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 Rep: 768 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

Axlin16 wrote:

This deserves to be on Page 2. I pretty much agree with every single word of it, not only as analysis, but I also have had the exact same life experiences as Bono stated in his posts. I don't worry about the people on this forum. Those who are 30's, 40's.

I worry about the kids. The teens, and even college-aged crowd.

You now have an entire generation that has been brought up in the Facebook-gen in the last five years or so that have NO CONCEPT of how to properly communicate and live in social world.

So much to a point, that alot of American employers are opting to not hire college grads, because they lack communication skills almost across the board.

Bono wrote:
DCK wrote:

Why I am getting flashbacks to TV here? They said TV will kill social communication, TV will kill peoples interaction and TV will create zombie looking humans watching the screen all day long. The gov. here debated in the 80s whether they should allow satellite channels due to social problems connected to it.

Do you watch TV Axlin?

No offence dude but it's not even close tot he same thing.  They may have thought that about tv's back in the day but you can't honestly say it's even remotely comparable.  TV never created a society where people don't need to see each other to interact. TV never created a society of people refusing to live in the moment.  Even telephones still kept the apsect of physically talking to one and other alive. Facebook is taking that away and the younger generation is falling prey to it big time as is the older generation to be honest.  In fact tv brought people together physically in some ways. People get together to watch the game or a movie or what not. NOBODY gets together to facebook.  Has tv created couch potatos? Absolutely but that's more a case of the individual being lazy as fuck really 16

As someone who's delt with kids for over 16 years now I can say without a shadow of a doubt kids today have a much harder time communicating  in real life than they did 15, 10 and even 5 years ago. It's like they are all burnouts or something.  Facebook and twitter is just one aspect that's contributed to this. Texting is killing the human aspect of communicating as well. It's pathetic how many times I've been in a  situation where me and my buddies are sitting around having beers and everyone(myself excluded cause I refuse to do it) is talking to someone else not in the room. Nobody lives in the in the moment anymore. It's always more important to text someone rather than give your attention to the person you are actually with at the time.

I can't tell you how many times I wanted to talk with my exgirlfriend(when we were together) or ask if she wanted to talk and she'd say she didn't wanna talk but the second I left her house my phone would be going crazy with nonstop texts from her. Like what the fuck?  Not even a phone call cause she was too cowardly to actually talk OR she's a product of a new society where talking is the last resort because all other ways of communicating are easier and less personal and there's no accountablility for what is said that way. You don't  have to face the person so....  Also I found she loved the fact that communicating via text and email she was able to document everything. In fact we'd argue about something and I'd tell her exactly what was said and she'd say "show me the email" or "show me the text" she was living her life via those means and if it wasn't documented through either avenue it didn't exist to her. It was aboslutely asinine but it's the direction the world is heading and this facebook this is proof of it. "Document your life online" If it doesn't happen online it never happend. Kinda the opposite of Axlin's approach(which i think he's got the right approach)

anyways sorry got sidetracked with my exgirlfriend but it is a microcosim of what's taking place in society.

I'm not saying facebook. twitter, texting are all bad things. There's a defiite positive to all of these things. Unfortunately society is becoming manipulated into thinking these are acceptable means of communication ALWAYS.

People break up via facebook and text messages, People end friendships over facebook, people throw their personal shit out there as though their lives are a fucking video game. In fact that's exactly it. Our lives are becoming a real life online video game.

Texting and constant facebook notifications to our smartphones is allowing people to decieve one and other right in front of their face. You could be on a  date with your wife and she'll be texting some other guy right at the dinner table  smiling at you saying she's texting with her girlfriend. If you ask to see, you're an untrusting asshole. So you trust her and she gets away with it.  Relationships are being killed by this stuff. Again that comes down to an individual's character but at the same time it's just contributing to the ever fading attention span of everyday people.

again sorry sidetracked and this time it has nothing to do with a  personal expereince 14

It's definitly not all bad but i believe the more advanced and more all encompasing it becomes the negatives are going to far outweigh the positives. I think that's happening already to be honest.

Bono wrote:
DCK wrote:

It's not dumbing it down, it's putting the finger right on the basis. Everytime thru history new technology pops up, we get the same talk of impending doom and armageddon for the human race, be it lack of skills in talking or zombie TV watching or even fucking Nintendo games. I sort of thought my generation would know this and tackle it better than the previous, but nope. Same old, same old, just a new wrapping.

I disgaree. It's not the same. Not even close in my opinion.  When I was a kid I had a tv but I played outside, I interacted with people in real life. I didn't bury my head in a  phone and I didn't sit at home and hangout with friends via facebook.  It's a lot different man.  People left their tv's behind when they went out. People don't leave anything behind  when they go out now. facebook is attatched to their hip literally and it's always breaking news when they get a notification. 

Oh my God Sally just posted that she broke up with Steve. I gotta comment to see if she's ok..... Oh good she's ok it was a misunderstanding.... oh wait she's texting me right.... now 30 minutes later it's liKE why the fuck are we even hanging out if you'RE gonna be texting with Sally and posting on facebook all night.  16

Totally made up but you get the point.

Bono wrote:
DCK wrote:

I work with teenagers, I have not see anything that shows this. This technology is just another add-on to our lives which we did not have before, like radio, like TV, like Nintendo and like computers.

Better team up with Tipper Gore and fight those nasty lyrics!!:haha:

Strange considering I've been working with kids for 16 years as a coach and 3 of my really good friends including my best friend are all teachers(2 highschool and 1 junior high) and all three agree with the things I've just said. There's a legit reason why cell phones are starting to become banned in many schools and trust me it's not because teachers are worried about kids calling one and other. That would never happen 14

Your mock joke about Tipper Gore and nasty lyrics says to me the actual seriousness of all this is completely lost on you.

Things like radio, televison and even nintendo were al so one dimensional. This stuff isn't man. It's becoming all encompasing and for those paying attention it's more than obvious how it's starting to consume huge numbers of people. Normal people.

Bono wrote:
DCK wrote:

It also reminds me a bit of the day when live TV sports first came on the scene. There were major discussions around it because people thought no one would ever bother coming to the actual event since it was live on TV. Why bother going when you can see it live in your own house right?

Or when the first travel documentaries came on the air. The travel agencies were scared shitless as they thought no one would bother travel to actual places any longer since they could watch all the exotic places on TV.

I remember one grandmother visiting my junior high being extremely upset over our entertainment for the day, as we did several English. She later wrote to the local newspaper with extreme worries that the kids of today would loose their own language and within a few years only speak English.

Just fucking relax about it grandmas and grandpas, texting and the ability to communicate with texting is an add-on. There will be victims to this, as it has been victims to too much TV watching, too much Nintendo playing, too much this and too much that. It won't dumb anything down and if Sally broke up with Steve, who's to say this person would have cared at all if it wasn't for that text. I know I wouldn't. I wouldn't call everyone I know wishing them happy birthday, I would just call my three closest friends. Now, everyone on my FB list to a certain extent gets a happy birthday from me. My Facebook has actually increased my social network, not decreased. I hang out and talk to people now I would never have re-connected with if it wasn't for Facebook.

I agree with the fact facebook has allowed me to recconect with people I otherwise would not have as well. That is a positive but honestly dude people who thought nobody would travel because they could watch the exotic places on tv instead are fucking idiots plain and simple. That's the dumbest shit I have ever heard 16 It's not even close to the same thing let alone in the same realm of discussion really.  People are bullied over facebook and texting these days. That shit didn't happen with tv's and radios. There was no interaction with those outlets. they were simply entertainment vehciles. Facebook and texting are not solely those. They are a means of communicating. Sometimes positve, sometimes negative but in my opinion it's a pretty dangerous thing to scoff at the negative side as if it's a non issue.

Don't gte me wrong I enjoy facebook and texting but when normal people start feeling the need to document everything online and start feeling the need to live an online life that's dangerous over time. The scary part is more and more completely normal and sane people are feeling these things and how they present themselves on them is a neccesity to life and it is contributing to a lack of actual human interaction.  It's in it's infacy really and this stuff can have a huge positive impact but the huge negative impact that can come with it is very very real.

 Rep: 57 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

supaplex wrote:

so, timeline on facebook.

i guess the powers that be will only need a facebook account to keep track of people. and they won't need to look in their database for people, they just search facebook. and the users are doing all the hard work putting up personal info by themselves.

you want to apply for a new job? well, let's see your facebook profile and your photos.

yes, it's a great way to keep track of your friends far and away.
it's also a great way for others to keep track of you, if you get what i'm saying.

p.s. i don't have a facebook account and probably never will. so what if i get left behind. i'll live.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

PaSnow wrote:
Bono wrote:

The messaging system on facebook used to me a million times better. Now it archives every fucking thing you ever say to someone either via a private email type message or the instant chat. If say you and I are chattng it will archive that entire conversation in with all the other messages we've ever sent to each other wthere it be a PM or an instant chat. It luimps them all together in chronilogical order.. It's really ridiculous. If you are freinds with someone you cannot delete any of the messages you've ever sent with each other because it's all archived and you can always gain access to it. That's pretty fucked. It'd be like not being able to delete any of your emails EVER.

I agree with that.  If you need to however, or if it'll help, there is a way to write a "new" message. Goto "Send Message", then in the messages reply mode, towards the top click an X, then a drop down menu appears. Select delete mesaages. Then it's all gone.  Its a bassackwardss way to do it, but coincidentally I just figured it out over the weekend because a girl I used to work with got married. I wanted to write her 'Congrats', but the message there was about 4 years old when I first signed up & added her. Hated the way it looked (2007 'Hey, what's up?!"   2011 :Congratulations")

Bono wrote:

Like Axlin(though not to the same degree) I have stopped hanging around certain people because this is how they choose to comminucate and interact. I'm sick of spending time with people who give me only half of thier attention while the other half is given to people not even in the same room, city or country. It's fucking annoying.

Dude, I met a girl I only kinda know, went to a party of hers, then a week later gave her a ride to the airport.  So of course  there I am, tagged in her profile & pictures, someone I barely know.  It felt invasive, and like I was part of a Seinfeld episode. How soon is too soon to tag a new friend.  anyway, it annoyed me.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

Saikin wrote:

Facebook, texting, instant messaging, email- all of that is second rate communication (as well as message boards people).  You can't get all pissy about Facebook without admitting that this message board has a lot of similarities.  The worst part about facebook is how it takes out the personal aspect out of relating with someone else.  So much is lost through text only communication.   

I'm fairly young and I see this  a lot.  People around my same age group have lost the ability to actually communicate with another human in person.  Instead, the important, uncomfortable or even kinky stuff is saved for texting.  They can't actually say it to the person's face, so instead they text it.  It puts us all in these neat little bubbles where everything is okay because we can avoid actually confronting people.  We are becoming socially retarded.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

-Jack- wrote:

Honestly as a 22 year old who has used Facebook since 17, this is blown way out of proportion. "Lock in users for life"? Really?! Haha. Anyone can leave FB at anytime.. and it doesn't destroy social relationships in the way some people are describing..

 Rep: 386 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

Bono wrote:

As a 22 year old perhaps you're too young to realize that yes facebook has destroyed social relationships the way many of us have described.... just saying haha.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

Axlin16 wrote:

Bono is absolutely right.

Jack you don't see it... because you are it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

Axlin16 wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Honestly as a 22 year old who has used Facebook since 17, this is blown way out of proportion. "Lock in users for life"? Really?! Haha. Anyone can leave FB at anytime.. and it doesn't destroy social relationships in the way some people are describing..

The thing is... they don't WANT to leave.

You have 14, 15-year old kids, especially teen girls, who are REQUIRED to do the Facebook thing if they want any kind of social life or social interaction.

Today you have girls who won't even consider dating guys the old fashioned way (you know, like I met you and talked with you in the REAL world), unless they can do a check on your life.

It's actually reached a point where daters, and employers actually get freaked out and cold feet if you DON'T have a FB account.

They see that as abnormal in 2011.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

-D- wrote:

I know one thing.. cheating and staying faithful gets tested like a mofo on Facebook

If i had that shit when i was in my early 20's.... DAMN

 Rep: 39 

Re: Game over man: Facebook to "lock in" users for life

-Jack- wrote:

I'm saying you guys see it as a problem.. but no one around my age cares. Our generation will have a different experience than yours, and I'm sure the generation after mine will have a different experience than mine. Times change and every generation experiences things differently. The article is pretty over the top and obviously sensationalist.

I'm on facebook, but I still go to parties, concerts, school and work, so my social experience is still there.

I also disagree pretty strongly that you can't be my age without a facebook. I've dated people without facebooks and never thought anything about it. Facebook is there but not defining. Some people will take it too far, but most don't in my experience.

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