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 Rep: 205 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

PaSnow wrote:

Can someone provide the minutes & seconds where the first song is copied?

I;m no fanboy, but I don't hear much flat out copying.

 Rep: 10 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

deadsouth wrote:

can you re listen a time or two?

 Rep: 268 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Olorin wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Can someone provide the minutes & seconds where the first song is copied?

I;m no fanboy, but I don't hear much flat out copying.

The first 20 seconds of that video.

They are the same as what fades in and out again during the Riad intro just before the guitar starts.

0.26- 0.41 in Riad.

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Sky Dog wrote:

it is a very tiny electronic part.....this will settle for a nominal amount....certainly not $1 million. Sucks for Tommy since he has a writing credit. Not sure why they would name Bucket and Robin as the guitars have NOTHING to do with the alleged electronic similarities. I would think they would have just sued Guns N Roses, Uni, and the two songwriters-Axl and Tommy. hmm

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

AtariLegend wrote:

Should have just paid up before the album was released. Would another $1 million have really made a difference?

I like the track and all, but it's not really worth all the incoming arguments to defend it.

 Rep: 118 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

mickronson wrote:

BBF replaced BH`s solo... where is he on the list. Exactly, whats it got to do with BH

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

James wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Singer Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses band members and album producers copied portions of two of Schnauss' songs -- "Wherever You Are" and "A Strangely Isolated Place" -- for a song used on the band's last album called "Riad N' the Bedouins," according to the lawsuit.

14 Sorry to laugh and I certainly don't wish for lawsuits to be aimed at the band(especially Bucket and Tommy), but it was pretty obvious when this was established last year that the intro was lifted from another artists work that this was going to happen. Once the forums connected the dots, Axl should have went to these people, admitted the mistake, and either settled with them or gave them a songwriting credit.

Not sure why they would name Bucket and Robin

They probably just hate Finck, but Bucket uses a lot of samples in some of his work so maybe they think he is the one who brought the specific samples to the table.

Definitely sucks for Tommy. sad

I'd be looking in Pittmans direction over this rather than Axl

Me too, although we cant really sidestep Bucket's possible role in the use of the sample.

 Rep: 268 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

Olorin wrote:

Its been one of my favourite tracks since I heard the album, that intro always seemed like it was tacked on at the last minute though. Kills the flow a bit, I'd prefer the Riad guitars to kick in straight after Scraped ends.

Sometimes I think, if I were Axl I wouldnt want to hear the words "Chinese Democracy" ever again in my life. Talk about a headache and a half 17

The media is going to have a field day with this, implying that Axl Rose had to rip off other peoples music to make his album.

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

James wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Its been one of my favourite tracks since I heard the album, that intro always seemed like it was tacked on at the last minute though. Kills the flow a bit, I'd prefer the Riad guitars to kick in straight after Scraped ends.

I like the intro. Has always reminded me of an asian film score for some reason, although it obviously isn't.

Also agree that Riad is one of the best songs on the album. Since they clusterfucked the rollout of the album, should have just went with Riad as a single and watched how the mop flopped.

Had it been released as an instrumental, or as a single with a B side instrumental, might have been picked up for a soundtrack. The band is just heavenly on this track. If anyone needs to see the potential that 2001 line up had, just tone out Axl's vocals and listen to the music of this song.

Oh, and I prefer the demo over the album version.

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR Sued For Copying Songs

James wrote:
mickronson wrote:

BBF replaced BH`s solo... where is he on the list. Exactly, whats it got to do with BH

Suing BBF brings you no attention. Suing Bucket does.

edit: Not meant as a dig at Ron. Just the facts....

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