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 Rep: 33 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Scabbie wrote:
-D- wrote:

Can we please get some "Spoiler Warnings" If someone finds out something about this interview Nov 11th?
I am really looking forward to watching it spoiler free.

I agree too, it's not often you get to see anything 'fresh' although I'll need to find it on YouTube or something as I don't have vh1

 Rep: 286 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Aussie wrote:

Who are "they" when the guys in the podcast are talking about management?

How can they not have told Axl about the intervew and just bullshitted to TMS that they did. They even told them after the gig he was in the shower which was BS he as hanging with Ron.  Funny in Duffs book when he was in the same hotel as Axl and he went next door to see him "his people" told Duff he was about to have a shower  which he wasn't, and Duff just goes thats ok I have seen him naked before and goes in to his room.

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

johndivney wrote:
misterID wrote:

All I got was that Axl's management sucks. Really, really sucks.


to quote the great man, "it's funny cause it's true"

Aussie wrote:

Who are "they" when the guys in the podcast are talking about management?

How can they not have told Axl about the intervew and just bullshitted to TMS that they did. They even told them after the gig he was in the shower which was BS he as hanging with Ron.  Funny in Duffs book when he was in the same hotel as Axl and he went next door to see him "his people" told Duff he was about to have a shower  which he wasn't, and Duff just goes thats ok I have seen him naked before and goes in to his room.

i ASSume the management atm is any mix of fernando/beta & del
that thing w/trying to keep Duff out is just the sorta petty shit that embitters people & puts barriers up
they do seem to have their own agenda, that they're out of control in what they define as the best thing for axl/gnr. but he has been loyal to them for years so there must be something on axl's side for them. certainly they've made many more mistakes & played games that other managers woulda been sacked & dumped for a long fucking time ago, but they are still hanging on..

 Rep: 768 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

You can blame them and blame them, but at the end of the day it's Axl's fault for relying on them.

He put them in charge, and this is what you get. What amazes me is for all the years they've done it, they STILL have yet to find a way to be professionals. I'd of thought in all these years they could've self-taught or something.

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

johndivney wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You can blame them and blame them, but at the end of the day it's Axl's fault for relying on them.

He put them in charge, and this is what you get. What amazes me is for all the years they've done it, they STILL have yet to find a way to be professionals. I'd of thought in all these years they could've self-taught or something.

re: bold, oh yea definitely. ultimately it does all trace back to one guy.
but why is it he trusts them, inspite of all their shenanigans & fuck-ups whereas countless other managers have been sacked for far less.

the second point, it is amazing. and depressing.

 Rep: 768 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

I think the Lebeis family was in Axl's life at a time that he was VERY vunerable, heart-broken, and disillusionsed with his own life. There was some article that stated that Axl tried to get Erin back after the Steph thing went lawsuit territory in 1994, and he couldn't.

He had all the money and fame in the world and couldn't be less happy. They found him in this time and basically took care of him. He began to trust them and see their world view over his own and everyone else's. They became his family.

It's not about his family being bad people, or not loving him. I'm sure they love him, and he loves them very much. But he's so sheltered that he's lost touch with reality.

Axl today reminds me of Gloria Swanson in "Sunset Boulevard".

 Rep: 194 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl today reminds me of Gloria Swanson in "Sunset Boulevard".

Perfect comparison. 22

 Rep: 70 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Naltav wrote:


Sorry if this have been talked about in one of the other threads...

Stopped by htgth and someone asked who the tall guy is and Jarmo responded "management".
So he's either THE manager or a guy from the management.

Anyone know who he is? His name?

 Rep: 77 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

Von wrote:

Cool pic of Axl. Don't know about the big guy. Just a cool pic.

 Rep: 633 

Re: That Metal Show, Trunk/GN'R Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


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