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 Rep: 44 

Re: New Album Thread

sp1at wrote:
Will wrote:
sp1at wrote:


February 2016  Recording started in 2016, Izzy involved in the writing?

There is one other tantalising detail to this story. A hint that, if true, would change the complexion of the reunion. The prospect of a new album, or at the very least, some new material.

“I hope they’ve done it already [begun recording],” says Niven. “Duff and Izzy were in the studio before Christmas doing stuff. At a casual glance I think they’ve got at least a couple of tracks down. There has to be an element of creativity. Guns N’ Roses is about a spirit, about individuality. It can’t just be purely fiscal. It must be about legacy. After all, you don’t see many hearses with luggage racks. … eir-return

Izzy shot this rumor down back in 2016:

At this point in time I`m not involved in the upcoming 2016 gigs . I`ve been writing new material but I have not been writing or recording anything with the GNR guys .

I can't remember the exact date, but Izzys referring to the upcoming GNR gigs meaning the Troubadour/Vegas/Coachella gigs right at the start of NITL smile If Nivs interview was in February, and the GNR gigs started early April, then Izzys update would have been sometime in March.

Cool, thanks Will. I removed it from the first post

 Rep: 4 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:
wasted2019-2028 wrote:

Any update on Down by the Ocean or any of the Izzy songs Axl got?

He asked them for either 2001 or 2000.

Axl only ever confirmed that Down by the Ocean was a title of an Izzy track, he never said if the tracks ever got used. If they were, they were probably used post these rough mix sessions.

Izzy was saying Axl 3-4 of his songs but didn’t know what would happen to them. Izzy is basically a song writing machine, different from Axl in a way because he plays more guitar and can do vocal melodies. Anyway those 3 or 4 songs could be the missing piece to the next album. With them playing Locomotive you can see why Izzy isn’t touring. The whole thing is much bigger. But for an album to get a couple of Izzy nuggets like DTJ and a Time Gone By.

 Rep: 476 

Re: New Album Thread

misterID wrote:

Just read an interview with Gerald Casale of Devo. He was talking about bands that cover his music and he said:

It was funny when Zach de la Rocha and Rage did “Beautiful World,” they turned it into this sad, slow dirge. And so did Soundgarden; they turned one of our songs into a slow dirge. They grunged it up. And there are a lot more examples. One of the things that didn’t happen—that I heard was going to happen and never did, that I’m really sorry didn’t—is that supposedly Guns N’ Roses was going to do “Freedom of Choice.” Can’t you hear [Axl Rose] going, “Freedom of choiiyoooice?” It would have been a hit, and I would have made money! [Laughs.]

I don't see classic GN'R covering Devo

 Rep: 664 

Re: New Album Thread

James wrote:

I don't see them doing it either.

He may be referring to the Chinese era.

Soundgarden's Girl U Want is amazing....

 Rep: 4 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:

I think Sepultra covered Devo, I can see Axl having a Devo fetish.

 Rep: 18 

Re: New Album Thread

exoterica wrote:

Lollypoz rumor turned out to be true.

GNR playing in Brazil in March.

This is relatively within the 6 month window Fernando mentioned on Reddit.

 Rep: 4 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:

Reddit seems like a dangerous place to be. Everytime I go on there it’s whoa whoa chill chill chill. It’s like pouring acid into open heart surgery. How dare you slide into my dms.

 Rep: 4 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:

A track listing is taking shape

Atlas Shrugged
Tonto/Going Down
State of Grace
Soul Monster

Quick Song
Eye On You
Ides of March

Cerulean wind
 Rep: -6 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:

A track listing is taking shape

State of Grace
Atlas Shrugged
Soul Monster

Quick Song
Eye On You
Ides of March

Don't forget Silkworms, Cuban Skies, Going Down, The General...

 Rep: 4 

Re: New Album Thread

wasted wrote:
Cerulean wind wrote:
wasted wrote:

A track listing is taking shape

State of Grace
Atlas Shrugged
Soul Monster

Quick Song
Eye On You
Ides of March

Don't forget Silkworms, Cuban Skies, Going Down, The General...

Silk and GD worth keeping in mind as they have vocals. GD could be a single.

Not sure what Cuban skies is and lost track of The General.

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