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 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Btw, if you want to know if the left has learned anything from Trump's election when they claimed he won because everyone is sexist and racist, the first thing they do when their candidate loses is blame sexism and/or racism, not the ideas (apparently certain people don't have a thought process to care about ideas) so this is a good sign.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

This primary could be hilarious.

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

All this talk about lack of representation and misogyny, I guess Gabbard isn't really still a candidate.  Don't get me wrong, she's an actual combat veteran (unlike Pete) with military leadership experience (unlike Pete - he was a Navy Officer in Afghanistan [protip: NAVY people tend to be assigned where there's water - unless you're a seal or a corpsman; which he wasn't] who drove other officers around) whose political beliefs are as blue dog as they get, so she wasn't elected because her beliefs are completely out of line with the DNC.  So I get why Democratic voters weren't interested, but spare me the identify politics nonsense.  This election proved that people were interested in ideas and how you present them - as they always are - and not in what color of skin or sex organ you have between your legs. 

Democrats don't want what  Sanders (or Warren) is selling, though you have that 25% who are very loud and think you can shame/scream others into submission.  That's not a Sanders technique though, that's what Democrats have been doing the past 2 decades.  Make a haphazard moral argument to shame people into supporting you, rather than an intellectual one.  "If you don't allow millions of economic migrants to enter our country and be given a red carpet welcome, you're a racist."  Warren saying she wouldn't select a Secretary of Education unless a transgender high school student gives her a thumb's up isn't enlightened or intellectual - as her supporters profess her candidacy to represent in totality.  It's fucking retarded and the worst kind of pandering.  Ignore the transgender qualifier, and focus on that she wants a 16 year-old to determine who the Secretary of Education is.  The Twilight Zone just had an episode like this last year.  Say what you will about Trump and the wall, but the wall and immigration reform resonates a hell of a lot better with America than the idea of allowing a transgender teenager to  determine what cabinet positions get filled.

Have solid ideas that help the majority of Americans, and don't harm them at the benefit of foreigners who can't be bothered to learn English (Pete and others attacked Amy because she voted to make English our official language - how fucking cruel of her!!!!).  That's how you win an election.

The Trump election ction proved that people are interested in ideas?

I think just the opposite...i think it goes to show people are as disinterested in the issues as ever. They elected a reality tv show star.

I don’t care what language someone speaks...truly couldn’t give a shit.

These nationalism ideas couldn’t be any less boring and unappealing.

I’m still waiting for Trumps policies to benefit me. All I’ve ever seen is posturing and pandering to the so called ‘natives’ of this country.

You have said the tax cuts benefited you, though, right? I've never heard him use the term "natives." And if you think putting foreign nationals needs over the needs of your own people is a winning proposition, then boy you're in for a sad awakening. Pretending there is no downside to illegal immigration is part of the problem. Most of the places I grew up in Florida are slums now. It's incredibly sad. Even the illegals hate living there. I had to go back to the old Wal-mart during a visit a year or so ago, and it's a dump, with homeless walking around, and no one could speak english. They had to radio someone over who could speak English to help with a prescription, so yeah, that matters.

If it weren't for premiums skyrocketing and gas prices Trump is never President, imo. Those ideas mattered more than anyone will ever know.

Initially i did think it would benefit me but in the end it felt like a wash. Many of the things i used to write off....student loans, property tax, medical expenses a couple other things....can’t write them off anymore.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Ted Cruz is in self imposed quarantine for coronvirus along with another Rep and their staffs.

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:
misterID wrote:

Ted Cruz is in self imposed quarantine for coronvirus along with another Rep and their staffs.

Markets are going to get crushed again today.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Playing with the numbers. Biden should seal the nomination in the middle of May, specifically after May 19th. Brokered convention seems unlikely, as even if Biden is marginally short then, he’ll get it by end of May, and still have a possible 215 delegates in June (of which he’ll get at least half) to ensure it.

Re: US Politics Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

Crazy President...crazy economy...holy shit...gonna be a wild ride through this election. tongue

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:

How is coronavirus gonna eat into Joe’s primary turnout? He has the olds; Bernies has the millennials.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
bigbri wrote:

How is coronavirus gonna eat into Joe’s primary turnout? He has the olds; Bernies has the millennials.

Bernie's turnout has been down. I think older folks will be more apt to go out anyway. That's a good question though.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Has Michigan even been hit with the virus yet?  Offer hand wipes to every person when they come in and leave. Wipe down door handles every 30 minutes. As long as someone doesn’t sneeze in your face, you’ll be fine.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

The scare factor is real. People are going crazy over masks even though it really won't help, and stock piling food and TP. I think engaged voters will know better though. Just carry some good, strong alcohol based hand sanitizer and wash your hands.

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