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 Rep: 664 

Re: Paranormal Activity

James wrote:

One other thing I'd like to add....

Not sure why they felt the need to tack on a different ending. I mean, neither ending was happy, so why change it? It was obvious what happened even if you weren't willing to show it.

I'm already having flashbacks of the film....

A blanket moved a millimeter across the bed. I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight!!!!@@@@111!!1

 Rep: 475 

Re: Paranormal Activity

misterID wrote:

Wow. I'm glad I didn't see it yet. The over promotion put a bad taste in my mouth. And when all the reviews said that it was a film you HAD to see at the theaters, that kind of told me it would be the old "cat jumping out of the closet" scares that really do nothing for me.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Paranormal Activity

James wrote:
misterID wrote:

Wow. I'm glad I didn't see it yet. The over promotion put a bad taste in my mouth. And when all the reviews said that it was a film you HAD to see at the theaters, that kind of told me it would be the old "cat jumping out of the closet" scares that really do nothing for me.

Here's the funny thing....

There aren't even any jump scares. 14 I'm literally scratching my head at not only the success of the film, but how any sane person could consider this a scary movie.

We know why it succeeded. The fake hype was kicked up a notch and the twittering sheep ran into the slaughterhouse(theater) with grins on their faces. The head scratcher is when exiting the slaughterhouse actually being able to defend it. People should just admit they were duped instead of trying to act like a chandelier moving a centimeter made you let out a blood curdling scream.

I wish I had also waited for the insane hype to die down and watch it without any of that bullshit attached, but I gave in to curiosity. I should have waited a year or so, but by then the sequel will be in theaters. 16

I also wish I lived in one of the cities where these supposed plants were having a screamfest during it. Would have been worth multiple viewings for that absurdity alone.

 Rep: 0 

Re: Paranormal Activity

timmah wrote:

If you guys wanna see a movie done right, check out REC (remade by the American folks as Quarantine):

 Rep: 475 

Re: Paranormal Activity

misterID wrote:

I've already seen Quarantine, so that probably just ruined REC for me. But they are making REC 2...

 Rep: 205 

Re: Paranormal Activity

PaSnow wrote:

I watched Blair Witch last weekend, and give it major credit for inventing a new genre (homemade videos 'being' the movie).

The problem is now it's been done, but also it will never get away from bad acting. It's just not believable. Granted, most horror movies have bad acting anyway, but this 'reality show' kind of acting is just annoying. IMHO at least.

Can't believe the overhype this movie got. Haven't seen it yet. Just watched the trailer on youtube now, llooks dumb. What's the deal, is this version the Spielberg remake, or is this the original?!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Paranormal Activity

Axlin16 wrote:

The Blair Witch sucked from day one. It was another overhype job.

That is one of the most godawful, unscary films i've ever seen.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Paranormal Activity

PaSnow wrote:

But it was original. It broke down that 4th wall in a way as the cast was just one of us in a sense.

And if you think that was bad...... I saw Blair Witch 2. IN THEATERS!!  (Wasn't a huge bwp fan, just happened to see the 2nd with a girl on an ill-advised idea)

 Rep: 664 

Re: Paranormal Activity

James wrote:

There is no Spielberg remake. I think that was just part of the marketing gimmick. Let people think Spielberg is doing the remake, then announce the original is being released to reignite the buzz.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Paranormal Activity

PaSnow wrote:

Ohh, ok.  It's funny, all the people I knew at work & stuff who were saying "I've heard it's sooo scary" have toned it down alot. I figure eitehr they saw it, or their friends saw it, and word of mouth circled back that it's not all that.

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