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 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

Neemo wrote:

Round 1, Battle 28


The game with the most votes will move on to "Round 2". You have one day ... Vote!

Donkey Kong


World Series Baseball '98

Note: Please use the discussion and results thread to talk about the battles, results and general discussion about this GnREvolution Arcade Madness Tourney, just use the voting threads to place your votes.
Disclaimer: Do not forget to actually place your vote using the poll system. If you do not vote in the the poll then your vote will not count.
Tie Breaker Rule: A Tie will be broken by using the scores from, the Highest Score will move on to the next round.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

faldor wrote:

It's on, like Donkey Kong!  Usually I go for the sports games, but Donkey Kong is a classic.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 19 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

briggsy wrote:


Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

Axl S wrote:

Guys quick theres gonna be Donkey Kong kill screen 16

 Rep: 59 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Guys quick theres gonna be Donkey Kong kill screen 16

Ha the KING OF KONG awesome documentary.

Donkey Kong

 Rep: 768 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

Axlin16 wrote:

Obviously this is a major mismatch. Kong is a classic.

I voted for WSB98, as I was the one who nominated it.

It just was a really cool game, with a fairly realistic baseball game play for Sega at the time. The stadiums were also highly accurate for Sega.

It used to be a very releasing game for me, when I was dealing with lots a bullshit... it practically got me through high school. The game was escapism. Means alot in hind sight...

 Rep: 281 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Obviously this is a major mismatch. Kong is a classic.

I voted for WSB98, as I was the one who nominated it.

It just was a really cool game, with a fairly realistic baseball game play for Sega at the time. The stadiums were also highly accurate for Sega.

It used to be a very releasing game for me, when I was dealing with lots a bullshit... it practically got me through high school. The game was escapism. Means alot in hind sight...

Hey don't feel bad, I think 3 of my nominations have been voted out so far, 1 still to be determined.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GnREvolution Arcade Madness - Round 1, Battle 28

Neemo wrote:

In "GnREvolution Arcade Madness" fire represents death, when when you run out of life, it's game over, when the name is read, the decision is final and they must leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll go tally the votes.

World Series Baseball '98, bring me your torch.


The Tribe has spoken


36 survivors are left. Grab your torches and keep voting.


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