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 Rep: 28 

Re: How far for GNR?

emcitymisfit wrote:

Long term damage kind've assumes that everything downloaded (or nearly everything) would be bought. The only CDs I've bought, I've downloaded first.

 Rep: 664 

Re: How far for GNR?

James wrote:

Only artists I'll buy from without hearing anything are Axl and MIA. Everyone else gives me a taste test sponsored by Pirate Bay.

Consumers aren't to blame for this mess. Its the labels. They made sure to kill off the record store culture, and they're just about to nail that coffin shut completely. This forces people into buying cds at Wal Mart, Best Buy,etc. I hate Wal Mart with a passion, and both stores have shrinking shelf space for music.  You are force fed the top 20 and a few hits collections by the labels and these stores. The only options very soon will be Itunes, Wal Mart, and torrents/blogs. I'm not driving to Wal Mart to buy a cd, and while I do use Itunes from time to time mainly for exclusives, I'm not gonna buy every song I listen to there. That leaves me with one choice.

If the artists and labels want me to buy their products, bring back the ten record stores that used to be here. Until then, don't bitch that I'm not buying. The Itunes craze proves that people are still willing to pay for music, but the labels don't want us to pay. If they did, they wouldn't destroy the ability to pay.

I fully support a handful of artists, but everyone else is being beamed to my computer through Pirate Bay and Megadownload.

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