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 Rep: 286 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

Aussie wrote:

Yeah it's almost funny in a Homer Simpson sort of way how Adler verbalises the thoughts he has in his head.  Something will come into his mind - e.g. "Axl is bat shit crazy" and he just blurts it out without even thinking.

Whilst it's kind of refreshing that sort of honesty, he is the one guy as you say Faldor that really does need to pull his head in and say the right things and be diplomatic if he ever wants to get a look in on any reunion action.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

Axlin16 wrote:

Here's the thing. I can see Axl going on stage - on time - in order to appease the old guys.

But I NEVER see Axl letting them get a slice of that business arrangement or a share of the brand name ever again.

With that said - I think Slash will cave. I know alot of people think he holds some kind of ace in the hole, when he clearly marches to Axl's tune - everyone does. Izzy's never gonna commit to more than special guest appearences, Axl and/or Slash are never gonna want Steven to be more than a special guest, Duff has his own money and financial interests and I don't think gives a shit about buying back into GN'R... which leaves Slash as the hold out.

I think if Axl were to promise, in some form, that would guarantee good faith to go on on-time on a consistent basis, barring any unforseen emergencies or acts of misfortune, that Slash would sign up as a contract player for a reunion as long as he gets a decent slice of the revenue pie.

It will happen. It's just a matter of when. I just hope it happens sooner, rather than later, while they're feeling the good vibrations, Axl's voice is amazing, and Slash's has found both a popular and artistic resurgence.

The iron is hot as hell right now for a Guns N' Roses reunion. I hope they see that. And to all those "I want a new album", so do I, but it just isn't gonna happen. Let it go. That vault ain't opening anytime soon, and we're lucky we got CD.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Really shows how intricate this whole mess really is. It's like a game of chess. He was getting real time updates on the situation. 16

I think that's smart out of Duff too. Not that slash would punish him for talking to Axl or anything but the way people talk shit about all GNR related bands....if Duff wants to keep cool with Slash for VR purposes...probably better to have him find out now than read a GNR reunion story in some tabloid.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

apex-twin wrote:
Slash wrote:

The only thing I said about it was that... 'cause I know that they still ended up going on an hour late. And I was, like, 'Oooh.' That's the only part that would have left a bad taste in my mouth, supporting that.

Are you alluding Duff therefore supported going in late? Found that comment a bit superfluous, since he was the one who was there in the first place.

Slash wrote:

I think there's some deep-seeded stuff there. And it really can only come down to what was going on at the time when I finally said, 'I've gotta go.' And I think there was a certain sense of abandonment there. So it probably stems from that.

Over a decade of watching from the rafters as the media kept going on about how Axl ruined the band. Slash, be serious, you can't expect Ax to be that happy with you after all that, as the abandonment factor has been in the air since.

Slash wrote:

If everybody wanted to do it and it was very clear amongst us, which means we would have to clean up some personal stuff ... the biggest and most important part of it was... 'cause it seems like it would be a lot of fun to do, ... we'd have to do things way differently than we did in '91, '92, '93 and whatever... And I don't think that's changeable. That whole production would have to tighten up and be like a real working band, and I don't think that's salvageable.

When you cut off the rambling, Slash is actually pro-reunion, but has genuine issues with Axl's beggars and hangers-on. Given how mismanaged the band is, he does have a point there.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

With that said - I think Slash will cave. I know alot of people think he holds some kind of ace in the hole, when he clearly marches to Axl's tune - everyone does.

It's not that he holds some ace in the hole, it's that he has no need to bother with a reunion. He gets criticized for selling out to commercial stuff over the years, but the flip side of that is he has likely made a shitload of money over the years. Tack on his money from GN'R/VR and he is rich enough that he has no need for a reunion.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

slashsfro wrote:

I think Slash (and Axl) knows that GNR can't tour the US (at least not stadiums/arenas) without him.  I wonder whether or not some sort of compromise can be reached where Slash gets a bigger cut of the tour revenue and Axl shows up on time and is professional.  If they insist on the name I don't think it's going to work.  The interesting part for me is that last line where he talks about a real working band.  He might he be talking about recording a new album/sessions where Axl has to show up and not keep everybody waiting.

And yeah the Malibu mafia can stay at Axl's house and a real management team can be hired along with a new website designer.

I think they could probably rotate drummers where Adler shows up for a few shows (major US Cities) and Frank or Sorum does the rest  of the dates.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Izzy's never gonna commit to more than special guest appearences, Axl and/or Slash are never gonna want Steven to be more than a special guest

Then its not a real reunion. No Izzy=no reunion. Sure you could market a hybrid version as a reunion and the twittering zombies of the world may buy it, but in reality it would be nothing of the sort. They're pushing it by not including Adler but Sorum was in the band during that pre UYI hysteria so it would work. Take Izzy out of the dynamic and it changes it completely. Just because he kept a low profile does not minimize what he was to the band and what he meant to fans. It was NEVER the same after he left.

A small taste of his impact was witnessed when he showed up at Hammerstein. Crowd went nuts and the forums were batshit insane for days.

Some hybrid version of Axl/Slash/Duff, Axl/Slash, or Axl/Duff with new members or a few current CD era members has the potential to blow up in all their faces and not get the huge payday and final run at the top.

A 1991 UYI lineup reuniting is certainly marketable, but no proper shindig will occur unless its that AFD lineup.

I don't think it will be as big as it could have been years ago, but to have a chance it's gotta be Axl/Slash/Izzy/Duff and Adler/Sorum. Dizzy is expendable(no offense) but would probably be there for obvious reasons. Anything less than that, don't even bother.

Slash is actually pro-reunion, but has genuine issues with Axl's beggars and hangers-on. Given how mismanaged the band is, he does have a point there.

I think its the biggest issue of all and its extremely pathetic if a few people who had nothing to do with the band are what prevent the reunion from ever occurring.

I think that's smart out of Duff too. Not that slash would punish him for talking to Axl or anything but the way people talk shit about all GNR related bands....if Duff wants to keep cool with Slash for VR purposes...probably better to have him find out now than read a GNR reunion story in some tabloid.

It is smart and it shows how intricate the whole thing really is. People running around parroting "there will never be a reunion!!!" are playing checkers like the yes men and aren't willing to take into account all the variables.

Maybe there wont be a reunion but I still laugh when seeing that stuff. Same people saying that were the same people who said years ago that Izzy would never be involved again, Duff would never be involved again,etc. They just use that day's talking point and run with it. When the facts on the ground change, the talking point evolves to suit their needs. Then when the reunion finally does occur, their talking points will have evolved to the point where there wont be so much egg to wipe off their faces.

The typical "anti reunion" person over the years:

2005: Axl would NEVER do anything with Izzy ever again. He hates him! Look at all the negative stuff Axl said about him. I hate Matt Sorum. He always sucked! Axl would never hang out with that douche bag.

2006: Izzy being onstage with GNR was cool and its great that two old friends patched things up. Also cool how Axl and Sorum had a little chat. He'll never do anything with Slash or Duff though!!

2010: Duff being onstage was cool. Glad they patched things up. He'll never do anything with Slash though!!

You see where this is going....

 Rep: 386 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

Bono wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I still laugh at the irony of the title Chinese Democracy and then compare this to the way Axl likes to run his bands.

haha, good point! 22

Definately a good/funny point Aussie 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

Bono wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

It is smart and it shows how intricate the whole thing really is. People running around parroting "there will never be a reunion!!!" are playing checkers like the yes men and aren't willing to take into account all the variables.

Maybe there wont be a reunion but I still laugh when seeing that stuff. Same people saying that were the same people who said years ago that Izzy would never be involved again, Duff would never be involved again,etc. They just use that day's talking point and run with it. When the facts on the ground change, the talking point evolves to suit their needs. Then when the reunion finally does occur, their talking points will have evolved to the point where there wont be so much egg to wipe off their faces.

The typical "anti reunion" person over the years:

2005: Axl would NEVER do anything with Izzy ever again. He hates him! Look at all the negative stuff Axl said about him. I hate Matt Sorum. He always sucked! Axl would never hang out with that douche bag.

2006: Izzy being onstage with GNR was cool and its great that two old friends patched things up. Also cool how Axl and Sorum had a little chat. He'll never do anything with Slash or Duff though!!

2010: Duff being onstage was cool. Glad they patched things up. He'll never do anything with Slash though!!

You see where this is going....

Pretty much sums up exactly what I´m talking about when I say a reunion at some point is inevitable and those screaming from the rooftops that it will never happen will be wrong, just like they always are when it comes to bands reuniting despite the obvious differences with Gn`R´s situation that tejastech08 pointed out. Your post James is also what i was getting at when I said Duff on stage was and is a big deal while everyone else seems to sluff it off as not that important in a very similar way to what you just outlined.  More and more the burnt bridges are being repaird so it´s only a matter of time before the bridge is passable. It´s coming we just gotta wait... or not wait however ya like to phrase it.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Slash commenting on Duff with GNR

tejastech08 wrote:
Bono wrote:

Pretty much sums up exactly what I´m talking about when I say a reunion at some point is inevitable and those screaming from the rooftops that it will never happen will be wrong, just like they always are when it comes to bands reuniting despite the obvious differences with Gn`R´s situation that tejastech08 pointed out. Your post James is also what i was getting at when I said Duff on stage was and is a big deal while everyone else seems to sluff it off as not that important in a very similar way to what you just outlined.  More and more the burnt bridges are being repaird so it´s only a matter of time before the bridge is passable. It´s coming we just gotta wait... or not wait however ya like to phrase it.

I think the Duff deal is huge. The Izzy thing in 2006 wasn't as big of a deal because he wasn't in any "camp." He got the hell out before the other two and then didn't bother joining Revolver with them. Duff is in Slash's camp, so Axl and him having dinner together alone without the Malibu Mafia is a huge deal...bigger than them playing the same stage together for the first time in 17 years. Duff is the key to any reunion. We need him to serve as the mediator for Slash and Axl just like he did back in the day when they were in their prime.

Having said this, you acknowledge that this situation is more fucked up than the usual band breakups. Usually the biggest egomaniac in the band gets fired rather than gaining 100% control of the band's name. That is and always will be the biggest roadblock to a reunion. The only way it can happen is for Slash to cave on something, primarily the "equal rights" issue. Axl would probably have to cave on the issue of showing up at the right time for gigs.

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