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 Rep: 475 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

misterID wrote:

Brett Favre tried to cheat on his wife with a woman who looked just like his wife. Go figure.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

faldor wrote:

I agree the album cover is pretty bad, but I think it'd be a lot better if Sebastian wasn't on it.  Take him out of the picture, and it looks fine.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

James wrote:

Yep shitty album cover and if its on par with Angel Down, shitty album as well.

I'll pass but will give it a listen for shits and giggles.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

faldor wrote:

I enjoyed Angel Down, but I have to be honest.  I, like many others, only bought it because Axl Rose was on three songs.  So even though I did enjoy the album, I'm not so sure I'll rush out to get the follow up, unless I REALLY like what I hear.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah actually I think the cover would be more interesting if it was just Kali comming out of the flames and the that whole theme...the way Baz is in front of her does kind of confuse me a little.

In a way Axl introduced me to Baz really too, just well before Angel Down,  as I saw skid row here in 1993 when they opened for GNR, and then I went to see Baz's solo show in about 2006 here pretty much just for the hell of seeing a GNR related act at the time (as that was the phase where Baz was talking about GNR 24/7) - but his voice blew me away at the gig cos it was at a real small melbourne club at the I'm a fan these days!

 Rep: 281 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

faldor wrote:

Steven Adler approves

sebastianbach Sebastian Bach
“@StevenAdlerSite: @sebastianbach Good luck on ur new CD. Cover and title r awesome. Love ya, u GIANT fucking viking.” thanks alot buddy !!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I have no doubt Steven loves Baz's new album cover.

Steven's AA logo is fucking atrocious too.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

faldor wrote:

The music video for "Kicking and Screaming" is available for viewing.  MUCH better than the amateurish video for "Love is a Bitchslap".  And it's the first time I've heard the song, but it sounds pretty good to me.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Very RATT-ish

Interesting. Instrumentally and melodically the song is ace, but Baz seems to be a bit different from the last time we heard him.

He seems much more processed vocally, similar to the very very refined-sound of the other Frontiers Records acts.

The nice thing is the song seems to be targeting that melodic base and going after the Skid '88 fans (like myself), but the chorus of the song is very hollow and frankly weak. Kicking & Screaming needs far more PUNCH then i'm hearing, and it would GREATLY help if there was harmony backing vocals either from high-pitched Baz, the band, or backup singers, to kick the chorus into high gear.

It sounds like it could've been a really great song, and from the shell of the chorus it sounds promising - but it needs work. I'm kind of shocked they let it go out sounding like that. Baz just kind of sings in the same key the whole entire song, and never really leaves that. Vocals come across as one take, and "needs more work". Like Baz cut it, then just through it into the mixing board, refined it, and that was the song.

It just leaves me wanting to take the song and go "fix this, fix this, fix that, leave that, do this better, try this again". And then you have a big song.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Sebastian Bach Thread

misterID wrote:

That sounds a lot better than what I was expecting, especially for Baz. Much better than Ratt, I don't really hear that. It has a polished, post grunge sound.

It's not something that I would buy, but its pretty good.

That kid is a really good guitarist, though.

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