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#3 Re: The Garden » Japan: death toll could exceed 18,000, Nuclear problems continue » 725 weeks ago

DCK wrote:

Did anyone see this picture of status updates?
It's the biggest collection of retards ever found

It seriously makes me sick to the bone.

Wow, the stupidity of humanity (can I even call them that?) never ceases to amaze me. I wonder how foreign residents and other Americans like myself that are caught up in this catastrophe play into their Pearl Harbor karma theory. Idiots.

#4 Re: The Sunset Strip » The GnREvolution Guns N Roses Coversong project » 754 weeks ago

Dudes, my apologies. I had the worst hangover in years this weekend and didn't get around to recording anything. (Went to a hell of a party though smile )
I'll try to get it done one night after work early this week.

Neemo, For the scratch drum track I was planning to add a click at least at the beginning of the track so you guys know where to come in with the guitars.

#5 Re: The Sunset Strip » The GnREvolution Guns N Roses Coversong project » 755 weeks ago

Russ, I listened to a Tokyo clip and Frank drumming at that acoustic gig. Sounds good to me.  I'll see if I can at least record a scratch drum track this weekend and send it early next week.

#6 Re: The Sunset Strip » The GnREvolution Guns N Roses Coversong project » 755 weeks ago

russtcb wrote:
dr_love6977 wrote:

And everybody just record their part on it's own track. We'll make sure I end up with all of the tracks at the end, and I'll mix it.

What do we do for drums. That's my question.

Other than drums, this should be easy enough. Just have whoever called rhythm send their parts to you asap, right?

I can record a clean drum sound from my Roland V-drums kit. The sound is way better than what electronic drums used to be like and with a bit of tweaking I should be able to get a decent accoustic sound.

As far as Patience goes though, I assume you're thinking of the live arrangement where the drums come in halfway through? Otherwise, it's just some tambourine tongue

#7 Re: GNRevolution Madness » GnREvolution Movie Madness II - Round 1, Battle 31 » 773 weeks ago

Private Ryan is probably the better film, but T2 was just so badass when it came out.  And I remember being so excited in the theater hearing Guns in it.  I thought it was cool that they threw YCBM into Terminator 4 as a little tribute to that scene.

#8 Re: GNRevolution Madness » GnREvolution Movie Madness II - Round 1, Battle 29 » 773 weeks ago

Holy Grail.  That movie was huge with me and my friends.

#9 Re: GNRevolution Madness » GnREvolution Movie Madness II - Round 1, Battle 24 » 774 weeks ago

James, are you voting for Vendetta or for Natalie? tongue

I'll go with the Bat on this one.

#10 Re: GNRevolution Madness » GnREvolution Movie Madness II - Round 1, Battle 23 » 774 weeks ago

Sorry Die Hard, I love The Breakfast Club.

..but how does the naked blonde joke end??! big_smile

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