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 Rep: 64 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

Dreamline wrote:

Didn't see this posted here yet so...


(From … 38,00.html )

Not very funny and mostly cheap shots.  Though I did chuckle at "trying to shut down the internet to avoid leaks."  They should've made that take up half of the graph.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

-Jack- wrote:

Eh... at least make it funny if you're going to poke fun at the band hmm. Cocaine and the new GNR is about as far away apart as it was close to the old band. The band isn't filled with rock n roll partiers or anything.. they're hired guns (I don't mean that in a bad way either)

Maybe it's funny for people who know nothing about new GNR (most people)... but it falls flat on me...

 Rep: 287 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

Aussie wrote:

^ I agree at least try and make it witty and relevant, may I suggest:

$1.3M Late/Curfew Fees
$4.6M Fully equipped studio sitting idle for 14 of the last 15 years
$70K Lost Motorcycle
$2M Beggars and Hangars On (no pun intended)
$500K To buy off HTGTH, Mygnr and
$2M Lawyers fees for bad PR law suits (e.g Dr Pepper and Skewerl)
$30K For a perpetual advertisment for new guitar players, drummers, managers and excuses.
$1M Riot damage and cancelled concert fund
$100K special fund to monitor and then abuse fans that dare question the direction things are heading
$1M Exorcisms, hocus pocus and other spiritual crap
$100K Extended phone calls to Mister Saint Laurent
$200K Special fund to monitor forums and respond to irrelevant and inconsequential questions and postings like the skip in Scraped.  Unfortunately the fund was exhausted before important questions such as who is in the band could be answered.
$10 For blank discs to burn unreleased tracks for friends in Portugal
$100K to promote every side project imaginable (Hookers N Blow, Psychedlic Furs, Pisser and Snitch etc etc).
99 cents for CD promotion budget
99 cents for web development and updates of the offical GNR website.

TOTAL $13,000,012.98

The above is meant as a lighthearted piss take - not to offend.  19

 Rep: 39 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

-Jack- wrote:

^ Yeah something like that would work big_smile.

Maybe a little less detailed (somethings only fanboys would know and laugh at) but much better haha

 Rep: 30 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

sandman wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Eh... at least make it funny if you're going to poke fun at the band hmm. Cocaine and the new GNR is about as far away apart as it was close to the old band. The band isn't filled with rock n roll partiers or anything.. they're hired guns (I don't mean that in a bad way either)

Maybe it's funny for people who know nothing about new GNR (most people)... but it falls flat on me...

i agree, it's not even a little bit funny.

but i believe Tommy does coke.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

GNRBABY wrote:

That is CLASSLESS! I think even Axlin08 can agree they went too far. "broken stuff" = LAME what a joke. This is slander...

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

For such a prestiges magazine, this is very much in poor taste.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

PaSnow wrote:

I don't care so much about it being poor taste, but it just isn't funny. Not even at all. Plus it's like a 6th grader came up with it while goofing off in class. I'm with Jack & Aussie, at least make it funny!!  It's Time magazine for crying out loud, not some shitty ass persons blog!

 Rep: 423 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

buzzsaw wrote:

I wonder when Axl is going to make a statement suing Time magazine?  Unfortunately, I'm serious.

 Rep: 38 

Re: Time magazine makes fun of the saga

dr_love6977 wrote:
-Jack- wrote:

Cocaine and the new GNR is about as far away apart as it was close to the old band.

Have you ever really looked at Tommy Stinson?

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