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 Rep: 287 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

Aussie wrote:

This is pretty funny.  Adriana Smith - the girl moaning in the Rocket Queen song - has been spamming mygnr with posts about her new band.  People have got pretty sick and tired of it and haven't been shy about telling her.

Anyhow, it seems some of the sledging got to her and she posted a long rant.  After reading it I can't see her going to any more Reckless Road signings or other "love ins" with Slash or Adler.

BTW - I think her comments about Perla are accurate.  Here is a snippet of it with a link at the bottom.  She clearly dropped out of school before they conducted the lesson on what a "paragraph" is.  There is more on the link at the bottom:

I would just like to respond to all of you that are trying to make sense of all of the rumors regarding Axl and I. Axl and I were and still are friends. Axl saw an artistic opportunity when we were both in NY and so "Rocket Queen." happened.The truth is I am not ashamed of that. I was the only person that appeared on AFD, besides the band, and for that I am honored and grateful that I may have been able to lend anything to the album and the band. I may have been "dating" Steven Adler at the time and Axl may have been "dating" Erin Everly, but both relationships waxed and waned continuously. I do not regret anything I have ever done for Axl and that band:remember! Steven himself benefited from our act and that has kept him in the $. Lying, manipulating, and using drugs and people, including his current wife Carolina, are just some of the investments he has used his carreer for. Erin merely wanted to control and suck the life and $ out of Axl and blame him for her own shortcommings. Perhaps her marriage to him could or would have lasted if she actually loved the guy and didn't go around lying about him and creating public spectacles like a divorce based on more untruths. You see, Axl is the only one standing up to the press and all of the critics. Everyone blames Axl for everything. Well, I am here to tell ya that's just plain bull. Slash hasn't told people the truth. He likes to hide behind a book that is shabbily written at best. Slash's recant of the past is lacking. How in the hell could someone who was passed out all of the time remeber anything? Slash lied about me in his book stating that Axl and I were fucking the whole time in NY. I should sue him for slander! When I journeyed to NY it was to hang with Slash who was my drinking buddy. I had no idea that Axl would be there, and what no one even mentions is that Izzy was there too. i paid for my own ticket with the help of my stripper girls, including Izzy's ex, and had my own place to stay in Alphabet city with my friend kelly McDaniels. I slept in bed with Slash every night on that trip, something he failed to mention in his book, probably for fear of reprocussion from his ever controlling evil wife Perla. We were not sexual; Slash was trying to keep me and Axl from screwing, or from Axl & I getting the party started! Slash was Steven's childhood friend and saw me as Steven's girlfriend. I always thought Slash and I would be tight friends, it really boils my blood to know that he plays a different tune these days and is married to such a controlling and obnoxious woman with no style. And as she has informed me directly I am " not even on their Christmas mailing list." Whatever.As far as things go, I am glad Axl has moved on and kept GNR rolling. It could never have stayed the same. Steven was so high he couldn't keep time on the drums, hence Matt Sorum. Axl was not the one who initiated Steven's dismissal from the band. Axl was not the one who walked away from GNR to start a new mediocre band with a skinny little junkie the way what kind of logic is that? Let's start a band with a known screw-up. how long was Scott Weiland even sober when that trainwreck started?!! What the hell does that look like for Axl, the guy who has all of the original guys tattooed on his fucken arm? Who was loyal and who wasn't....duh! And then all of the fans preaching for a re-union? Spare me. At this point, it would be Axl doing Slash and his gold-digger bulldog of a wife a favor! And as for Steven, he can't keep his shit together long enough to make it through a 4 week filming of a reality show. Isn't that proof enough of where his loyalty is at? At one time I was offered a quite alluring proposition by Axl to come along on tour and dance on stage for AFD first tour. i could not do that because of my loyalty to mine and Steven's relationship and because GNR was Steven's band in my eyes. What a mistake! Steven has thrown me under the bus again and again to save his own selfish ass. And as recently as lately, with an upcoming VH1 special that is to air in March, I offered him an opportunity to meet the folks in charge of filming and get a spot in this documentary, in hopes of helping him with his sobriety and new cover band...covers of GNR oldies. Steven, who was never truly sober anyway, got a hold of dope. Who gets the call? Me! I am now touted as a villaness for his behavior. I am fucking 15 years clean and sober. I am not Steven's mommy. I do feel sorry for his current friends that don't truly understand the nature of addiction and have such resentment(which is the dubiuos luxury of the "normal" person, by the way) toward me. Steven's wife is a 23 year old brat, fresh outta diapers whose rich Argetinian parents sent over to America to marry one of the boys in GNR. Her first pick- Slash. he didn't want her, so Steven, who would fuck a post , took her. As for comparing Chinese Democracy to anything the Current line-up of GNR is doing ...there is no comparrison! The new Cd shreds anything GNR has done in the past. It is the best GNR to date because it is Axl's vision...clearly. Axl has proved that there is no GNR without him. he has the creativity, the insight , and the swagger to keep the music selling. Todate, he has made the most expensive album in history. Who else can claim that? Axl is, and has always been the man. it is just a shame that anyone would second guess his vision. And too bad for the death of guitarist extraodrdinairre, West Arkeen. West was the other masterful songwritter who worked so closely with Axl to push GNR to legendary status. all of the early days are gone, and apparently so are many of the friends that I expected to remain true to me forever. And by the way fuck all of you who think I look like a man, or am not still hot. I am hotter than hell, and can still bust your balls in one crack. What it all comes down to is that no matter how much people criticize on this site, no one else has the moxie to come out and speak the truth. You all have hidden your faces and names behind false pretenses in fear that someone you know will recognize your critical asses or that someone will not like you. Boo-hoo! What is it again that you have done, or are currently doing in your life besides judging others? hahahah! go fuck yourselves and kiss my lilly-white ass. Anymore fucked up questions or criticisms about me or Axl? … 5&start=75

 Rep: 118 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

mickronson wrote:

Can anyone say "Nut swinging Hanger ON".. She sounds reallllll classy, I bet Axl`s proud to have a girl like that watchin his back.. All i could hear in my head whilst reading all that was a baby crying..waaaahhhh waaahhh

"Shreds anything done in the past" >?
I have a gnr related tat or 2 as well. Must mean I`m more loyal than Duff and Slash!!! Shit, I`m an axlite and never even knew.. 17

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

misterID wrote:

Best..... Post...... Ever!!!!!!!!


Usually I shy away from posts that long, but that thing got better the more I read. That was one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Fan-fucking-tastic. Someone needs to invite her here.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

strat0 wrote:

Some of it sounds reliable...most of it sounds like a bitch who is complaining becuase no one will talk to her anymore.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

Axlin16 wrote:

What's this chick's number?

She is fucking HOT!

Best, most accurate statement i've read in a long time.

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

Sky Dog wrote:

classic.......prozac and xanax do wonders.

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

AtariLegend wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Slash was trying to keep me and Axl from screwing, or from Axl & I getting the party started!

I guess this is why Axl will die before a reunion happens.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

misterID wrote:

I looked her up to see what she looked like and the first picture I found was her lying naked in bed with Axl, another chick and Slash. 16

 Rep: 118 

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

mickronson wrote:

I see nothing special about her

Re: Rocket Queen Moaner Moaning Again

Sky Dog wrote:
misterID wrote:

I looked her up to see what she looked like and the first picture I found was her lying naked in bed with Axl, another chick and Slash. 16

"I am hotter than hell, and can still bust your balls in one crack. "

my kind of woman....:haha:

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