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Re: Michael Jackson Discussion
Michael became marked for destruction when he challenged the establishment with "They Don't Care About Us". Don't know about his death, but since then the media certainly had an agenda to demonize him. It's certainly possible they murdered him though. Not like they haven't before. Heart attacks and cancers are the new magic bullets.
Re: Michael Jackson Discussion
I'm not really arguing one way or the other. Just saying MJ was a truth teller and they usually end up dead when they become celebrities. You can't really argue against that there was a conscious and consistent campaign against him after Dangerous. In my experience the people capable of doing that are also capable, and motivated, to go that extra mile.
Murray will likely get off with a few months. Not exactly a Hyman Roth mission if the money's good enough, and he's the only link you need.
Point is we don't know about these things since the authorities are always covering it up. But the possibility should always be considered when free spirited people wind up dead. If you start to look around well known people have a lot of "accidents". By doing that, just maybe the truth would come out in time once in a while. Like in the middle ages with Nixon and Watergate.
Re: Michael Jackson Discussion
Axlin08 wrote:The whole thing is retarded. I love how the media "cares" for Michael now, and only a few years ago he was 'Wacko Jacko: Pedophile'.
Had an interesting discussion with my mother about the whole thing, who's been around medical treatment and strong drugs for most of my life.
She had the opinion that Jackson was an addict, but Murray took advantage of that and violated the code of ethics for Doctors, and that Murray is full on guilty of that and should be punished.
I still see Murray as a scapegoat for Michael's addiction, and all this celebration is nothing but a wake after a popular member of the tribe was butchered, so to speak.
Michael was an addict. Deal with it. Murray was nothing more than his connection. Plenty of other doctors exist for nothing but being connections to celebs. Corey Haim, Lindsay Lohan, Elvis, Slash, etc.
Yep. In the last few days I've had people be like "WOW! I bet you're happy since the verdict came down!" because of how big of an MJ fan I am. And that puzzles me so my response has been "Well, I guess I'm happy in that one of the people responsible for his death was found guilty..."
I then go on to explain how MJ himself was very much responsible and I even had one person say "Oh, I thought you were a fan..."
As if I'm "not a fan" because I can see the man had shortcomings and even (GASP!) an addiction!
That's why I don't ever want this place to fully become HTGTH. There's nothing wrong with positivity, but the people over there, Axl's inner circle included, seem to have this feeling that ANYTHING negative or critical is "not a fan".
MJ attracted fans like that by droves. So did Elvis & John Lennon. Fanatical types.
I can't stand that shit, and frankly people like that make me nervous, real nervous... like one hand on the gun behind my back nervous. Real Mark David Chapman stuff.