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 Rep: 475 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

misterID wrote:

I avoided this thread because I think the GOP is nothing but a big clown show, and usually I get dragged into a debate with the Paul folks (usually young guys) who don't answer legit questions about how flawed and out of touch his political and economic stances are with a bunch of very intelligent, quasi-philisophical, completely paranoid lectures that don't and can't answer a simple question. Exactly the way the extreme libs (again, mostly young guys and gals) I wasted way too much time debating with at the beginning of the Bush administration, with their silly paranoid delusions, that make "real" government overreach and misbehavior get overlooked. Maybe I'm getting old because I have no patience for that stuff anymore.

But the one thing I can't stomach is how everyone of these candidates (except Paul, I'll give him credit here) drop Reagan's name at every turn, when in reality, Ron wouldn't have a chance in today's republican party. He would be booted out as a socialist liberal and a compromiser. Newt would push him out into the wilderness himself. Ron compromised to get stuff done, even if you agree or disagree with his policies, and I disagree with a few. And he knew, even with all his "Government is the problem" stuff, which he knew was great red meat, that there is a real place for government to help its people and talked about the danger of trying to eliminate it and cast it as the big bad boogeyman.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

PaSnow wrote:

Still think it'll be Romney, but it might go pretty far with Newt in it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

Axlin16 wrote:



Ron Paul swings for the fences. Not pussyfootin' around with making contact.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

slcpunk wrote:
misterID wrote:

I avoided this thread because I think the GOP is nothing but a big clown show, and usually I get dragged into a debate with the Paul folks (usually young guys) who don't answer legit questions about how flawed and out of touch his political and economic stances are with a bunch of very intelligent, quasi-philisophical, completely paranoid lectures that don't and can't answer a simple question. Exactly the way the extreme libs (again, mostly young guys and gals) I wasted way too much time debating with at the beginning of the Bush administration, with their silly paranoid delusions, that make "real" government overreach and misbehavior get overlooked. Maybe I'm getting old because I have no patience for that stuff anymore.

But the one thing I can't stomach is how everyone of these candidates (except Paul, I'll give him credit here) drop Reagan's name at every turn, when in reality, Ron wouldn't have a chance in today's republican party. He would be booted out as a socialist liberal and a compromiser. Newt would push him out into the wilderness himself. Ron compromised to get stuff done, even if you agree or disagree with his policies, and I disagree with a few. And he knew, even with all his "Government is the problem" stuff, which he knew was great red meat, that there is a real place for government to help its people and talked about the danger of trying to eliminate it and cast it as the big bad boogeyman.

Without a doubt. The GOP of today would call Reagan a liberal and pile on him with their 24/7 media outlets relentlessly.

The entire Raygun mythology is hilarious anyway. The GOP zealots obviously don't have a clue of what he did during his time as President. Not a surprise though considering how clueless they are in regards to most republican history. Last weekend my MIL said she couldn't believe that I wasn't a republican because I was so fiscally conservative. It was hard not to laugh, since it was obvious she sincerely thought the GOP were fiscal conservatives. Born again since Obama came into office maybe....but other than that...NOPE.

 Rep: 40 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

-Jack- wrote:

I'll admit Paul isn't perfect misterID. I am just a young guy supporting a candidate. Feel free to join the thread! I'm not big on confrontation/arguing either smile.

PS. Astro's jersey is sexy.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

PaSnow wrote:

One thing I think could be a not much mentioned factor in this years election is (once again) gas prices.  Already they are at $3.40 around here, destined to reach that unbearable $4 mark on the Americans psyche.  Not that any GOPs have a perfect solution for lowering it, but it may be that as gas prices go, so goes the incumbent. Along with Jobs & housing market.

 Rep: 40 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

-Jack- wrote:

Gas was around $4.20 last summer in LA. Sucked.

Driving back from Vegas I saw gas for $4.63 tongue. Granted it was in the middle of the desert, but it was still a trip.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

Axlin16 wrote:

In the State of the Union address the other night which was loaded with alot of truth, and alot of "talk"...

Obama didn't look nervous AT ALL. And he shouldn't be. There is nobody out there other than Paul that would truely shake the tree enough to win moderates.

If it's Gingrich or Romney... moderates vote Obama without thinking twice imo. The "class warfare" (as Republicans call it, I call it justice) going on in this economy are also going to lean towards Obama's politics, despite how many people are "mad as hell".

The only people mad as hell are card-carrying Republicans.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

Class warfare?  The unemployment rate for someone over the age of 25 with a 4 year degree is 4.5%.  If you choose to to be a parasite and fuck off and have "fun" don't bitch when the chips don't fall in your favor.  Lack of personal responsibility and accountability is the root of the problem.  A bunch of people who aren't willing to make the sacrfices are upset, because they don't get to live in the kind of homes they see in their nightly television sitcoms.  If you fucked around during your 20s, popped out kids and didn't plan, it's not some rich boogieman's fault you don't have 5 60inch LEDs and a mercedes in your driveway.  It's your own fault.

I don't know who will win in 2012, but all the spin on the left trying to say Obama's policies have created more jobs or that he hasn't outspent Bush won't change the reality that unemployment is high, and that the Democrats have done nothing but pat each other on the back since 2006.  Obama's healthcare will soon be overturned by the Supreme Court and they can all cry foul till their blue in the face, but the constitution is something even Barry has to adhere to.  Assasinating citizens and posturing as a tough guy cause he said Okay to Special Forces killing bad people doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  But when the majority of Americans endulge in fantasy heroics through videogames and television, it's easy to buy into the notion Obama had one fucking thing to do with Somali Pirate or OBL.  Barry won't have his teleprompter and press secretary when he goes up against Romney.  That will hurt him.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Who will be the 2012 GOP Nominee?

misterID wrote:

It's nice to live under the delusion that everyone was born with the same chances, opportunities and and equal footing as everyone else. Too bad reality is a little different. Like Herman Cain saying if you're not rich it's your own fault. Funny stuff.

Come to Tennessee, I can show you some people who will never, ever have the opportunity to be wealthy, because the chips are stacked against them from birth. For the simple reason of where they were born. Not because they fucked around at 20.

Most people can't afford to send their kids to college. Now, is this the kids fault or the parents fault? Or was it the grandparents fault for putting their kids in that position? Or was it the irresponsible great grandparents who screwed over their kids with their reckless lifestyles during the great depression? I mean, it HAS TO BE their fault, right?

It is funny the righties believe that Obama is killing the middle class and making people poor, while at the same time saying it's the middleclasses own fault they are where they're at. You know, like you pointed out, personal responsibility and all that.

This is class warfare:  The people who don't need the tax breaks get them. People who do need them, don't. And that the tax system is set up to benefit the wealthy through tax loopholes. Companies get tax breaks because the FALSE theory is that will create more jobs. It hasn't, it doesn't and it won't. You have millionaires saying it's not fair and raising taxes on people making over a million a year will not, I repeat, will not stop them from trying to make more money. I know republicans are terrified at the prospect that millionaires will suddenly stop wanting money because their taxes are raised.

The facts are the cost of living has skyrocketed, while the average wage has fallen. The majority of Americans are not in the positions they're in because they didn't save enough, it's because they COULDN'T save enough. Living paycheck to paycheck puts you behind the eightball.

And why is it the right seems to be crying the most about unemployment and then turn around and say people who aren't working are doing it because they don't want to work? Hmmm, curious.

How about this? Lets give tax breaks to companies that hire American workers this year and don't outsource? A tax break for companies that use American materials? Lets give companies who raise their employees wages a tax break? That sounds good. And have oversight of banks and credit card companies that gouge and screw their customers.

And how about this? Lets regulate the medical and pharmecutical industries, so that instead of charging someone $55,000 for open heart surgery, we charge them $13,000 like they do in England? Or instead of $2,200 for an MRI that costs everyone else in the world 110 bucks? How about we stop letting doctors and hospitals charge all these outrageous prices for tests that they don't need, and overcharging for prescriptions, so they can gouge insurance companies and medicare? If they did that, you know, Medicare/Medicade would actually be okay. And we wouldn't be #1 in the world in medical costs and #34 in actual care. Lets make medical/pharmecutical price gouging a federal crime? Doctors are now in bed with medical companies and get kick backs for all those tests and bullshit they give you, even if you don't need it. Lets stop that.

fyi, Obamacare ain't going nowhere.

And Barry doesn't need a teleprompter, bud. wink

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