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Reputation of the user sic.  [+150 / -0]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
Will The year I learned how to stop caring and love the wait

Fantastic post.

+ 880 weeks ago
James Chinese Democracy With Patti Hood....?

This I Love info

+ 882 weeks ago
Will Serious question

Good post smile

+ 883 weeks ago
buzzsaw Taking the site forward....

great idea

+ 883 weeks ago
monkeychow Full Metal Skeletor

Full Metal Skellator was soooo funny!!

+ 883 weeks ago
James Removed or deleted

Great breakdown of the F13 characters

+ 883 weeks ago
James Another theory as to why the the ball is in the record company's hands

great info

+ 883 weeks ago
Neemo Opportunistic Lowlifes?

loder interview big_smile

+ 884 weeks ago
AtariLegend A.X.L.

For making something out of the thread.

+ 884 weeks ago
polluxlm Opportunistic Lowlifes?

Good stuff.

+ 884 weeks ago
Reputation system for PunBB

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