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 Rep: 231 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

-D- wrote:

This is meant as more of a light hearted thread. I was watching old GNR videos last night and needless to say I chuckled quite a few times

so what are some just ridiculous, WTF moments u remember

some stuff that jumps out

Don't Cry video.. why the fuck does Axl keep shaking and why does he have a cane at the end? did he sprain his ankle slipping in the snow?

MTV 2002

LOL watched that shit last night and i tried to view it from a non fan point of view..

u got a dude in an oversized jersey with crazy braids, a gothic looking vampire guy and some dude with a KFC bucket on his head...

LOL  gotta admit, if u were a fan of the old and and knew nothing about the new and u hear Jimmy Fallon talk about Guns N Roses and then see that... no bigger WTF moment imo.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

faldor wrote:

The whole Chinese Democracy saga is about as ridiculous and WTF as it gets.  That gets my vote.

How about

 Rep: 633 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 286 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

Aussie wrote:

This thread could be a bit of fun.  I am sure, like others, I will be able to dig up plenty of funny moments.

For starters how about the WTF moment when we hadn't heard shit from them for ages like is Finck still in the band, where is the album etc etc.  Then they have the gall to ask us to help them find Dan Druffs stolen motorcycle.

Oh man that still kills me thinking about that act of stupidity.  14

 Rep: 485 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

Neemo wrote:

dont cry video it was about past and future lives? oin the civil war or some shit

hurt his ankle fighting with stephanie when he tried to kill himself (obviously from character pov not real life),  the picnic is them in the afterlife?

always thought the since i dont have you was a wtf moment...and just as a ilstened the first time i'm like thinking WTF? and just then axl sings "yep we're fucked" 16 the video is just as bizarre

and wtf was was up with releasing videos back in the UYI days then reworking them and rereleasing them with more footage in them they did it for a few vids back then (LALD, GoE, Yesterdays)

 Rep: 286 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

Aussie wrote:

WTF was that fluffy feather thing that Axl was wearing when he had the fight in St Louis?  You go girlfriend! 16

 Rep: 231 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

-D- wrote:

haha or the fact Steph was able to take a gun away from him... not very manly when a bony skinny model can Steven Seagal ur ass lol

gayest moment in GNR history

 Rep: 664 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

James wrote:
Aussie wrote:

For starters how about the WTF moment when we hadn't heard shit from them for ages like is Finck still in the band, where is the album etc etc.  Then they have the gall to ask us to help them find Dan Druffs stolen motorcycle.

Oh man that still kills me thinking about that act of stupidity.  14

I still think that was some sort of attempt at a viral campaign but it backfired because hardcore fans who pick up on such things were too sick of the saga to bother putting the pieces together, so they just scrapped it.

He should have been asked about the incident in those chats instead of that Disney crap.

 Rep: 286 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

Aussie wrote:

You could be right - the whole Dan Druff name had to have been a pisstake!

 Rep: 231 

Re: GNR's most ridiculous and WTF moments

-D- wrote:

HAHA thinking about that now
can u see them sitting around constructing this awesome viral campaign where GNR fans go in search of some type of hidden clues pertaining to the album etc

so they launch it and what they get is all this venom and hatred hahahaha just awesome and yeah def WTF.

or Del using GNR's Myspace to promote his shit.

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