contribute.  Give them whatever interest the gov't made while holding their withholdings, that's it.  No job = no money.  Want some money?  Do something to improve your life and society instead of waiting for someone to hand it to you.

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Axlin16 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I'm starting to think McCain was the sacrificial lamb because the GOP didn't have anyone worthy of running and they knew this election would basically be a referendum on the Bush years. The fact McCain is so close really shows what a weak candidate Obama is.

Yes & No. For starters, Guiliani ran a terrible campaign, but he was the guy who probably was the favorite going in. However his constant 9/11 talk, avoiding Florida?? and his stance on abortion hurt him as a GOP candidate. Huckabee is too far to the right, and the first few states that vote in the primary (Iowa, NH, Fla) don't care about that stuff. Nobody wanted Mitt Romney, he was too fake, like he should be President on West Wing. Ron Paul never got enough serious media attention, but he was always the fringe candidate.. So McCain won moreso by process of elimination that anything. Really after Bush & with the current economic crisis going on, no republican candidate would have won. Although I still think Guliani should have won, but whatever, McCain won it fairly. And Rudy really messed it up, which is ashame.

Dead on. To this day, my favorite candidate in this election was Guliani. Had all intentions on voting for him.

But he didn't make it out of the primary. He ran a terrible campaign, and sadly had all the momentum going in and blew it. Then he put all his eggs in the basket of FLA in an "all or nothing" move... it ended up being nothing.

 Rep: 15 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

BurningHills wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I'm starting to think McCain was the sacrificial lamb because the GOP didn't have anyone worthy of running and they knew this election would basically be a referendum on the Bush years. The fact McCain is so close really shows what a weak candidate Obama is.

McCain still has a shot and this election should be Reagan landslide territory.

Ron Paul, had he received the nomination, would have won EASILY.

 Rep: 88 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Gunslinger wrote:

That's exactly it Lofton, the sacrificial lamb nails it.  Unfortunately you have a sad situation right now.  A large number of people are voting against Bush, some are voting for Obama just because he is black (I've actually seen on CNN many African Americans saying that if Obama wins he will be "our" president...that's a very scary mindset) and others just because the media has made the choice for them.  Obama is a bad bad choice.  McCain isn't great but the lesser of two evils.  To make it worse, Obama will have the house AND senate doing whatever he wants.  You think things are bad now...

 Rep: 768 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Axlin16 wrote:

See I don't see anything wrong with the "our president" mindset. What's wrong with that? Black culture is totally different from white culture, and what's important to the black community, alot of the time is entirely different from the white community, and NOT in a racist way. They just have different priorities. All presidents that have come before have been white. Black voters for years have been voting for "the lesser of two evils", because maybe BOTH candidates didn't represent them the way they thought they should.

Obama is the first guy they believe will see things from their side of the fence.

There's not going to be a race war. This isn't racist.

They believe that Obama will understand what goes on in the black community and what is important to that community, and he might tackle some issues, no other president before him has even thought about. There's nothing wrong with that.

Obama himself said. When those Black Panther wannabes showed up at his rally and challenged him on "what he'd do for the black community". Obama said he would unify all Americans, all races, and if the black community didn't feel he represented them properly, they could feel free to go out and vote him out in four years, or run themselves for office.

That's what the guy said. That was one of Obama's finest moments imo.

 Rep: 14 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

alexh0618 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Do you know why this country is filled with lazy asses?  Because if they know anything about the system, they don't have to do anything and we will take care of them.  Screw that.  Get up off your lazy ass and get a job or go to school.  Make yourself a contributing member of society instead of leeching off of those that actually work hard for a living.  If you still fail after all of that AND keep trying to improve your situation, we'll help you out.  Otherwise, good luck and let us know when you're ready to contribute again and in return you can go back to a better lifestyle.  No more welfare for those that haven't earned it.  No more baby factories so they don't have to do anything...we're nothing but a country of enablers.  17

It's funny you look at it like that. Most people that are on these welfare and unemployment programs are people that have gone to school an/or have been laid off from a decent job. Just because you have an education, it doesn't guarantee you a good job. The job market is so dry these days, many people that even have jobs are still having trouble putting food on the table. It just goes to show you how bad of shape we are in right now when people that are ready, willing, and able to find work can't even be employed. Sure there are some people who abuse the social welfare programs we have but eliminating that problem will have little to no effect on the situation as a whole. We need to create jobs so these unemployed workers can find work.

 Rep: 221 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

polluxlm wrote:

What do we expect? We have a monetary system built on credit, which means there will never be enough money in circulation to pay off the interest, which again means a certain percentage of the population will go bankrupt each year. They have to, it's built into the system.

Then you have the problem with corporations that have to live off this credit. Bad news for anyone looking for a job. A company can't wait to replace you with a machine or streamlining their organization so they can fire more people. Again it's not a choice for them. In a technological competitive market the end line will be that almost 0 humans are needed to do anything.

Today we have a situation where third world countries are making everything we use and consume, because that's cheaper since they're effectively our slaves under threat of either military might or economic ruin. Nobody's really doing anything in the west anymore. Acting, accounting, marketing, consulting, managing. It's bullshit, just a game. And in the rare instances where we're actually making something it's basically a couple of guys handling machines.

We take their shit and they get some fancy overpriced weapons and entertainment toys back. Then we all go let's pretend and divide our resources in some made up charade where everybody has to work their asses off to grab a part of the insufficient debt system we call money.

 Rep: 88 

Re: McCain guarantees victory

Gunslinger wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

See I don't see anything wrong with the "our president" mindset. What's wrong with that? Black culture is totally different from white culture, and what's important to the black community, alot of the time is entirely different from the white community, and NOT in a racist way. They just have different priorities. All presidents that have come before have been white. Black voters for years have been voting for "the lesser of two evils", because maybe BOTH candidates didn't represent them the way they thought they should.

Obama is the first guy they believe will see things from their side of the fence.

There's not going to be a race war. This isn't racist.

They believe that Obama will understand what goes on in the black community and what is important to that community, and he might tackle some issues, no other president before him has even thought about. There's nothing wrong with that.

Obama himself said. When those Black Panther wannabes showed up at his rally and challenged him on "what he'd do for the black community". Obama said he would unify all Americans, all races, and if the black community didn't feel he represented them properly, they could feel free to go out and vote him out in four years, or run themselves for office.

That's what the guy said. That was one of Obama's finest moments imo.

"Our president" is bullshit...sorry, end of story.  It's the same mindset why it's ok to have Black Miss America, Affirmative Action, Black History month, etc etc.  No offense to you whatsoever as this is your opinion but it is ridiculous that ONLY the black segment of America deserves special treatment. There ARE other minorities in this country believe it or not.  This brainwashing has been sold for a long time in this country and it looks like it has been bought.  Just like racial slurs are in one category but the "N Word" (:rolleyes:) is blasphemy above all the rest.  Equality is equality, not special favors or segments of the population who need "our president" exclusively for their group.  Hate to break it to you but we are all "something-Americans" just like African-Americans.  We have a melting pot in the U.S. and the need for segregation whether imposed or (in this case) desired through things like "our", "us", etc is long gone...except when it becomes an advantage to someone to ride it for all it is worth as long as someone else is dumb enough to provide it.

Just my opinion and no ill toward you nor anyone else is meant.  I feel strongly about the double standards we give the black community however.  Just for the record my best friend is black and my girlfriend mixed so by NO means is this a racial point of view.  Both the aforementioned actually agree with the points I have just pointed out.

Funny how a noose from a tree (which I DISAGREE with by the way) is a crime to be heard about for months, but doing a mock hanging of a vice presidential running mate is all in good fun.  What do you think would have happened if the dummy had been black and/or was implied to be Obama?  Hmmmm....

Finally I actually like Obama as a person, just not a president.  While there are things I disagree with when it comes to McCain as well it is Obama's ideas of "wealth redistribution" (a.k.a. "handouts"), lack of experience, foolish ideas (such as ending the Patriot Act) and the idea of him having the majority in both the House and Senate as well that bothers me.  Too many eggs in one basket that has not been tested and has no track record to really warrant this sort of promotion.  Most definitely it is NOT due to his race.  The sad part is if the election were to be close and he DOES NOT win (not gonna happen of course, just making a point) all hell would break loose.  It shouldn't be this way in a country where everyone is striving for equality.  Coming together means becoming color blind and not trying to segregate groups more than they already are.  "Our president" shouldn't be a term identified with color, as long as it is we have made little progress in ending racism outside of reversing the polarity.


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