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 Rep: 633 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

There's no way his solo shows are gonna be same day/same week as Queesryche shows. No way. Guitarists... eh, maybe. Vocalists? No way.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

I don't really see a big deal at what Tate said. I actually can understand where he and Axl and others come from on that.

You're up there busting ass trying to give a show and the crowd just ain't feeling it.

We've all been apart of shows whether on stage ourselves or in the audience where it's a shit crowd. It happens. Nature of the beast.

I think that's one of the major problems of Axl's late starts is if you've been to a new Guns show, you can literally see the audience (the one that sticks around) start to kinda change by the 2am mark. People are tired, the pit is VERY tired, and people are very sleepy.

Guys like me are there basically being a cheerleader, fists in the air, trying to keep the audience in it, guys like DJ & Ron (even Axl in 2006) acknowledging that in an almost "thanks" sort of way, but you have the people beside you that literally will shoot you looks in the encore like "dude quiet down, i'm trying to sleep".

You wouldn't have that if the show finished at 12am versus 2am or 3am. It's an anti-climax by the time PC hits.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

Well you're bound to take it personally. Artists always tend to take it as "they don't like me or what I am doing".

Once again it's that double-edged sword of passion. That passion sometimes results in greatness in artistic expression, other times it turns on you and makes you take the littlelest criticism personally, and throw the mic down and walk off.

I tend to look at it like this, just because 5-10 people in the front row don't like it, doesn't mean that some kid in the back row isn't having the time of his life. If the crowd as a majority is not booing you, then keep playing and don't let it get to you.

Even Queen had a bad show. Ever see Rock Montreal? Even Freddie comments that it's a shit crowd and they keep playing. I think he teased them about "everyone needs to take their clothes off, I don't care" to try to get everyone lighten up.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

bigbri wrote:

Queensryche was one of my favorite bands ever, but their last few albums have SUUUUUUUUCKED. Terrible decline in quality. Chris DeGarmo was the man that made that band. They were nowhere near the same when he left.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah Operation: Mindcrime was one of my favorite albums during that period.

Re: Queensryche Discussion

Lomax wrote:

Same ^^ I enjoyed number 2 aswell

 Rep: 661 

Re: Queensryche Discussion

monkeychow wrote:

I sort of irks me when artists make these comments because:

1. It's the responsibility of the artist to entertain the crowd, not the crowd to worship the artist. If you aren't good enough to enthral them, then that's really an issue with you and not them. There are some exceptions though. But bottom line is - if you are good enough people will forget that they've been up 22 hours, or that they've stood for 8 hours waiting, or that they have to get up at 5am tomorrow. It's a simple equation of the enjoyment you bring vs the inconvenience  to them. If you are on the wrong side of that equation you either need to look at how you can bring more enjoyment or how you can lesson the stress on the crowd...(take note axl)

2. Rich people who have a dream life of being famous and a job that while tiring comes with perks, wealth, adulation and so on should not critique people who work mundane lives. Most of the lead singer types couldn't function for 3 days in a "real" they should watch the criticism of people who do yet still fork out their income to support the life of the performers.

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