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 Rep: 0 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

daveboy wrote:

Anybody know where I could see it? Link, PM, whatever.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Mikkamakka wrote:
D-Machine wrote:

Thanks guys!

Finck one writing credit!!!!!! I knew it!

That's a real surprise since he got writing credit for Shackler in the first place.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin16 wrote:
Captain Winkler wrote:

fuck sake you people, 'thrown together' is the most repeated rhetoric in this thread, you're like politicians, its clearly a draft, you actually think they'll let it be published with grammatical and lyrical errors? and how the fuck does it seem thrown together? its a booklet, a booklet similiar to that of any other CD; liners notes, artwork(nice artwork tbh), lyrics and thank yous.  but everyone's up in arms
"oh shit this thing is just despicable i cannot believe the band would once again do this to the fans, they should have had davinci paint something for the book, i want a 5 page short story on each song written by tolkien! what he's dead!?!? DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE IF HES DEAD?!?! AXL I HATE YOU WHAT A SHITTY BOOKLET"

Does it ever become a drag being a tube steak on a daily basis?

Captain Winkler
 Rep: -17 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Axlin08 wrote:

Does it ever become a drag being a tube steak on a daily basis?

whats a tube steak?

 Rep: 0 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

bryanblade wrote:

can somebody pm me the booklet

 Rep: 30 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

jimmythegent wrote:

I really like the cover and red star - that works great and has the artistic integrity and resonance I always thought this record would have.

I can live with most of the rest, but I agree with james in the sense that the Chinese symbolism in parts is a bit ham-fisted. Especially the central booklet with who I assume is Mao. 

The errors however, are completley unfathomable to me. Surely that is a rough first cut
and these will be ironed out. How could an album that has supposedly had every detail obsessed over, include so many errors?

As for the credits? Some real surprises there. Pretty clear that along with Axl; Bucket, Huge and Dizzy have been the main creative foils. It would seem Huge assumed the Izzy role. The Fortus nutswingers must be feeling very disillusioned indeed. I'd love to hear Nesquick's view of these developments.

A little bit sad that only Bumble took the time to thank the fans - my estimation of him has just gone up markedly.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Saboteur wrote:

Can I get a PM for the booklet? Thanx

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

Sky Dog wrote:

James was right on Tobias and Fortus. I always thought Tobias would get writing credits. However, I didn't think he would actually play on the album. Wonder why Axl didn't put his pic in there?

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

monkeychow wrote:

Booklet is cool to me. Makes me WAY excited for the album - makes it all seem 10000 times more real. I'm holding out from audio tho to keep some interest. But i gather from this Brian May is not on catcher? Interesting...I thought his solos on the demo were very iconic interested to eventually hear what they thought was better than that!

 Rep: 53 

Re: Chinese Democracy Liner Note Discussions *EXTREME SPOILERS*

elmir wrote:

the more i look at this, the more i think that it is just a proof....the type alignment is all over the place, like someone just pasted it in there without paying too much attention, and like dreamline said there are no staples visible, so its not a scan, someone got it from the design studio itself...i hope some major changes happen to needs to be finished off...

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