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 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
James wrote:

It was a legitimate question.

You come back, act shocked that you were banned in the first place, essentially get a clean slate, and then start nutting up proving that....hey.... there was plenty of fire under all that smoke.

I don't like banning people.... specifically people I have known for 10-20 years. It's stupid and should be completely unnecessary.

Hell....I still feel bad for a 2-3 day temp ban of buzz back in 2008. It may have been warranted but again... shouldn't have been necessary.

ID is right and I've been saying it awhile....this crap is childish and shouldn't be happening among a group of people who have known each other this long.

It's reached the point that it's dominating the discussion. Someone can click this thread and there's now a 90% chance it's this shit.

For the record, Im not just blaming you. It takes two or more to tango. Having said that, it really ramped up in scope when you came back.

Is it really impossible for a group of adults here to discuss Donald Trump without it leading to insults and threats?

I just ask that if you're going to admonish people, you do it consistently and equally. With all due respect disappear for months. Buzz lost his mind on here at the end of March and imho still hasn't fully regained it.

I will tone it down a notch out of respect for you and the others allowing me back.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

But buzz, your saying he treats everyone like ish but your the only one pounding the drum for banning. Twice.

Relax, flagg & sg are d's to me now and then but i dont go reporting them.

It's self inflicted bro.  He did it to himself.  I warned him and warned him.  He's not even trying to do anything but blast people.  Read his posts objectively instead of with rose colored glasses.  I told him I was going to do it if he didn't stop and he just kept going.  He can't stop.  He can't help himself.  Dude is mentally imbalanced.  Hate is all he knows. 

He should have never been allowed back.  It took him what, a week to turn back into mitch upon his return?  He has nobody to blame but himself.  I've never reported you.  You say plenty of things I think are stupid.  There's a difference between saying stupid things and being a troll with no purpose in posting other than to be a dick.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread


His reply to you is representative of every other posts he makes. He never once addressed your post.  He talked about a subject completely different than what you asked because it allowed him to play a victim and completely ignore the inconsistencies of his demands and his own behavior.  Mitch is here to argue with people that disagree with him, and is incapable of acting in good faith and having a genuine discussion.  He invents a discussion, so he can get his kicks stirring the pot, and receiving or encouraging negative attention.

Mitch can't tell you he enjoys the discussion, because he knows he's not part of it.  He's here to take out his anger on people who he labels as Trump supporters because he has an irrational hatred for anything he's willing to ascribe to them.  He assumes to post as an authority on anything that could be construed as connected to racial disparity.  He then unfairly labels others as bigots and racists, and dismisses any comment someone has made.  He openly takes joy in mocking the effort of posters to dedicate time to a reasoned and lengthy response.  I stepped away solely to prove that his behavior isn't related to any one or two posters.  It's anyone who comes in here and disagrees with him, he antagonizes.  This can't be allowed to continue if you admins are at all concerned of this site not becoming a complete toxic cesspit.  The views on this thread alone account for a majority of site activity.   

Buzz created a topic for a racial discussion.  You'll notice that Mitch has completely abstained from participating, because the behavior and respect of every other poster is something he is incapable of participating in.  Calling everyone a bigot or racist because of some unintelligible rant he narrates, won't win him any supporters there.  You saw what happened in the COVID thread.  He stated and continues to say that "we deserved this" because America elected Donald Trump.  Nearly 150k dead, and this piece of work is allowed to inject this kind of vitriol into a discussion among reasonable adults?  C'mon.

I'd love to say "tell him to stop", but he's had that done 4 or 5 times already, was banned, and then returned to do nothing but be toxic.  I challenge you to find the posts where Mitch participates with any kind of effort or engagement in what the other poster actually said.  He needs to go.  This has nothing to do with his beliefs.  No one on this forum agrees with my opinions.  It has everything to do with his inability to participate in any meaningful way, and inability to do anything other than antagonize and goad. 

He's incapable of recognizing his toxicity, or he intentionally relishes in it.  Either way, it's destroying what's left of this place.

 Rep: 59 

Re: US Politics Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

The calling for bans is ridiculous. The admins are capable of those decisions.
As James said, its not just Mitch...

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

The calling for bans is ridiculous. The admins are capable of those decisions.
As James said, its not just Mitch...

You're right...we make the mistake of responding to him.  That is our fault; allowing mitch back and allowing him to stay though is 100% on the admins.

The only complaint while mitch was gone was that this thread was less active and more boring.  Think about that for a bit...

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

As long as they know they’ll never be held accountable for their own posts they will continue to act with righteousness and indignation.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Btw, BLM has been completely co-opted by spoiled, privileged white kids. The NAACP has now turned on the protesters for appropriating black causes/issues for their own means... But the media continues to justify and protect them. Where does this go?

Btw, how can you criticize one group not social distancing, but praise another? Does covid really care?

And why hasn't Joe condemned the violence? They just found a body burned to death in a building burnt in protests.

...And protesters would have fit pretty perfectly with the confederacy, so there's some irony there.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Btw, BLM has been completely co-opted by spoiled, privileged white kids. The NAACP has now turned on the protesters for appropriating black causes/issues for their own means... But the media continues to justify and protect them. Where does this go?

Btw, how can you criticize one group not social distancing, but praise another? Does covid really care?

And why hasn't Joe condemned the violence? They just found a body burned to death in a building burnt in protests.

...And protesters would have fit pretty perfectly with the confederacy, so there's some irony there.

It's always been about spoiled, rich kids.  Bored, rich white kids co-opting it isn't anything new.  Remember Missou when this this whole thing started.  A black grad student who was the son of a millionaire went on a hunger strike because allegedly some redneck drove through town and yelled the N word.  And some student drew a swastika with shit in a stall.  There was no evidence of any of this, but people accept it as true.  That was the oppression that required the creation of safe spaces and the courageous hunger strike of the son of a multi-millionaire. 

These people aren't protesters.  They're rioters.  Protesters don't launch explosive devices, Molotov cocktails, and bricks at police officers.  Protesters don't try to storm police stations and federal buildings.  Rioters do all of these things, and the extreme left is talking about defunding/removing police in the largest crime waive in decades. 

A buddy of mine knew the guy in Austin who got wasted last night.  He's shared all the facebook conversations.  Guy was a total loon looking for conflict and had even given an interview moments before he was killed talking about using his AK on police and how everyone was a pussy to stand up to him.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 

Biden won't condemn this violence because CNN, MSNBC, the Times and WaPo have refused to acknowledge the violence and created a narrative that all these rioters are good people standing up for racial injustice.  If Biden calls out their violence, he's at direct odds with the media that is his only hope of winning the election.  If Joe Biden has to give public speeches and express his ideas, he loses.  He can't run as a moderate and as a far left loon if he's required to take a stance.  So Biden remains mum, uninformed yokels bitch about the non-existent boogaloo boys as an existential threat, and completely ignore that the body count and damage from these rioters far exceed any of the examples they try to use as justification. 

Black militia shows up in Louisville under false pretenses, and some moron has a negligent discharge that sends 3 to the hospital. Media is mum. White militia shows up across the country to protest lockdowns, no one is injured, but the media portrays them as the scum of the earth.

Normal people are getting fed up with it, and the media can't keep lying and omitting indefinitely.  YouTube and social media have destroyed their monopoly on information, and anyone with 20 seconds can scan thousands of videos of the violence and damage wrought by these protesters.  Their energy is the only thing Biden is clinging to in order to win in November.  No one is excited about Joe Biden as a candidate.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Btw, BLM has been completely co-opted by spoiled, privileged white kids. The NAACP has now turned on the protesters for appropriating black causes/issues for their own means... But the media continues to justify and protect them. Where does this go?

Btw, how can you criticize one group not social distancing, but praise another? Does covid really care?

And why hasn't Joe condemned the violence? They just found a body burned to death in a building burnt in protests.

...And protesters would have fit pretty perfectly with the confederacy, so there's some irony there.

I'm going to guess that Joe doesn't have to address this...this is all happening on Trump's watch. It does him little favor to address it.

I still think there is way too much blending of all the groups involved here. A group called antifa are the bad guys according to conservatives and there are plenty of reports of white supremacists continue to try and fuel the flames.

What I've never liked about antifa is it's a VERY broad term describing anyone who disagrees with Trump and the current iteration of the Republican Party. I've never really liked the term and try not to use it.

I applaud anyone who has taken the term BLM to included socioeconomic ones. That may not what was originally intended...but it is at the root of racial injustice in this country.

Even when the north 'freed' the slaves...they only did it for economic reasons. Not necessarily for moral reasons. Paying someone minimum wages and telling them to go figure it out and be back the next day to do it all over again is really no freedom at all.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

I do fine it amusing that the GOP is still moving forward with this steel dossier stuff and political retribution during a pandemic and amidst massive social unrest....

I guess they think this is red meat for their base? I dunno...

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